There are a lot of brilliant (and sometimes less brilliant) metas on series 3 on tumblr. Here is a whole collection of them discussing all sorts of aspects:
*bookmarks for future reading*
Thanks Susi!
Yes, very interesting and tempting to dive into it right now! Thanks.
OMG, can I please go on holiday for six months in order to read all this...?
Thank you for the link. Luckily I don't have to sleep
I just book-marked this link and scanned the list of topics; this will keep me busy until Series Four, at least!
Do you have a link to any analyses of the possible differing points of view comparing Series 1 and 2 vs Series 3---the first 6 episodes told from John's point of view; the recent 3 episodes told from Sherlock's?
I do not have a special link for that. But I suppose that many of the above metas cover series 1 and 2 as well (character development, POV, etc).
This sort of thing is what earned the Sherlock fandom a 7 ouy of 10 on's crazy scale.