shylock wrote:
I'm really not looking for reality, just pheasibility; as per the fall.
As an asside, there are actually many unused and forgotten tracks and stations within the London underground system, so even that is not so far from the truth.
Oh, really, that's better than I thought. Well, in that case I'm in Swanpride's camp, the show is so realistic that we put it under much more scrutiny than most other shows. I do the same thing, pointing out plot holes, characterisations that don't quite work etc. but that is because the show is so well written that I watch it a million times and then the little mistakes will show eventually. I'd be more upset if Benedict got something vert wrong about Sherlock's character than Mark mistaking some details of a REALLY COOL bomb.
Little aside about rabbits: kudos for Mark getting that one completely right. I used to work with GFP tagged animals, in real medical research centres they typically use mice and don't express the fluorescent in the whole animal, the whole point is to tag the protein you're interested in, the one that is related to the disease you're researching, and not anything else, so that you can look at it with a microscope. So they normally don't glow in the dark but it could be possible. Maybe she was interested in something else and just used the label to tell the mutated rabbits apart from the wildtype (yes you need those too for the control group).
Doesn't the train guy say that the footage is a week old or something? It's certainly several days ago. I kind of figured that the train car was stolen and put at the hidden station, whereupon Moran then wired it up. He could have done that in a few hours.
Sherlock and John just waltzed through the security grill to get down to it with no-one saying anything about it (remember his comment in TRF that a person can walk in anywhere if they pick the right moment; also you can just about get away with anything if you just look like you expect to).
I honestly don't think this is a mystery. It doesn't require an explanation because it's ridiculously straight forward. Either it was wired up and then placed, or it was stolen, placed and then wired up. Either way is perfectly plausible; no explanation required.
I'm not sure why there's such insistence in provoking a discussion that doesn't need to happen?
The Car was in a disused siding which I assume nobody, certainly the public, ever used. The car was diverted and then left in this abandoned part of the underground. A team of explosives experts who know there job could easily install the explosives and the wiring in a realtively short time. If the plot took Mycroft such a long time to find they could have been stashing the materials for quite some time before they were ready to install them in the car.
This is similar to the original 'Gunpowder Plot', they were stashing Barrels of Gunpowder for a long period before the final plot was discovered and even then it was discovered only by information from an informer in the organisation.
I love debates like this so I don't mind you trying to get your 'pound of flesh' Shylock,
You've have also got to consider that CAM is The King of Blackmailers and it is clear that he is the brains behind the plot there is no suggestion that the plot is by international terrorists but there is a direct implication that it is a plot in the underground, CAM could have blackmailed any number of people to carry out and keep hush hush about what was going on.
Well, it looks like this debate has provided enough information, scattered around its posts to formualte a pheasible theory.
Thank you to all subscribers.
Key to it, is the fact that, as Wholocked has just pointed out, the tapes were a week or more old, (they had been sent for wiping) I did ask how long the car had been there right at the start of the thread.
This would imply that the car was left in a siding off the 'in-use' line as oposed to just 'dropped off' on the last run of the night on live track.
That would indeed give plenty of time for a team to install all the necessary equipment, including the incendiaries in the chimney (I did like that touch).
So...Yes it could be done, and now we have a good idea how.
As with all of the plots and stories the clues are there, all I was asking was...what were they? Lots of discussions on this forum are doing that.
Have to say though, I'm still very dissaponted with the use of a count-down timer on a remotely controlled device and, worse still, the on/off switch, particularly in such an obvious position.
Thanks again to everybody.
The count-down timer was dramaturgy, it's as simple as that.
Spot on Silverblaze... As shown in this year's Christmas Lectures on British TV.
Only the relevant part of DNA is made flourescent so that bad genes can be identified.
Small point but may be relevant. The explosive was Semtex as used by Jim (wrapped around John) in The Swimming Baths.) it is the commonest anyway, but at least they didn't have sticks of dynamite like they normally do in movies.
OK! So CAM purposely went out an found out some dirt about Mary.
To quote ACD Sherlock... "His method is as follows: He allows it to be known that he is prepared to pay very high sums for letters which compromise people of wealth or position..."
He then set up the bonfire scenario to try and see if Sherlock was back working with John.
Mission acomplished he now knew that they were a team again, and that he would have to take this into account when carrying out the plot on the train.
Magnusson, Milverton
Lars shouldn't care
Same piercing eyes
Same evil stare
It so exciting only an hour to go..
Johanna Goldlocke wrote:
Mattlocked wrote:
The count-down timer was dramaturgy, it's as simple as that.
Obviously. And that is a bit disappointing because there doesn't need to be a count-down timer at all. Why would the bomb not blow off at once after the key has been turned and the button been pressed? Only that there could be an emotional scene between Sherlock and John. Which is fine. But this series is also a lot about deduction
and perhaps that is why we are so reluctant to accept plotholes. We want to find out the truth - just like Sherlock!
Bombs in movies and TV series always have timers. It's a carved-in-stone rule. I've watched enough action movies and thrillers to know this.