Hi there
I'm Michelle, and I hail from Suffolk, Va. Not where I'm originally from, but it is where the Navy has plopped us at the moment
My husband in active duty, and I am a veteran. We have one son and a gazillion dogs, cats, rabbits and birds. Oh, and a fish named Mr. Bean ;)
I was never a huge Sherlock Holmes reader. I read the books because I found them in a dusty closet in High School, but that was about as far as that went. Then my husband dragged me (yes, dragged) to see the RDJ film and I was impressed. I found Series one of the BBC version on Netflix and was absolutely mesmerized. I have made every single person I know watch it (I know, what a shame for me, having to watch it over and over again) and they have all fallen in love with it
I think the combination of Benedict,Martin and Andrew is brilliant. In fact, there's no one so far that I have not been immediately impressed with. Ok, except Kitty Riley.
Anyways, it's nice to meet all of you :0)
Welcome, BBE! You'll find a whole bunch of us just as crazy about Sherlock as you are.
And what the heck is Sherlock doing with his tongue in his cheek in your avatar?
I am fascinated by the facial expressions BC makes. This is from Scandal in Belgravia where he shows Irene he's got her phone, tosses it up in the air and says "Well that's the knighthood in the bag."
I also love the one where when he takes his scarf off so John can hit him and as he pulls the scarf, he kind of takes his face with it. Ooh! And the one from in Kitty's flat, where he's getting more and more excited by Moriarty's acting and he kind of.. sniffs the air..
Hi, BBE,
good job in making people fall in love with Sherlock - tell us your secret how to do that...
In my experience, either it can happen very quickly or not at all.
I ply them with a good cuppa and force them to watch. Then I tell them that if they don't like it..that's...fine.......
ok. I understand. Gunpoint...
Hi Michelle. Nice to have another fellow American join us. This community is as friendly and welcoming as it is witty and brilliant I am sure like the rest of us you will be addicted in no time
Hello Michelle. Welcome to our forum of, slightly, mad Sherlockians. You come from Suffolk...but in the USA...we have one here too not very far from where I live.
I have to say it's rather nice to have somewhere to go to get my fix that isn't....porny. ;)
Most people don't mind the gun, ToBe After is just a cigarette lighter ;)
Hi there BBE!! I love your avatar... I think Sherlock is chewing the gum he got from Moriarty. (M had an extra piecec in his pocket, so....) and welcome to our club of witty sherlockians. I got my mom interested in this series, but she's not as over the moon about BC and MF as I am.
Ooh! I like that theory Kitty!
I just love the little phone dance that Ben does
Who am I kidding, I love everything he does. Except his American accent.
BrightBlueEyes wrote:
Ooh! I like that theory Kitty!
I just love the little phone dance that Ben does
Who am I kidding, I love everything he does. Except his American accent.
Where did you hear him do an American accent?
BrightBlueEyes wrote:
I am fascinated by the facial expressions BC makes. This is from Scandal in Belgravia where he shows Irene he's got her phone, tosses it up in the air and says "Well that's the knighthood in the bag."
I also love the one where when he takes his scarf off so John can hit him and as he pulls the scarf, he kind of takes his face with it. Ooh! And the one from in Kitty's flat, where he's getting more and more excited by Moriarty's acting and he kind of.. sniffs the air..
Thank you for explaining that tongue. It looks so funny out of context. It reminds me of playing "got your nose" with a little kid, and then pretending to pop it in your mouth. Wait, that's weird out of context, too, isn't it?
veecee wrote:
BrightBlueEyes wrote:
Ooh! I like that theory Kitty!
I just love the little phone dance that Ben does
Who am I kidding, I love everything he does. Except his American accent.Where did you hear him do an American accent?
Look around the 30 second mark.
veecee wrote:
BrightBlueEyes wrote:
Ooh! I like that theory Kitty!
I just love the little phone dance that Ben does
Who am I kidding, I love everything he does. Except his American accent.Where did you hear him do an American accent?
He did one in Whistleblower... DO NOT watch the whole movie unless you have a strong stomach. It wrecked me.
Also, somewhere, there's a clip of him reading something, and he's doing a southern accent. Whistleblower is weird, but not bad. Southern accent on the other hand...*looks around shiftily*
Last edited by BrightBlueEyes (June 26, 2012 2:39 am)
I truly love this man and his voice. This...sounds...
(It's Inceptlock. Ben reading Sherlock. )
Last edited by BrightBlueEyes (June 26, 2012 2:45 am)
Or here, as T.S Elliot (the adorable lisp comes out)
Welcome, Michelle, nice to have you here. My family also likes Sherlock but not as much as I do . Your enthusiasm is great, tell us again about that purple shirt
Hello Susi *waves*
My girly bits would be willing to write John Keats level Odes to the purple shirt. My brain however realizes I am new here and probably shouldn't scare you all away ;)