He is a lovely man. He likes chatting and playing cards, reading and watching Eastenders. Sometimes he gets confused as to where the bathroom is, or loses control of his tongue… but what are a few licks to the face in exchange for spending time with such a nice fellow?
My brain is about to explode.
tonnaree wrote:
My brain is about to explode.
Marva wrote:
ok,if you are in conspiracy mode, what about this:
Hahaha, that article reads like a real conspiracy theory (that is, if you've ever encounter reptilian believers).
"You might sarcastically say, “I bet in your head Gatiss also uses Mycroft’s umbrella as a parachute to burst through train windows for writing sessions, then kisses Moffat on the mouth and says, ‘How are we going to get them in bed?’” To which I say to you: “Yes. That is a thought I just had and wrote down. "
LOLed at that bit.
SilverMoonDragonB wrote:
Ozma wrote:
He didn't, though.
And Magnussen is totally not behind me right now threatening me with a knife. But wait, no, he's not a killer.......And how are we supposed to know you're telling the truth?
(yep, definitely messing with our heads)
Now I don't believe anything from anyone anymore. See what you did to us? See what Moftiss did to us all?
Surely, it'll turn out that Magnussen was in fact the good guy, and that Sally's initial theory about Sherlock turns out to be correct. John and Mary ride happily into the distance, and Mycroft and Sherlock go on another killing spree. Life's good. That'd be a better cliffhanger than 'Mary dies'.
oh, guys. I just love the way you think. I honestly think you would be amazing at writing all this Sherlock malarky.
Please listen to me, I'm not lying!
(arg jesus, this bomb strapped to my chest is really tight and uncomfortable....)
Ozma wrote:
oh, guys. I just love the way you think. I honestly think you would be amazing at writing all this Sherlock malarky.
Please listen to me, I'm not lying!
(arg jesus, this bomb strapped to my chest is really tight and uncomfortable....)
See?! You say things like that! How can we believe you?
Ozma wrote:
(arg jesus, this bomb strapped to my chest is really tight and uncomfortable....)
So Moriarty's back then?
(Poor Moftiss will probably throw something at us if we ever ask that question again. Or write Benedict out of the series as a punishment.)
Actually, I already theorised that the thing that everyone thinks (wants) will happen won't happen because it's too obvious (and a lousy cliffhanger), so I hope you're not really lying. But I'd also find it really boss if Moffat really said something like that, so either way it's good.
Sooo excited to finally meet CAM on Sunday.
silverblaze wrote:
Ozma wrote:
(arg jesus, this bomb strapped to my chest is really tight and uncomfortable....)
So Moriarty's back then?
Nah, but Magnussen wanted to try that trick...he heard it was quite good when you want to blackmail someone.
Sooo excited to finally meet CAM on Sunday.
I think your skin will literally crawl.
ozma, don't blow up just yet, lol! We need more inside info: Is Rupert Gates as attractive as he looks as Lestrade? I fell in love with him during 'The Drug Bust'.
he is attractive, funny, and very charming. His face is a bit orange, though - guys, I think they are all getting ready for the new season, make up and all
(yuk, CAM! I said use cutlery like a proper human being when you eat! Some people have no manners, honestly.... )
And what about Andrew Scott? I read somewhere, that he is ambidextral... which let me to all kinds of wild speculation two years ago, that there must be Moriarty twins, lol, since he used to switch hands, when doing certain things, but I've since seen, that he does that in other roles, he plaid, too.
Andrew is an absolute darling. very tiny (perhaps Benedict is not as tall as we think after all! Louise is tiny too...) skinny, with a very luminous face. And beautiful accent.
Shame Amanda took him away from me.
Lol! Why would Lestrade be orange in the next season? Glad to hear, Rupert Gates is charming. After Sherlock and John, Lestrade is my third favorite character.
sherlocked wrote:
And what about Andrew Scott? I read somewhere, that he is ambidextral... which let me to all kinds of wild speculation two years ago, that there must be Moriarty twins, lol, since he used to switch hands, when doing certain things, but I've since seen, that he does that in other roles, he plaid, too.
I somehow missed that! Now I have to go back and re-watch his scenes...
Lestrade is always a bit orange... yesterday he was as orange as he was in Baskerville
gosh this chat is helping me immensely. thanks guys!
(now now, CAM, come out of that closet. It's rude..)
It's funny, how tv and movies mess with the height of people. I always pictured Andrew and Louise as being more on the tiny side. And Martin Freeman, too. He plays a hobbit very convincingly, after all. But Benedict I always pictured as slim and tall. Like Smaug, the Tyrannical . Too bad for you, those two weren't there, too. But I guess, they are too busy and important these days. But, I think, they were there at the preview of TEH, right?
Last edited by sherlocked (January 9, 2014 4:28 pm)
they were, but I wasn't
Andrew Scott is SO beautiful . Everyone seems to be in love with Sherlock.
I want Moriarty.
And in my not so humble opinion, all the theorising about Moriarty isn't dead is actually wishful thinking of fangirls with a crush on Andrew. I'm so getting that. He should come back as a ghost.
No, story wise it'd be better that there's no more Moriarty. The flesh is weak though.
I am in love with Sherlock, but Moriarty mesmerises me - I told Andrew last night. He is just so good.
oh, forgot I also spoke to Lars. I told him I wouldn't have minded a nice tag team with him and Moriarty - he said he'll try and suggest that to Mofftis.
I aim to please.
Weirdness, please don't hunt for this leftie/rightie thing! It will drive you crazy, especially, since there are some absolutely glaring continuity clunkers: For example, this scene with the crown jewels: When we see Moriarty 'live' doing his thing with the writing on the glass with the diamond, he uses one hand (can't remember, which), but when Sherlock sees the surveillance video with Moriarty making the inscription, he uses his OTHER hand! That lead me to all kinds of crazy theories. I still can't believe, how a clunker like that slipped by them, in a show, where everybody and his grandma hunts for clues. Only, when I read somewhere, that Andrew is ambidextral I gave up on my theories, lol!