Hello everyone !
After having joined this platform as an "invisible user" for a while, I finally decided to get part of it!
I have to apologize for my terrible english (I've had it at school but it never was one of my favourite subjects) - I also see this a chance for me to improve my english knowledge ...
I'm afraid I've become a Sherlock-addict - unfortunately it seems that I'm the only one in my environment. Therefore I'm so glad to see there many others in here . It's the first time something like that is happening to me - all I have in my mind is SherlockSherlockSherlock, I even dreamt about the series and (altough I'm not very good at it) started talking to my cats in english!
I'm looking forward to being part of this platform!!
Hey carrot, welcome to the madness!
It is nice to find a group of people that have an interest that we haven't been able to share in Real Life.
By the way, your Englsih seems to be fine, keep up the good work.
Willkommen carrot! Your English is fine and there are plenty of German speakers on the forum if you have problems. Aber...Warum 'carrot'? I hope you enjoy yourself on this forum of Sherlockians. Veil Spass!
Welcome, Carrot, what is it about you Austrians and Sherlock? You are conquering the forum . Well, maybe I'll meet one or the other Sherlock fan when I spend my holidays next month in Steiermark, that would be very nice. I'm going to take my Sherlock t-shirts to be on the safe side.
It's great to have you with us. As for myself, I love practising my English in ways that have nothing whatsoever to do with my work.
Hello carrot! So nice to have you with us! Enjoy!
Davina wrote:
Willkommen carrot! Your English is fine and there are plenty of German speakers on the forum if you have problems. Aber...Warum 'carrot'? I hope you enjoy yourself on this forum of Sherlockians. Veil Spass!
Oh don't ask me why I've chosen "carrot" as a nickname, I guess I just like carrots .
When I was thinking of which name to choose for this platform I saw a bagful of carrots in my kitchen and my decision was, sounds a bit crazy, doesn't it...
@ SusiGo
Well, don't know what's it about us and Sherlock - in fact, I haven't met any other sherlocked Austrians in real life yet, but obviously there must be some!! Maybe we can make a fan meeting sometime...
I wish you a pleasant stay in Steiermark, maybe you can come to visit Vienna soon - I'll recognize you by your t-shirt !
Natürlich auch ein Extra-Hallo an alle deutsch sprechenden Fans hier !!
Thank you all for your warm welcome !
Carrots are a perfect decent for crazy...welcome to the madness! Danke fuer den Extra-Hallo.
Willkommen bei uns Sherlock-Verrückten, carrot!
Du hast recht, es gibt noch viel zu wenig Sherlockians in Österreich bzw. in der Dichte, dass auch wir einzelne etwas davon mitbekommen würden ^^
Du kommst auch aus Wien?
Sehr schön! Ein ausgeschriebenes Fanmeeting in Wien wäre eine soooo tolle Idee! Bei Schönwetter auf einer großen Wiese Picknicken und sich über BC & Co unterhalten - ein Traum! *-*
Sorry for writing everything in german... it just came over me anderen yeah I wasn't able to stop myself
In summary I just wrote how wonderful it would be to have an Austrian Fanmeeting in Vienna with Picknick and stuff talking about BC & Sherlock My dream *-*
This sudden influx of fellow Austrians (especially Viennese) is beginning to worry me a little... do I know any of you? If you're my boss, I'm actually researching, I swear...
What I meant to say is: Hi, Carrot, welcome to the forum!
Hello! WOW, another Austrian! There're so many of you now :D
Willkommen in unserem Forum..
Ein Herzliches Willkommen aus Graz!!
Im Gegensatz zu meinem Englisch bist du Native Speaker, also keine Sorge!!
@ sherlove:
ah, du bist auch aus Wien, hallo !
Naja, falls wir noch ein paar andere Sherlockians finden, dann machen wir das doch mal, ich bin sofort dabei!
(just wrote that I would definitely join a Sherlock fan meeting in Vienna if we get hold of enough fans here)
@ hypergreenfrog
No worries, I'm not your boss I ? Just kidding!
Are you from Austria as well?
@ Sammy
Thank you for your german words !
@ BigFan
Danke sehr, aber ohne Leo (Online dictionary) könnte ich nichts ...
Wow, it's so great being here !!
Welcome, Carrot. Maybe I should learn German! This board is SO educational... But, really, I'm sure you'll really enjoy your time here--and it WILL be a lot!
Welcome, carrot. How do you say "carrot" in German?
You are among friends here.
I understand your feelings. I have never joined a forum before about anything or anybody, but here I am.
No problems with your English!
Now I think there are suddenly four of us with the moon avatar.
Welcome to the forum ! = )
Hey Carrot...welcome to the forum, you're certainly in good company here, and don't worry about your English it looks fine to me!
veecee wrote:
Welcome, carrot. How do you say "carrot" in German?
You are among friends here.
I understand your feelings. I have never joined a forum before about anything or anybody, but here I am.
No problems with your English!
Now I think there are suddenly four of us with the moon avatar.
In German, "carrot" is "Karotte" (and it's said like it's written) - so it's quite similar to the English word.
Yeah, I'm actually not very happy with my avatar, but the other suggested ones didn't convince me either. I didn't have the time yet to find MY avatar...
@ Sherli Bakerst: Good idea, so we can probably benefit from each others language skills ...
Thank you for writing my name in orange, I really appreciate it - how did you do this?
carrot wrote:
veecee wrote:
Welcome, carrot. How do you say "carrot" in German?
You are among friends here.
I understand your feelings. I have never joined a forum before about anything or anybody, but here I am.
No problems with your English!
Now I think there are suddenly four of us with the moon avatar.In German, "carrot" is "Karotte" (and it's said like it's written) - so it's quite similar to the English word.
Yeah, I'm actually not very happy with my avatar, but the other suggested ones didn't convince me either. I didn't have the time yet to find MY avatar...
Maybe a carrot wearing a death frisbee -- I mean -- deerstalker hat?
@ Sherli Bakerst: Good idea, so we can probably benefit from each others language skills ...
Thank you for writing my name in orange, I really appreciate it - how did you do this?
Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you--we were in need of some health food around here. : )
Health Food?!
What's wrong with Q*****s