I'm still not very long a fan of the show because it aired at us recently.
But I love her!!
Since I own the DVD's, I look at every opportunity on something.
I think soon I will los my husband and the cause of divorce is probably Sherlock Holmes to be
Unfortunately, my English is not very good, I use google translator, so I apologize now if some things are not translated correctly.
If someone wants to share with me in German, I would be very grateful.
so many questions and no "talk" to it.
Last edited by BigFan (June 16, 2012 2:43 pm)
Welcome to the forum! This is a fun place, with lots of information, theories and just plain craziness. And there are some wonderful and smart Germans on here who will, I'm sure, love having your company.
Have fun!
Hello there and welcome...Don't worry too much about your English, there are lots of people here from all over the world and we're all just sharing in our love of Sherlock!
Grüß dich, Big Fan!
Schön zu sehen, dass es auch andere österreichische Sherlock-Fans gibt. Bin selbst erst seit dieser Woche hier im Forum, heiß dich aber trotzdem schon mal herzlich Willkommen!
If you need any help with your English, just let me know!
Enjoy the forum, I'm only just getting started here myself.
Gruess Gott! BigFan! Do not worry about your English. Uebung macht den Meister. I hope you have a lot of fun here. Viel Spass!
Herzlich willkommen, BigFan! The second Austrian in only one week . No fear, we are very international (I'm German) and tolerant
Hi BigFan,
a very warm welcome to you by another Piefke.
I'm sure you will be feeling in good hands with us soon.
Give it a try!
Wilkommen! (Is that right?) Don't worry about your English. We're glad to have you. By the way, when you watch Sherlock, is it in English with subtitles (I hope)? You should hear the real voices of the actors.
Hello and thank you for the warm welcome.
Hello Vienna, Hello Germany!
(I would never say Piefke
First I've seen the episodes only in German and since I have the DVD's, only in English, sometimes with subtitles, sometimes without. Is a good exercise.
I love his voice!!
Oh, yes, his voice is adorable and considerably deeper than the German one. I also watched the episodes both in English and German. Although they did their best there is something missing in the dubbed version. The English dialogue is sharper and shorter I think and of course some nice allusions are missing: "Dr. Watson: Here to see the Queen? [Mycroft walks in] Sherlock Holmes: Oh, apparently yes."
Welcome, stranger. I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay on this board since these are some nice and warm people we have here.
By the way, whenever I hear someone's from Austria I think of this great scene from Dumb & Dumber. Has this ever happened to you?
No, not at the last time
SusiGo wrote:
Oh, yes, his voice is adorable and considerably deeper than the German one. I also watched the episodes both in English and German. Although they did their best there is something missing in the dubbed version. The English dialogue is sharper and shorter I think and of course some nice allusions are missing: "Dr. Watson: Here to see the Queen? [Mycroft walks in] Sherlock Holmes: Oh, apparently yes."
So, did our non-native speakers get that one? It's priceless.
Oh yes, I got it . And it's a very daring thing to put into a script but I just love it.
Another allusion that we Germans don't get is: "Mycroft and his bloody stupid power complex." Oh - soooo funny!
And there's the "Greek interpreter" from the canon who becomes a "geek interpreter". That doesn't work in German because they translate it with "Comic-Übersetzer" (I guess). But, sorry, BigFan, this is your introduction. Perhaps we should open a separate thread for untranslatable puns .
Welcome BigFan. You are in good company here. My English is not very good ~ and I am English.
Are the extra bits on the DVDs, (the commentaries etc.) subtitled?
Welcome. So glad to have you with us. Enjoy
Welcome ! = )
Welcome to the forum.
I see everyone is offering help with English translations. Good, because I can't help. Use the private message system to anyone online that can help.
Not that it matters that much, I think we all speak the same Sherlock language really.