Hi there, I'm Martha (Marta) and as you can see I'm from Poland Age 22, future vet, in love with animals, books, music, Sherlock, Benedict Cumberbatch and Disney's Lion King :D I'm new to Sherlock's community but I've already seen all 3 series about 6 times so I hope it's a good start
So, onec again, hello everybody and have a nice day :D
PS. I'm not good at English so sorry for my mistakes
Welcome, Marta, nice to have you here. Sounds like the best start. And do not worry, your English is fine and we have man non-native speakers here, including myself.
Hi, warm welcome from me as well
Welcome Martha, really creative name of the topic
The same country (północ, południe? Jeśli mogę spytać), the same name and the same age - I had to make sure I wasn't reading my own post! But it's ok, I'm not going to be a vet Welcome Marta!
About the name of the topic: maybe not everyone had noticed (OK, probably only we, Poles, had noticed and we are crazy about it) but Sherlock's suicide mission was supposed to begin in Poland (from The Last Vow: click)
batchlock - thank you very much
Marta - I live in Warsaw all my life
About the name of the topic: maybe not everyone had noticed (OK, probably only we, Poles, had noticed and we are crazy about it) but Sherlock's suicide mission was supposed to begin in Poland (from The Last Vow: click)
When I saw it for the first time I couldn't stop laughing
Welcome to the forum, I hope you have bundles of fun!!
Welcome, MartaSt! Have fun on the forum Even two Polish I can see in this thread, makes me wonder how that happened suddenly, hah! Good to know I'm not alone anymore :]
Hello and welcome to the forum.
I'm from Poland too. Not called Marta though.
Hi, and welcome to the forum! And yes, that is a very good start!
Hello and welcome to the forum!