Of course I am not sure. But somehow I think the fall is done. Maybe I am totally wrong...
I kind of hope it is.
EDIT: oh and sorry, I just GOT the Derren Brown gag thing!
It's a ' Little Britain' reference.
In the brilliant UK sketch show: Little Britain.
There's a hypnorist on there and one of his catch phrases is: look into my eyes.
anjaH_alias wrote:
Of course I am not sure. But somehow I think the fall is done. Maybe I am totally wrong...
I agree. I cant see the Moriarty/Mycroft handshake being shown as just before they exited the building Gatiss thought of the idea of Moriarty wearing Sherlocks coat to confuse people even more. If it was part of a scripted 'fake scene' to be shown there would surely be continuity issues.
I totally missed the whole joke, not being British. Had no idea who Derren Brown was but had noticed in the credits at the end that he was listed as playing himself and I ondered at the time who he was. Thanks for the explanation. When I saw that scene in the episode, I merely thought he was part of the homeless network and what he said made sense in context. So even though I didn't get the joke, the scene worked for me.
Wholocked wrote:
Could someone British please explain the Derren Brown thing to us non-Brits? They referenced him in a recent Doctor Who episode too.
Hi Wholocked. Derren Brown's shows have been on SBS here in Australia a lot. The one where he exposes psychics is particularly good. Worth looking out for if nothing else to get the ref in British shows.
Last edited by NotYourHousekeeperDear (January 3, 2014 8:46 am)
I'm not British, but I love Derren Brown as much as I love Sherlock. (Just discovered him years ago on YT.) I'm not sure, but I think he's really well known in Britain, his live Russion roulette stunt, The Heist and predicting the lottery were shows that made people talk. So he's very much part of the British celebrity culture.
Moreover, he fits really well in the show and its culture. If you ever watch his own shows you'd notice a similarity in tone with Sherlock, the look, the affinity for horror, the misshief, the mind control. He's also part of the sceptic tradition amongst magicians that started with Houdini, Doyle's close friend, and one of the most well known sceptic magicians in Britain. Apparantly, he and Mark are friends (and if they aren't, they should be, the seem to be similar types) and Mark has co-written one of his shows, the one with zombies.
-rant over-