hey sherlockians! I'm so glad that I found this forum. I wasn't looking for anything like that but now, after scrolling through some great conversations, I'm just speechless and very delighted that I'm able to join your freaking lovely sherlock fandom! (puuuh this was a long sentence... forgive me)
I'm from Lower Austria (near Vienna) and unfortunately one of the first in my immediate area who's watching this gorgeous series of BBC.
Appearently there are some other Austrians in here (I stalked the forum before): schön, hier nicht allein zu sein!
Hopefully I don't make too many spelling errors or anything. I'll try to keep my english in the very best mood! haha
Hey Sherlove, brilliant user-name! And brilliant English as-well
I'm very delighted that you'll be able to join this Freaking-Lovely-Sherlock-Fandom too, it's brilliant every-time someone joins!
Love your avatar by the way
Good-Night Vienna (sorry... couldn't resist!)
Molly x
Willkommen Sherlove. You are lucky to live in such a wonderful city in such a beautiful country. Cannot wait for my next visit for Gluehwein and Gulaschsuppe followed by Sachertorte mit Sahne.
I hope you have a great time here.
Hello Molly! :D haha thank you and thank you!
btw your name is lovely as well
aww me too! Since I started watching the Sherlock Series I can't stop thinking of it anymore. Already started reading the original stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. And of course everything is a big improvement in my english skills! Sometimes my sister is a short way before killing me but usually a closed door is enough to drown in my Sherlove life...
I'm pretty astonished about this huge fandom of lovely people keeping each other up on the sherlockian drug with news and pictures. Sherlockians are really nice persons Glad to meet you all!
Thank you! Just a fast made avatar for this forum And hell yes, this quote is so sherlock, it had to be used in it
haha loooovely! Good Night, St. Bart's!
PS: Davina: Just need to say the same with GB! (Guessing you're living there )
But yeah, Vienna is really a beautiful city!
Thank you for your welcome So kind people in here, why didn't I find this forum earlier? Suffering from Post-Reichenbach-Syndrome for a while...
Last edited by sherlove (June 23, 2012 9:01 pm)
Hallo Sherlove,
schön, dass du uns gefunden hast.
Seems as if you've been kind of drugged by Sherlock as we all have been. (No, it wasn't in the sugar...! )
Take off your shoes and enjoy!
Sherlove, Welcome! So wonderful to have you join us. I am sure you will love the people in this community as much as the rest of us do. Enjoy
Sherlove, welcome! We are glad you've joined.
Since you're reading the stories, you might enjoy the posts under "It's canon."
Welcome, Sherlove! Great name and I'm sure you'll have a great time here. Enjoy!
Welcome to the forum = ).
welcome sherlove!! I love your avatar too!! brilliant!!! So nice to have you here from Vienna. I'm the local kitty. we're a great bunch here. i hope ya have as much fun as we do. games section is fun too.
Welcome, welcome!
Good to have you here..
Hello Sherlove,
sherlove wrote:
Suffering from Post-Reichenbach-Syndrome for a while...
We offer support for this affliction, a sort of self-help group.
You are very welcome
Hello, Sherlove (amazing name), nice to have you here. Seems as if you Austrians are going to outnumber the Germans . But just wait and see, I'm gonna spend my holidays in your country and then I'm going to plaster all of Steiermark with "I believe in Sherlock Holmes" stickers
Abend, Sherlove!
Wo bist du denn genau her?
Freut mich sehr, ein bisschen "Rückendeckung" hier zu bekommen, Herzlich Willkommen im Forum!
@Davina: Glad you love all our food, and amazed you know so much about it! Have you been to Vienna often?
If I were really picky (which of course I am not ), I would tell you that in Austria we call it "Schlagobers", only Germans (and people working in tourism) use the word "Sahne". But as I said, simply thrilled you know so much about it in the first place
I have been to Austria a lot but sadly, so far, never to Wien. I will get there one day.
@SusiGo wo machst den Urlaub? Werde auf jeden Fall nach deinen "Believe" Stickern ausschau halten!
LG aus Graz!!
JaneCo wrote:
Hello Sherlove,
sherlove wrote:
Suffering from Post-Reichenbach-Syndrome for a while...
We offer support for this affliction, a sort of self-help group.
You are very welcome
That's good to know! :D Hard times for Sherlockians... but we will survive! We have each other at least til the new season starts ;)
SusiGo wrote:
Hello, Sherlove (amazing name), nice to have you here. Seems as if you Austrians are going to outnumber the Germans ;) . But just wait and see, I'm gonna spend my holidays in your country and then I'm going to plaster all of Steiermark with "I believe in Sherlock Holmes" stickers :D
thaaaank you :D haha
challenge accepted! (sry false tv series xD)
really? You will come to Styria? :D Amazing! the green lungs of Austria. I will look for these mysterious stickers! :D (btw a really good idea!)
hypergreenfrog wrote:
Abend, Sherlove!
Wo bist du denn genau her?
Freut mich sehr, ein bisschen "Rückendeckung" hier zu bekommen, Herzlich Willkommen im Forum!
Hey! Also "genaueres" in einem Internetforum zu posten wäre etwas leichtsinnig, aber sagen wir es so, ich komme aus Niederösterreich, wobei es eher noch zu Wien Umgebung zählt ;) und du?
Ja, wir Österreicher müssen ja zusammenhalten :D (but I love everybody else as well!)
thank you so much for your warm welcome! I wish I just could make a biiiiiiiig random hug that includes everybody in here! :D
Welcome Sherlove!
Great first post and we're very happy to have you here.....
Welcome, a little late, to the forum!
Glad to have you. People from all over. I think I'm gonna just have to take a vacation, and visit all the places we have people from. Shouldn't take more than, oh, a year or so...
Salutations & greetings from afar
Hmm maybe we can do a 'let's visit each other ' holiday? lol