hypergreenfrog wrote:
Добро пожаловать у на� ,221B!
Я очень люблю "Sherlock", и заинтере� ована познакомить� � � фанами из разных � тран.
� е� колько лет назад, � была в � о� � ии по � туденче� кому обмену, 5 ме� � цев жыла в Санкт-Петербурге, мне там очень, очень нравила� ь !
Welcome to the forum, hope you like it here!
Nice to meet you, hypergreenfrog! I've never been to St.Petersburg, but plan to go there this autumn. A friend of mine lives there and the photographs she sends me are beautiful!
Oh, I already like this forum, and I'm going to like it more and more, I think.
Sherlock Holmes wrote:
Hello there!
Good choice of username...and welcome to our little forum, I'm sure you'll have plenty of fun.
I've just noticed that my user name is what is written under your avatar .
Welcome to the forum! Goodness--Russian, English, German...any other hidden talents?
We had foster daughters from Russia once--Samara, I believe. They were delightful.
Have fun here!
Last edited by Tantalus (June 29, 2012 5:45 pm)
Tantalus wrote:
Welcome to the forum!
Have fun here!
Thank you so much!
Tantalus wrote:
Goodness--Russian, English, German...any other hidden talents?
Perhaps there are some... but they are hidden somewhere very deep and I don't know a thing about them!
221B Baker Street wrote:
Tantalus wrote:
Welcome to the forum!
Have fun here!Thank you so much!
Tantalus wrote:
Goodness--Russian, English, German...any other hidden talents?
Perhaps there are some... but they are hidden somewhere very deep and I don't know a thing about them!
Sherlock could find them. Just imagine him looking at you for clues and the words will just pop up in midair.
veecee wrote:
Sherlock could find them. Just imagine him looking at you for clues and the words will just pop up in midair.
When I imagine him looking at me I think I'll be melting and have the silliest look at that moment))), so the only thing he could deduce it that I lower IQ of the whole street .