It's definitely Moriarty for me, he's on top together with Sherlock. I love every second of Andrew Scotts performance and simply just LOVE Moriarty.
Have to say: for me it's either Moriarty or Mycroft
I like Lestrade, especially after the bear-hug and him rushing to Bakerstreet to rescue Sherlock. He sure loves him..
Molly- fave female character, Mycroft - ditto, male character. There, not so hard
Moriarty. The more I see from him the more I like him. That doesn't mean that I want him to be alive.
Moriarty in the padded cell was brilliant acting.
I wanted to choose both Mycroft and Lestrade!
I settled for Mycroft though.
Mycroft. Definately Mycroft. He's a brilliant character, played by a brilliant actor.
Mycroft. His development in series 3 is wonderful.
Totally agree, Susi.
Of course, Mycroft. I love him.
figures Moriarty is running so high... every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain, right? I love Molly tho.. Moriarty, John, Mycroft, Irene and Lestrade are all canon characters that we kinda know what they're capable of, but a female associate I suppose of Sherlock who is stepping out from the woodwork and assuming her own identity... that's kinda new, right?
You know who I'm semi-fascinated with and would like to see more of? Mr. and Mrs. Holmes. TPTB gave us just enough backstory about them to make them really interesting, and frankly, I'm curious, on a whole lot of levels.
My current fave character after S and J is Mary. Love her or hate her, she's a very impelling character.
Do you mean impelling, as she moves the story on?
Or did you mean compelling?
She fits into both categories!
besleybean wrote:
Do you mean impelling, as she moves the story on?
Or did you mean compelling? She fits into both categories!
Both. Pick a word, either word. As I said, love her or hate her, IMO no one can say the whole Mary thing wasn't fascinating.
I would pick Moriarty, stunning acting.
It was just those last moments in TGG when he absolutely blew me away in those few minutes and I even thought Ben and Martin looked a bit pale compared to him in this scene. Got even better on the rooftop.
Best thing: he is mean, mean, mean, and no one ever doubts that. The end.
mrshouse wrote:
I would pick Moriarty, stunning acting.
It was just those last moments in TGG when he absolutely blew me away in those few minutes and I even thought Ben and Martin looked a bit pale compared to him in this scene. Got even better on the rooftop.
Best thing: he is mean, mean, mean, and no one ever doubts that. The end.
Moriarty's actor, Andrew Scott, is a genius. My fave scene with Moriarty was when Sherlock and John were in what's-her-name-the-reporter's flat, and "Richard Brook" appeared. Wow. I can still remember the first time I saw that, how the fabulous acting in that room just blew me away.
ancientsgate wrote:
mrshouse wrote:
I would pick Moriarty, stunning acting.
It was just those last moments in TGG when he absolutely blew me away in those few minutes and I even thought Ben and Martin looked a bit pale compared to him in this scene. Got even better on the rooftop.
Best thing: he is mean, mean, mean, and no one ever doubts that. The end.Moriarty's actor, Andrew Scott, is a genius. My fave scene with Moriarty was when Sherlock and John were in what's-her-name-the-reporter's flat, and "Richard Brook" appeared. Wow. I can still remember the first time I saw that, how the fabulous acting in that room just blew me away.
Yes! This! The little scene when he is whiping his face and giving John that look!
Uah, scary times a million!
mrshouse wrote:
Yes! This! The little scene when he is whiping his face and giving John that look!
Uah, scary times a million!
So many great scenes with Moriarty. The thing in the Tower in London, GET SHERLOCK, Moriarty on his throne, with the crown, scepter and orb, "No rush." lolololol So well done by the cast and crew, even the music was perfect. And even my husband, who hates "Sherlock", giggled all the way through this bit.
Sorry, I've wandered off-thread. I'll stop now.
Obviously, I voted for the part I played so brilliantly! Nearly landed me in prison though...
Definitly Mycroft.
He's been my absolute favorite during the whole of Sherlock!
I love Moriarty too and am extremely glad that he reappeared in S3. Let's just hope he stays for S4.
Anderson pleased me too, he was the believer when no one believed that Sherlock Holmes was alive. And Sherlock respected him, he showed that when Anderson appeared in his Mind Palace when he was being murdered by Mary.