The last fifteen minutes and then a short review at the end. I apologise in advance for the swearing.
Honestly, seeing for the first time how young you are boss, I suddenly wondered how many of us are old enough to be your mother!
PS. No apologizes necessary. I used some fairly strong language myself.
Awesome to see you again, Boss! You're reactions mirrored mine a lot.
It's nice to put a face on your nickname And I was in pretty much the same state as yours! lol
Punch me in the face wrote:
It's nice to put a face on your nickname And I was in pretty much the same state as yours! lol
Just look at the picture at the top of the Forum banner to the right. Our boss, Sherlock Holmes, is on the left end and I'm standing beside her. By the way, Boss. I'm really happy that picture is up again. I get warm, squishy feelings whenever I open the Forum and see it. We had so much fun!
Aw that was great Boss! I reacted very similarly to the episode...still kind of in a state of shock here.
Awesome ... your reactions were mostly the same as mine!
Haha, glad you enjoyed it. I had fun making it.