All John had to do was to ask one of the guys from Sherlock's mysterious network. Is it coz Sherlock intentionally keeps the network to himself or is it coz John never bothered to cultivate any Sherlock related contacts so that he can verify what Sherlock does from someone other than Sherlock?
I don't know why John would have thought to contact members of Sherlock's network. First, I think its because he doesn't really have a relationship with any of them, like you alluded to. More importantly, he thinks Sherlock committed suicide, so I don't think he would consider consulting with any of Sherlock's "business" contacts - completely unrelated worlds from where John sits at end of S2.
I agree with the above. He "saw" the jump with his own eyes, checked the pulse. He had no reason to believe he wasnt dead and I'm sure John even if he did suspect it was a Ruse would even entertain the notion
That some rag tag bunch of homeless people that sherlock utilizes would know something that he did not.
I don't think his pride would let him think they'd know and he wouldn't so the thought wouldn't occur- even if he entertained the idea that sherlock miraculously lived. (Not sayinf his pride in a negative manner. He's the. Best friend and right hand man it's only logical to see him of more import than the network
Also he has no reason to think that if sherlock lived that Sherlock would keep it from him.
Even after he finds out in TEH, he still can't believe he was kept in the dark.