For Sherlock or for anything else really. (eg: joining forums, writing fanfic, etc...)
If your list is very long, pick ONE & elaborate/explain
Why don't you start?
Ok, I'll give it a go, though it is in no way spectacular and will probably bore everything out of you:
My parents took my children to London last summer and I gave them coloured pictures of Martin and ben, I told my mum to go to North Gower Street to get me autographs. I blackmailed them a bit telling her it was my only wish for my 40th birthday. My mum didn't want to go but did anyway when I told her that I always read how nice and respectful towards fans the cast is and that they are really trying to get in touch with them. It was july and I thought that would be exactly the time of setlock.
But it wasn't. They must have been in Cardiff at that time. My mum asked the staff of "Speedy's" but they wouldn't know, they said they always knew just a few days in advance.
So I have a photo of Speedys.
So maybe this is rather " The fanniest thing someone has ever done for me", isn't it?
I've not yet done any crazy fan things I suppose, other than that I once made a load of fake email accounts to send loads of emails and sign petitions for the band Tokio Hotel to put Denmark on their tourplan. Which they did... and I was so excited until the front singer got sick. I don't even think they ever came here...
And then there's the Eurovision, Yes I am a major fan girl and have been since I was 10. Back then I literally informed my mother than next time it was in Denmark I wanted to take part some way. So when we won last year I contacted the Danish broadcaster about the possibility to work for it while Emmelie was still singing the song for the last time. A week later they emailed me back that they weren't doing the employment... A soon as I by chance found a job listing on facebook to become a Delegation host I sent in an aplication at 2am.
And here we are, I am officially working as a Delegation host for Ireland, one of the most important jobs in the Eurovision! And I'm leaving for the airport in an hour and a half!
Last edited by This Is The Phantom Lady (April 29, 2014 2:19 pm)
Concerning Sherlock it definitely was watching HLV with 10 other girls in a small hotel room on a small tv screen ... after watching TEH and TSoT via notebook and projector in the same room.
If I stay THAT keen on the show and Benedict there will certainly be much(!) more to come.
Because of my favourite band and singer I got to know several places in England I wouldn't have got any idea of without them. For example spend 2 weekends in different Butlins holiday parks (that's a "treat") for events with the singer.
As a whole all the traveling I did ... the money I spent ... it's not easy to be a fan.
None of this is Sherlock-related, but here's my top 5. And I apologize that it's quite wordy, but I just can't boil this down to mere bullet points.
1) I've worked Flying Doctors related fannish things into an 8-week vacation trip to Australia, including a visit to the TV studio (they showed us all the decommissioned props in a huge warehouse), meeting four of the show's actors, and taking a several hundred kilometer detour to the tiny town where the show's exterior was shot. We stayed there overnight in the only hotel in town. This was in 1995. I have also attended several fanclub meetings, including one where two of the actors were present.
2) I attended a Star Trek convention. Okay, this isn't so unusual, but I'm not usually a con person. It was a smaller con in Germany (Galileo IV) in 2000. I talked to all the actors who were there, and actually managed to get them to sign/write something on a letter to a friend who had to cancel on short notice. Max Grodénchik was super cool, he wrote half a page in the letter for my friend and would probably have written more if I hadn't stopped him.
3) I've flown to LA for a week for a Joan of Arcadia revival tour. We managed to meet four of the actors in different settings (got two interviews for our website out of it too), were invited to a private screening of a movie that hadn't been released at the time, and witnessed a sound editing session of an episode of Bones. This was in 2008. It was the fan trip of a lifetime, at least for any JoA fan.
4) I flew to the UK for a 3-hour Murdoch Mysteries fan meeting -- and I'm not even a fan of the show. It's kind of a long story that surrounds our "Save Bomb Girls" campaign (a campaign to save a cancelled show), but I basically flew there to get to meet the author of the Murdoch Mysteries novels who actually lives in Canada but was present at the meeting. I managed to chat to her and her husband for a bit, and we met again when I flew to Toronto a few months later. This was in early 2013.
5) In September 2013 I flew to Canada on vacation, and had timed it so that it might have been possible to finagle a set visit to the Bomb Girls set -- if the show hadn't been cancelled in the meantime. But I still managed to meet again with Maureen (above mentioned MM author) who gave us a Murdoch Mysteries-themed tour of Toronto, who got us into the Shaftesbury Films office where I managed to speak to the creator of one of my all time favourite shows (ReGenesis), and she also managed to set up a meeting with Peter Outerbridge, a Canadian actor I have a fansite for.
It was basically every fangirl's dream: Sitting in a café in a relaxed atmosphere, having a laid-back 1:1 conversation with the guy while sitting straight across from him at the same table, mutually geeking out over TV shows and movies in general and Star Trek and, yes, Sherlock in particular. It was almost unreal.
During the same Canada trip, I also dragged my friend out to several exterior locations they used on ReGenesis, which was actually really fun because you got to see corners of Toronto and surroundings that you would probably otherwise have never visited. So, yeah, that was a super geeky, fannish thing to do, but I regret nothing.
Oh, and I almost forgot! Peter Outerbridge was not the only actor I met on that trip. We also met for dinner with some other Bomb Girls fans one night, which two of the recurring actors and one of the show's creators attended. I just wish I could have lasted longer, because I didn't really have time to chat to everyone. But I still feel blessed to have had such a wonderful opportunity.
The downside to all of this is that these wonderful experiences have spoiled me rotten. Because meeting an actor for half a minute at a fan convention just won't cut it for me anymore. And I feel very guilty to even be saying that...
Mine's not Sherlock, either.
When I was a student, I went to see The Who in concert.
Very big, very loud.
At one point I was standing on my chair and I shouted: "Pete Townshend, I love you!"....just as it went VERY quite. Everybody looked around and laughed at me!
Last edited by besleybean (April 29, 2014 3:47 pm)
Hard to decide, I'm such a dedicated fan of so many fandoms! Probably cosplaying Sherlock while visiting Sherlock locations in London (only last week!). And meeting Martin Freeman after seeing him in Richard III.
Apart from that, getting the tube back from a cosplay convention fully dressed as Lúthien Tinúviel from Tolkien's Simarillion (with my mum as Bilbo), and nonchalantly using Sherlock's coat replica as my day to day Winter coat do come to mind xD
I went to a Star Trek meeting, met a guy and married him.
Well, okay, it took us a few years, but still, happy end.
Last edited by Schmiezi (August 10, 2014 5:12 pm)
This is the first fan thing I have ever done - I joined this forum!
I am not generally one to drool over celebraties or obsess over a show. This is really unlike me, and it's a little scary. Perhaps this is my midlife crisis....
I ran around London with my best friend. We ate at Speedy's, visited the Sherlock Holmes Museum at 221b Baker Street, found the TARDIS, and watched a ridiculous amount of people getting their picture taken at Platform 9 3/4 (which doesn't look as it does in the movies, I'm sorry to say to those who have never been, since King's Cross did their renovations... so what, really, was the point of the pictures? We observed and left because the line was hours long).
Um... Last year, for fictional character day at school, I cosplayed as Molly Hooper and made an interesting mix of fake blood, maple syrup, and water for 'brain juice' to go with my Helen Louise prop.
Does hunting for the right Purple Shirt (you know what I'm talking about, hehe) for months count as well?
Last edited by BreathingIsBoring (August 10, 2014 9:32 pm)
Joining this forum, getting a tumblr account, deducing people in buses, planes, and boats, writing fanfic, collecting BC DVDs, driving around Germany to meet other fans or go to cinemas showing films in the original version, getting the Ikea Samtid lamp from Baker Street for my birthday, saving up for the LC 3 chair (well, a dream of mine, but maybe, maybe) ...
BreathingIsBoring wrote:
I ran around London with my best friend. We ate at Speedy's, visited the Sherlock Holmes Museum at 221b Baker Street, found the TARDIS, and watched a ridiculous amount of people getting their picture taken at Platform 9 3/4 (which doesn't look as it does in the movies, I'm sorry to say to those who have never been, since King's Cross did their renovations... so what, really, was the point of the pictures? We observed and left because the line was hours long).
Um... Last year, for fictional character day at school, I cosplayed as Molly Hooper and made an interesting mix of fake blood, maple syrup, and water for 'brain juice' to go with my Helen Louise prop.
Does hunting for the right Purple Shirt (you know what I'm talking about, hehe) for months count as well?
My mum and I did the same a week ago ! We visited the SH museum, the TARDIS and a handful of Sherlock locations (in cosplay
). We didn't get to eat at Speedy's, though
(we went to North Gower St. two times and it was closed both times). But we had lunch at the Soho tapas place where Sherlock and John waited for the taxi in A Study in Pink, and at the Sherlock Holmes inn. And seeing as we're stoic Potterheads, we did wait to have pics taken in Platform 9 3/4. We didn't like the atmosphere all that much, though, I personally would've preferred to take a pic on our own...I'm more of an individualistic fan, and I don't like entertainers shouting around, that spoiled a lot of the fun for me.
That cosplay sounds really cool! Molly's definitely on my to-do cosplay list ^^
I'm sure it counts! I'm still on the hunt, I have a red-purple one but it's not as accurate as I'd like. I think I might have found one that looks really good on Ebay
For this fandom, joining this forum!
For another show, in the late '90s, the star was doing a run at Hamlet one summer and I literally scraped together every penny I had so I could go see him perform (I was a typical poor starving student at the time). I went on a forum like this and found someone who lived in a nearby city who was kind enough to let me sleep on her for floor (tiny flat!) for two nights. I paid for Chinese takeaway the first night as a thank you for her hospitality and that was the end of my money. I made a box of crackers last the whole weekend. But it was completely worth it!
Needless to say, I'm thinking of Benedict doing Hamlet and wondering if I'm going to go if I can get a ticket. I've been looking for an excuse to go back to the U.K., have friends in London, and will be able to afford to eat, so I'm really tempted.
I'll say the things I'm doing to (hopefully) get my hands on a Hamlet ticket today...
If I manage to get one of the £30 tickets I'll have about £10 left for the rest of August until my money get through to me by the end of the month. Money I earned in a way I am really, really not proud of...
I've earned that cash doing some of the most degrading things, ugh... but I NEED the ticket to go see Hamlet next year... it's going to keep me going for another year.
If I don't manage to scrape enough money together for a hotel in London by next year; I am ready to sleep on the street for it... or well, probably even better not sleep at all while there...
It feels a bit psychotic, but I feel like this is my one big chance to actually see Benedict, and it feels perfect too! In school I used to read Hamlet when I was sad or wanted to hide away from the others...
I am trying so hard not to think of what will happen to me if I don't get a ticket with everything that has happened to me during this month... Of course it's going to happen!
I've only just realised that my daughter(who is trying to book for me) will need my credit card and to give my details!
Where are you trying to book tickets, if I might ask? I've visited this site, and I'm baffled at the queue there is, a year in advance! I know it's Benedict, but we managed to book decent Martin Freeman tickets (Richard III) less than a month in advance!
This Is The Phantom Lady wrote:
I'll say the things I'm doing to (hopefully) get my hands on a Hamlet ticket today...
If I manage to get one of the £30 tickets I'll have about £10 left for the rest of August until my money get through to me by the end of the month. Money I earned in a way I am really, really not proud of...
I've earned that cash doing some of the most degrading things, ugh... but I NEED the ticket to go see Hamlet next year... it's going to keep me going for another year.
If I don't manage to scrape enough money together for a hotel in London by next year; I am ready to sleep on the street for it... or well, probably even better not sleep at all while there...
It feels a bit psychotic, but I feel like this is my one big chance to actually see Benedict, and it feels perfect too! In school I used to read Hamlet when I was sad or wanted to hide away from the others...
I am trying so hard not to think of what will happen to me if I don't get a ticket with everything that has happened to me during this month... Of course it's going to happen!
Nothing will happen to you if you don't get a ticket. You can spend your money for more essential things (like food) and won't have to sleep on the streets. You can save more money for the next occasion which will surely come up sooner or later.
Benedict is young and you are even younger, so this will not be the last chance.
Just saying. ^^
Mattlocked wrote:
Nothing will happen to you if you don't get a ticket. You can spend your money for more essential things (like food) and won't have to sleep on the streets. You can save more money for the next occasion which will surely come up sooner or later.
Benedict is young and you are even younger, so this will not be the last chance.
Just saying. ^^
I have my ticket now. OMG
Honestly, I know this sounds so stupid... but I fear I migh have had to do something 'silly' if this didn't go through for me...
I won't go into details of the things I've been forced to do this past month; among other things to be able to afford this ticket... If I hadn't been able to get a ticket I would have felt even more used and abused... and all in vain too.
I know there's other chances... but this was the one for me I feel.
But it's happening... omg