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February 18, 2014 4:15 pm  #20041

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

clareiow wrote:

Don't spit out your tea/coffee girls ;)

No tea or coffee, but I did just try to swallow my tongue, does that count?



February 18, 2014 4:15 pm  #20042

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

ancientsgate wrote:

Zatoichi wrote:

The second one.. well, it´s better I don´t say anything about it. 
"How do you choose to die?"..  Just like that..

Along with shall we begin? from STID, his dragon lines are some of Ben's greatest lines of dialogue from his movies, lolol.

can we add "I adore you" from August Osage County to that list? Because I melted when he said that.


I'm clueing for looks


February 18, 2014 4:16 pm  #20043

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

If you tied his hands down (now, there's a thought....), he'd be mute. And don't miss The Thing there as well. Good grief, I cannot take it.


February 18, 2014 4:17 pm  #20044

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

rebeccaholmes wrote:

How am I possibly going to tear myself away from all these beautiful photos, to do some college work? I guess I just have to multitask. By multitask, I mean spend 70% on here, 30% on work.

If you give up bathing, eating and going to the bathroom today, you'll have plenty of time. *smile*


February 18, 2014 4:20 pm  #20045

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

Tinks wrote:

gently69 wrote:

SolarSystem wrote:

Wonder what he's talking about... starting with The Thing and then going all... doing things with his hands...

Aw... this.
How shall I concentrate on work then???

I mean this in the nicest possible way, but he looks a bundle of rags and nervous energy here
It brings to mind someone who never sits still, whose thoughts are always running all over the place!
Still adorable though

I think this is old, just because he has that dreadful blond hair there, so I think that might have been at least 3 or so years back. But anyway, that's how he used to dress before his in-public style changed a couple of years ago (my theory is that he hired a very very very good stylist when he finally started earning some real money).  He used to dress like a hungover college student who threw on his clothes in the dark. Thank god those days are over.



February 18, 2014 4:21 pm  #20046

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

ancientsgate wrote:

rebeccaholmes wrote:

How am I possibly going to tear myself away from all these beautiful photos, to do some college work? I guess I just have to multitask. By multitask, I mean spend 70% on here, 30% on work.

If you give up bathing, eating and going to the bathroom today, you'll have plenty of time. *smile*

I think that's what I pretty much did...I've somehow managed to get my work done so I've done something right!

“Because I’m desperate, that’s why. Because Sherlock Holmes is a great man, and I think one day—if we’re very very lucky—he might even be a good one.”


February 18, 2014 4:23 pm  #20047

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

OK, here ya go, an example of pre-stylilst days, back when he got dressed in the dark. I mean, he's cute and all, but this is much too young a look for someone of his age and A-list status these days.  He's grown up now! Yay!



February 18, 2014 4:28 pm  #20048

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

Tinks wrote:

gently69 wrote:

And this...

LOL... um... nice style...


I'm sorry but ....What. In. The. World. Is he wearing????

Don't be scared, that's just ancient history.  Don't worry.  lololol



February 18, 2014 4:28 pm  #20049

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

Aw I actually find that outfit rather cute! 

"Don't talk out loud, you lower the IQ of the whole street!"

"Oh Watson. Nothing made me... I made me"
"Luuuuurve Ginger Nuts"

Tumblr[/url] I [url=]AO3

February 18, 2014 4:29 pm  #20050

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

A hungover college student who got dressed in the dark is a good description
I kind of like it when guys aren't too obsessed by their looks, but then again I like it even more that he's started wearing things that make him really good to look at! I'm so shallow
Even if he hasn't hired a stylist, he must have become aware, like many of us probably have done at some time, that his wardrobe needed an overhaul! And he's probably done enough fashion shoots, etc. to have gotten a better idea of what works for him.
I imagine he probably gets given outfits to wear now by people who want him to be seen in their stuff.

Last edited by Tinks (February 18, 2014 4:30 pm)

"And in the end,
The Love you take
Is equal to the Love you make"
                                             The Beatles

February 18, 2014 4:30 pm  #20051

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

Le Bear Polar wrote:

Tinks wrote:

gently69 wrote:

And this...

LOL... um... nice style...


I'm sorry but ....What. In. The. World. Is he wearing????

Believe me that's not the worst of it. I'm tempted to dig up That Picture just to prove that letting Ben dress himself is not the best of ideas. 

Have you got the one with the pink and green (or was it pink and yellow?) striped sweater and baggy too short jeans that were like yellow or something?  There are some pictures around from 4-5 years ago that would curl you hair as tightly as Sherlock's.



February 18, 2014 4:31 pm  #20052

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

Le Bear Polar wrote:

Wait til he sees what goes on here...XD

Why?  No one boo's here. In fact, we're rarely conscious here, since we're all busy falling onto the floor in a dead faint at least half the time.  heh



February 18, 2014 4:32 pm  #20053

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

Promo shots for Parade's End. 


February 18, 2014 4:32 pm  #20054

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

This Is The Phantom Lady wrote:

Aw I actually find that outfit rather cute! 

It's actually the kind of outfit that if my Boyfriend put it on, I'd refuse to leave the house with him

"And in the end,
The Love you take
Is equal to the Love you make"
                                             The Beatles

February 18, 2014 4:34 pm  #20055

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

Tinks wrote:

Le Bear Polar wrote:

Tinks wrote:


I'm sorry but ....What. In. The. World. Is he wearing????

Believe me that's not the worst of it. I'm tempted to dig up That Picture just to prove that letting Ben dress himself is not the best of ideas. 

 Clearly fashion wouldn't be his first interest if he didn't have stylists to have a quiet word with him :D

And a good budget to pay the stylists and buy the clothing they recommend. Whoever is dressing him really knows what he or she is doing these days. I sometimes wish he didn't always look so buttoned-up, but someone (Ben, his PR agent, his stylist, or all three of them) have decided that's the public look they want for him. At least he always looks whoa!perfect these days.


February 18, 2014 4:35 pm  #20056

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

gently69 wrote:

Maybe just his taste changed...

Oh, no. It was obvious about 2-3 years ago, his public look changed radically, like someone had turned on a light switch. He's been consulting with someone about how to look well turned out. Someone who really really knows their stuff, IMO.


February 18, 2014 4:36 pm  #20057

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

Mmm what is it with him and shirt buttons?? 

@Tinks aaaw! Well I guess it's just me who's into awkward and nerdy xD

"Don't talk out loud, you lower the IQ of the whole street!"

"Oh Watson. Nothing made me... I made me"
"Luuuuurve Ginger Nuts"

Tumblr[/url] I [url=]AO3

February 18, 2014 4:38 pm  #20058

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

clareiow wrote:

Behold the velvety goodness.....

He looks just like a perfect mannequin you'd see in a formal wear shop window. P-E-R-F-E-C-T.  Even his hair, face, stance are all perfect. wow



February 18, 2014 4:39 pm  #20059

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

Just found this, and it sort of reminded me of the one with his fans outside Baker Street!

"Don't talk out loud, you lower the IQ of the whole street!"

"Oh Watson. Nothing made me... I made me"
"Luuuuurve Ginger Nuts"

Tumblr[/url] I [url=]AO3

February 18, 2014 4:39 pm  #20060

Re: Favourite Sherlock/Benedict pictures

clareiow wrote:

Sorry Rebecca

I think it's a hobbit premiere. Incidentally at another hobbit event...


Same as the navy velvet suit, only this one is burgundy. I wonder why he bought two of the same thing like that. But anyhoo, yeah, nice.



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