Hello everyone! It's been a while since I was on this forum. Accidentally forgot my password so I made a new account! I was previously 221bbakerstreet_
I'm from the sunshine state of California. I own the Instagram account @221bbakerstreet_ and I am most definitely Sherlocked.
I plan on traveling one day to London and visiting all the wonderful Sherlock locations.
I really would love to become a well known writer and perhaps even work for BBC in the future.
Right now I'm in highschool which is boring.
Series three of Sherlock was so freaking awesome.
I'm the writer of Three Years Later... (A fan fiction of Sherlock after the fall) and currently I'm writing a new fan fiction that takes place after series three.
If you're interested in my work, go to wattpad and type in the username ManyHappyReturns
Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
Btw my name is Matilda. Can't believe I forgot to mention that xD
Last edited by Sherlock-is-his-name (February 20, 2014 6:05 pm)
Hello Matilda,
it's nice to have you back in the game. Have fun!
Warm welcome from me as well, enjoy!
Welcome back, Matilda. Lovely name, btw. Have fun.
Yes, welcome back. Glad you could come and join us again.