Ok I couldn't decide where in the forum to post this, so I'm just going to put it here because this episode was when I noticed it. Apologies to the moderators if it's bad form.
But seriously why doesn't Sherlock ever need a shave? He wakes up in a drug den, and literly wipes off his "stubble" with a rag in Mary's car! Also in Empty Hearse his hair is super long after 2 years, but he certianly doesn't have a beard. Then later on in His Last Vow he wakes up in hospital and still doesn't have even so much as a four o'clock shadow... or chest hair for that matter.. and not be a crazy Benedict stalker, but I've seen his other work and I'm pretty sure the guy has a normal amount of chest hair. Can someone enlighten me on the deal with Sherlock's lack of body hair?
Maybe he does not only like his doctors clean shave .
Well, the shaved chest is explicable for the surgery; I haven't a clue about the rest beyond the fact that the actor has reddish hair which is dyed dark brown for the part.
A red beard would be a bit of a giveaway
He doesn't have a beard in the drug den scene, also he's not been in the wilderness for 2 years, he's probably had regular access to a razor along the way (why he's kept the hair long, who knows).
In any case I think Sherlock's clean-shaven, hairless appearance is no coincidence, like his thin, lean build (Benedict has to diet every time he reprises the role). It all contributes to his aura.
(Actually I wouldn't put it past him to regularly shave his chest hair. Sherlock looks quite fastidious about his looks and general image.)
Ask Janine?
I'll add, I don't think he's vain for vanity's sake - he just knows that a neat, smart appearance makes a certain impression on people.
Well I'm sad Benedict has to diet. Yo-yoing your weight around isn't very healthy, didn't he catch pnemonia during series 1? But I have to admit the lean, neat appearance certainly does make an impression on me. I guess I had forgotten about his natural hair color, although I think in modern movie making they could certainly take care of some reddish stubble with make-up.
TeaTime wrote:
Well I'm sad Benedict has to diet. Yo-yoing your weight around isn't very healthy, didn't he catch pnemonia during series 1? But I have to admit the lean, neat appearance certainly does make an impression on me.
I guess I had forgotten about his natural hair color, although I think in modern movie making they could certainly take care of some reddish stubble with make-up.
If you're an actor, it comes with the territory. You know that you have to gain or lose weight according to the roles, so it is what it is.
Some men just don't have that much in the way of beard growth, just like some women have more hair on arms and legs than others. It really isn't that great a mystery.
There's definetely some hair in his axilla...
Saw some on his chest, too.
but don't we see him being shaved after Mycroft rescues him in TEH?
Also, after the drug den he doesn't really just 'rub it off'... back at the flat he goes to have a bath and to me it was implied he also shaved too, as in the drug den he had stubble over his top lip for sure...
As for Benedict having to diet - I didn't know this? Isn't he quite skinny naturally? I thought he said this in an interview. It was more of a case of losing any possible bulk in his chest that he might have built for other roles - like for his role as Khan in Star Trek.
In any case I wouldn't be too worried about yo-yo dieting, it's not like he is usually quite big and he has to lose a ton for SHerlock....
Many, many actors diet for specific roles. Sometimes they need to bulk up considerably and at other times they may need to lose weight drastically. These always supervised very closely by personal trainers & dieticians/nutritionists. It is not the same as someone being on yo-yo diets. The motivation is different.
In one interview he mentioned intermittend fasting being part of his preparation for Sherlock. (It basically means that he is only allowed to eat every second day. Or more specifically: one day eating normal followed by one day with only 600 calories.)
I'm not saying this is not true, but does he really need to diet so much for Sherlock? Sherlock isn't overly skinny - and Ben isn't overly bulky?
I suppose it has to do with the roles he played before shooting Sherlock? He had to gain quite a lot of weight/muscle mass for his role in Star Trek, and I believe that was only a few months before filming of season three started. His body looked quite different back then.
In one interview he said that he aquired the look by eating healthy and doing some endurance sports. I found that very hard to believe, especially the transformation after Khan. I think he might downplay the crash dieting because it isn't a very healthy example for people.
Though the costumes seem to make him look slimmer than he is.
Wax on....wax off and no more chest hair. Ouch!
Sherlock never needs to shave because he retards the folicle growth with the sheer power of his mind.
Ozma wrote:
I'm not saying this is not true, but does he really need to diet so much for Sherlock? Sherlock isn't overly skinny - and Ben isn't overly bulky?
Maybe those board members who have met him can chime in?
I can confirm that Martin is incredible slim, and yes, I am aware that most see him as a bit 'chubby' on Sherlock. Well, he is not, he is quite skinny (in a nice way).
Similarly, when I met Benedict (but that was years ago) he was quite very slender.
The camera does indeed add at least 10 -20 pounds!