They did a newsitem like this before, also just for the blog.
KeepersPrice made a really good point when we were watching this afternoon: Maybe the producers shortened it by five minutes so the PBS version in the US wouldn't have to be edited and we could see the entire episode without any cuts. I really like that theory and hope it's true.
We won't get another explaination. Time to move on. The missing scene could be anything.
Sherli Bakerst wrote:
KeepersPrice made a really good point when we were watching this afternoon: Maybe the producers shortened it by five minutes so the PBS version in the US wouldn't have to be edited and we could see the entire episode without any cuts. I really like that theory and hope it's true.
Sorry, but why would PBS edit it? Has this happened before?
Every time. The American version has always been shorter then the original.
Although PBS or the Amertican exec, whatever she's called,asks Sue to make the necessary cuts.
Oh yes, cuts were always made in the first 6 for our American version. The scene with Jeanette breaking up with John was never shown here nor was the bit with Sherlock stealing the ashtray and presenting it to John in the taxi. The reason for cuts is because Masterpiece always acknowledges all the underwriters who support the them. They are actually mini-ads that take time from the beginning and the end. My theory is that when Sue Vertue negotiating the earlier air date for America she also somehow worked in the cutting business too. Not sure of course but it's quite possible.
I thought she wa the convenient scpae goat to take the rap!
Oh I see what you mean, this time round. Yeah, maybe.
But good if it does means the Anerican version will be the same.
Yes, I think you can blame the Americans. None of us over here were happy when we learned there had been cuts taken. Thing of the past now I hope.
Me too.
Could be so.
I think it was the right thing to do. Perhaps originally the mini-episode was part of TEH. But possibly they decided to cut it off. I got the impression that Sherlock in Many Happy Returns and the Sherlock in TEH are so different from each other.
If you guys insist on the missing five minutes - couldn't have Derren Brown stole them from you?
He does set John's watch back by 5 mins.
Also Be, I thought you were gone; what happened?
Dunno, but glad you're still with us, Be!
Last edited by besleybean (January 8, 2014 9:10 pm)
Oh, yay! Be!!!! You're still with us! I'm sooo glad!
But that will mean less possible cutting needed for US airing.
That's how I understood it.