Hello everybody!
I am so glad I have found your forum. It's so nice and the atmosphere is great here. I have already looked through several topics and I am in love with you!
By the way, I am 28, and I am sherlocked since February this year . I find it both strange and thrilling as I have never been a fan for anybody or anything even when I was a girl. But I enjoy my state now and glad that Sherlock has perhaps one of the most intelligent audience judging by fan's posts.
There are lots of Sherlockians in Russia and we adore Sherlock series and Benedict and Martin, and all the cast, and follow all the new information about it.
I hope we all have a good time here!
P.S. My native language is Russian, so whenever I'm wrong (as it is stated above my avatar ) in spelling or in word choice, please, correct me
Privet! Welcome to the board--I'm sure you'll have lots of fun here.
Welcome to the forum, it's getting more international by the minute .
*groans* Oh geez, not more love.
I mean hi 221B, nice to meet you ; enjoy the forum.
Welcome 221B ! I hope you have a wonderful time here.
Hello there!
Good choice of username...and welcome to our little forum, I'm sure you'll have plenty of fun.
Welcome, 221B Baker Street. You will have fun here, and we're glad to have you.
Hi 221B! I met a Russian friend on a language course about 8 years ago and she taught me how to say loads of things but now all I can remember is number 5! How sad...
Sorry, Welcome and have a great time!
Welcome ! = )
Many thanks to all of you for being welcomed! It's so nice of you .
Molly Hooper wrote:
Hi 221B! I met a Russian friend on a language course about 8 years ago and she taught me how to say loads of things but now all I can remember is number 5! How sad...
I think you just need to review them and you'll be ready to use them again . Nevertheless I'm so pleased you wanted to say a greeting in Russian. Spasibo!
kazza474 wrote:
*groans* Oh geez, not more love.
I mean hi 221B, nice to meet you ; enjoy the forum.
Don't mind Kazza, 221 B. She torments (oops, I mean teases) all us touchy-feely Sherlock fans .
Glad you could join us!
yes!! I'm glad to meet a person from russia!! I hope to see you posting. I LOVE your avatar, especially the red color, which is one of my fav colors. did you make it yourself? Have a great time!!
Yeah, that is a nice avatar. It would look good on a t-shirt.
So great to have you with us! Enjoy!
KeepersPrice wrote:
Don't mind Kazza, 221 B. She torments (oops, I mean teases) all us touchy-feely Sherlock fans
Glad you could join us!
Yes, I know that she teases poor Sherlock fans .
Thank you!
sherlockskitty, I'm glad you like my avatar . Though I didn't make it myself, just made some changes
veecee, the idea about a T-shirt is great! I should think of it .
Sentimental Pulse, I'm glad too! Thank you!
Good morning, Russia - nice to have you with us, 221B!
So finally someone from the biggest country in the world has joined us. Yes, I remember that incredible hugeness I experienced years ago when I was travelling through Russia by the Transsib from Moscow to Chabarovsk.
I hope it won't get too narrow for you here...
Dabro pashalavatsh.
tobeornot221b wrote:
Good morning, Russia - nice to have you with us, 221B!
So finally someone from the biggest country in the world has joined us. Yes, I remember that incredible hugeness I experienced years ago when I was travelling through Russia by the Transsib from Moscow to Chabarovsk.
I hope it won't get too narrow for you here...
Dabro pashalavatsh.
Danke, schoen! (Ich studierte Deutch in der Hochschule, aber leider habe ich kein Praxis nach dem Abitur....) Ich bin sicher dass Sie eine wunderbare Reise hatte! Und ich lebe nicht so weit von Chabarovsk)).
I'm sure there's a lot of space for me and a thousand more!)
Your German is stunning, 221B!
Yes, it definitely was a wonderful journey! During my making plans for it my friends would ask:"What the hell are you going to do in Siberia? Go on your own!" So I did and will never ever regret.
tobeornot221b wrote:
Your German is stunning, 221B!
Yes, it definitely was a wonderful journey! During my making plans for it my friends would ask:"What the hell are you going to do in Siberia? Go on your own!" So I did and will never ever regret.
Thank you so much!
I wish one day I visited Germany.
Last edited by 221B Baker Street (June 23, 2012 8:41 am)
Добро пожаловать у на� ,221B!
Я очень люблю "Sherlock", и заинтере� ована познакомить� � � фанами из разных � тран.
� е� колько лет назад, � была в � о� � ии по � туденче� кому обмену, 5 ме� � цев жыла в Санкт-Петербурге, мне там очень, очень нравила� ь
Welcome to the forum, hope you like it here!