I was wondering how you all liked Sherlock in TEH. Has he changed a lot, maybe too much?
I haven't made up my mind yet, but to me it seemed as if he tried a bit too hard to be... human. And to be sorry. He said "sorry" quite a lot in this episode. Which is somehow understandable, but this combined with his various attempts at being funny made me feel a bit... uneasy? Confused?
He's definitely not the Sherlock I've known until now, and I'm curious to see him in the two other episodes...
On a side note, I think in this episode for the first time there was a short moment when Sherlock didn't look like Sherlock but like Benedict. When he gets his shave and his hair is wet, he looks a bit like Benedict/Khan, don't you think?
He wasn't acting!
Has it ever happened to you going through something really shocking/difficult and at the moment you just carry on but (sometimes much) later you feel the reaction?
I think that it's just when he comes back and John doesn't revive him with open arms that Sherlock realizes that he missed his best friend during the years he was away. He also realizes how important John is for him. But Sherlock being who he is, doesn't know how to deal with it. I see more of the usual Sherlock when he says to John he heard him at the graveyard and, at the same time, I think he has matured a bit.
Maybe that's Sherlock after two years on his own without somebody to keep him grounded. He is flying way too high. As if almost touching the sky. Talking even faster than ever. Were you able to understand?
Honestly, I wasn't. I hope it won't stay like this.
But then we have a lot of time to figure out what he said, haven't we?
I was a bit confused, too. He behaved very emotional towards Molly, kissed her on the cheek even, but towards John he was a total coward. He was emotional too when he saved him from the fire but then he. butsted out laughing when he tricked him wh the bomb. Maybe it makes more sense after i eatched it again.
(Sorry for the typing errors, I'm on my mobile and for some reason can't correct typing mistakes.)
I can understand that he thought (and felt) that with John it would be the most difficult. But to me that doesn't explain what he did in that situation with the bomb. There is a difference between being insecure/ having no idea how John will react/maybe even being afraid of his reaction and acting like a complete &§)(&ZLJBD&%§&=)(§/)(.
Really, I felt that Sherlock was on the right track there on the train - and then he totally fu*** it up. Granted, John laughed in the end, but to me it didn't feel right.
SolarSystem wrote:
I can understand that he thought (and felt) that with John it would be the most difficult. But to me that doesn't explain what he did in that situation with the bomb. There is a difference between being insecure/ having no idea how John will react/maybe even being afraid of his reaction and acting like a complete &§)(&ZLJBD&%§&=)(§/)(.
Really, I felt that Sherlock was on the right track there on the train - and then he totally fu*** it up. Granted, John laughed in the end, but to me it didn't feel right.
Exactly my feelings.
...and how did you like the new shirt?
( )
Sherlock's behaviour looks as if he had found out that he can not only win through his intellect but also through emotional manipulation using his own person. We saw fake tears already in TGG but now his skills have improved. The situation in the tube carriage was perfectly acted to make John talk about his feelings.
I am not quite clear why that was necessary.
Hi there,
I can't help but feeling that there's something more to the way Sherlock behaved. I can't quite put my finger on it yet, but his behaviour seemed extremely inconsistent and not in tune with the way one would expect him to behave - of course, that's what sociopathic behaviour is all about, I know, but ... still, I can't shake the feeling that there is something seriously "wrong" with him. The most interesting scene in that respect was the Jack-the-Ripper-setup": he was hearing voices for Christ's sake! The way he reacted to the voices in his head was quite alarming I thought ... Any takers?
Oh and Happy New Year everybody! :-)
Last edited by Starbucks (January 2, 2014 11:16 am)
He heard John talking to him. His usual remarks. He missed that and Molly couldn´t fill the hole. There was nothing wrong with him, I think .
I'm with everyone else here. I tried to live-stream yesterday and missed the first 25 minutes. Also, it was very choppy and intermittent so I think I missed a lot - but I also got quite a lot. The scene in the train seemed to me quite cruel and harsh. Right now it's leaving me with a bad taste - not that Sherlock was ever a sweetheart - but that kind of manipulation....hmmmm.
I missed the beginning. So, who or what is the 'rat' in Rat-Wedding-Bow. Is Sherlock the rat?
Starbucks wrote:
I can't help but feeling that there's something more to the way Sherlock behaved. I can't quite put my finger on it yet, but his behaviour seemed extremely inconsistent and not in tune with the way one would expect him to behave - of course, that's what sociopathic behaviour is all about, I know, but ... still, I can't shake the feeling that there is something seriously "wrong" with him. The most interesting scene in that respect was the Jack-the-Ripper-setup": he was hearing voices for Christ's sake! The way he reacted to the voices in his head was quite alarming I thought ... Any takers?
I would say there is something wrong with him in regards to the fact that he has been away for two years. He has to get to know London again, he has to get to know all those people again. He probably has changed, John and all the others probably have changed (at least a bit). So it's new territory for Sherlock. And I'm totally okay with that, but I do have my problems with the way in which he obviously tries to find his place again.
Benedict said in an interview that Sherlock has regressed. To me this is not entirely right. Yes, he has regressed, but there's more to it. It feels to me as if we see a mixture of regression and evolvement all at the same time... when he's dealing with John it definitely feels as if Sherlock has regressed, when he's dealing with other people though it feels as if I'm witnessing his attempt to act more human than he ever did before.
Last edited by SolarSystem (January 2, 2014 11:49 am)
SolarSystem wrote:
I can understand that he thought (and felt) that with John it would be the most difficult. But to me that doesn't explain what he did in that situation with the bomb. There is a difference between being insecure/ having no idea how John will react/maybe even being afraid of his reaction and acting like a complete &§)(&ZLJBD&%§&=)(§/)(.
Really, I felt that Sherlock was on the right track there on the train - and then he totally fu*** it up. Granted, John laughed in the end, but to me it didn't feel right.
Yes that was a little bit strange. In the end I missed Sherlock never "seriously" said sorry to John... without any action that shifts the whole situation. But this is the only point I'm complaining about.
SolarSystem wrote:
When he gets his shave and his hair is wet, he looks a bit like Benedict/Khan, don't you think?
Solar, you have to face the fact that Benedict plays Sherlock. And wet back combed curls don't look curly... and from his facial expression in this scene... well how would Sherlock say...It's my face...
Swanpride, yes ... good point
gently69 wrote:
Solar, you have to face the fact that Benedict plays Sherlock. And wet back combed curls don't look curly...
and from his facial expression in this scene... well how would Sherlock say...It's my face...
That certainly is a good point, but so far we've never seen Sherlock with wet hair, so up until now he always looked like Sherlock (to me).
Well... you are right of course...
I'm nearly convinced that it wasn't Benedict.
gently69 wrote:
SolarSystem wrote:
I can understand that he thought (and felt) that with John it would be the most difficult. But to me that doesn't explain what he did in that situation with the bomb. There is a difference between being insecure/ having no idea how John will react/maybe even being afraid of his reaction and acting like a complete &§)(&ZLJBD&%§&=)(§/)(.
Really, I felt that Sherlock was on the right track there on the train - and then he totally fu*** it up. Granted, John laughed in the end, but to me it didn't feel right.Yes that was a little bit strange. In the end I missed Sherlock never "seriously" said sorry to John... without any action that shifts the whole situation. But this is the only point I'm complaining about.
He did say "Sorry" seriously once, when John went to 221B (after Mom & Daddy Holmes left). But for me the real serious moment between them and what I felt was an unspoken "sorry" was at the end when John tells Sherlock about his speech at the graveyard and Sherlock says "I heard you". The way he says it and his face are both (IMHO) saying "I know I hurt you and I'm really sorry". I loved that scene.
Mrs Watson, I agree with you.
As for Benedict not playing the torture scene himself ...
Last edited by SusiGo (January 2, 2014 12:28 pm)