I've run across a couple lately and just felt the need to voice my opinon. Ntot that I'm ever shy about voicing my opinon. Seems all it took to get me going was glancing at the fic summeries!
I tried to read a couple years ago and was completely creeped out. Like I said, everyone is allowed their fantasies and god knows I have mine. Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are real live human beings. As much as we love their work and admire them, we don't KNOW them. It's one thing to take the characters they play and bend them to our will, but I would never attempt to use their real life persona in a work of fiction. I find it in very poor taste.
Dang. Never ranted about this before. Guess I feel strongly about respecting these individuals who've brought us so much happiness.
I stumbled upon one or two of them and stopped reading after a few sentences. It felt voyeuristic and tasteless.
Agreed. Celebrities have their privacy invaded enough without people they don't know (and who don't know them) writing stories around their actual identities. I find it invasive on their behalf and won't read them
Hmm. Have to agree with QE on this, as long as people are aware that the writing is in the realm of fantasy only I have no problem with it.
Air date for new episodes.
There will be epic amounts of new fan fiction.
Archive of our Own may explode.
Gosh, so I have to start a reading marathon to cover all the Post-Reichenbach fics.
My thoughts exactly... I have 15 pages in Kindle and one month
Fanfic has spoiled me. I now I've mentioned that little fact before, but yesterday I've stumbled over it once more.
I was watching icehockey with hubby (NHL), when I noticed a backround advertising for "Jiffy Lube" and went like this: .
Turned out that it is a very harmles oil change service in the US.
SusiGo wrote:
I do not want to disturb the nickname discussion but before I forget this - what about the myth of Sherlock's Egyption cotton sheets? Does anyone know where this comes from or is it just wishful thinking?
I've just read the whole thread (and found some things I'm guilty of, too) and this remark made me laugh so hard! Because some hundred years ago I was lurking around the edges of The Sentinel fandom and said fandom was simply obsessed with thread counts. The writers knew the exact thread count of each of the egyptian cotton thingies the sentinel, Jim, wore or had around him.
At first I was pretty confused by it, because I don't think I've seen thread count ever mentioned on anything textile I've ever bought in Germany. But apparently this is a thing to watch out for when buying sheets in the US. The things one learns from fanfic!
kete wrote:
SusiGo wrote:
I do not want to disturb the nickname discussion but before I forget this - what about the myth of Sherlock's Egyption cotton sheets? Does anyone know where this comes from or is it just wishful thinking?
I've just read the whole thread (and found some things I'm guilty of, too) and this remark made me laugh so hard! Because some hundred years ago I was lurking around the edges of The Sentinel fandom and said fandom was simply obsessed with thread counts. The writers knew the exact thread count of each of the egyptian cotton thingies the sentinel, Jim, wore or had around him.
At first I was pretty confused by it, because I don't think I've seen thread count ever mentioned on anything textile I've ever bought in Germany. But apparently this is a thing to watch out for when buying sheets in the US. The things one learns from fanfic!
Oh god I remember that now. I had completely forgotten. Yeah the things we learn from fanfiction eh? Seriously, we need a T-shirt, we really do.
Ormond Sacker wrote:
Oh god I remember that now. I had completely forgotten. Yeah the things we learn from fanfiction eh? Seriously, we need a T-shirt, we really do.
You do? Wasn't it a hoot!?! Seriously, the words thread count were mentioned in every single fic!
kete wrote:
Ormond Sacker wrote:
Oh god I remember that now. I had completely forgotten. Yeah the things we learn from fanfiction eh? Seriously, we need a T-shirt, we really do.
You do? Wasn't it a hoot!?! Seriously, the words thread count were mentioned in every single fic!
Maybe not all of the ones I read, but I sizeable number certainly. I had never heard of thread count before either, we don't get those in Denmark. Must be a US thing.
I also remember a lot of stuff about shampoos, sented candles (generally Sandburgs) and the like. Actually The Sentinel fics was the first time I read slash, or fanfiction at all. The very first one I rad a rather graphic one and I was just " Okay. I knew the Internet was about porn, but still. Of course, it's better than all the rest I've encountered" So I kept on reading.
Last edited by Ormond Sacker (December 27, 2013 5:56 pm)
Glad to hear that thread count is an unknown thing in Denmark, too! I started feeling underpriviledged here....
My fist fanfic reading experience was years ago in the LOTR fandom when the movies came out. The funny thing was that I had written Big Valley fanfic as a teenager (and made all my class mates read it). And I thought, "Hey, other people are doing it, too!" Was flabbergasted.
Schmiezi wrote:
Fanfic has spoiled me. I now I've mentioned that little fact before, but yesterday I've stumbled over it once more.
I was watching icehockey with hubby (NHL), when I noticed a backround advertising for "Jiffy Lube" and went like this: .
Turned out that it is a very harmles oil change service in the US.
That just made my day!
Ok. Here's a suvey question for everyone.
Name a fic that you have read repeatedly. I mean at least 3 times or more. One you just can't get enought of.
Without nameing a specific author, discribe a story you really wish you had not read.
The Heart in the Whole and The Road Less Traveled are the fics I read (and listened to the podfics) the most times (definitely more than 3). I read Back in the Day three times and then there is a lot of fics I read twice.
And the story I wish I hadn't read... Let's say it ended with Sherlock wetting himself (I don't think you want to know more).
My favourite fic in this fandom which I reread ever so often is this one:
The most disturbing one I started and then bowed out of was some curious omega fic where Sherlock was some kind of sex slave(?) and John was his valet or something(?) and he'd had his tongue ripped out (John, not Sherlock). Yuck, I couldn't get to the back button fast enough and I was only half way down the first page.
The fics I have read more than three times are "Electric Pink Hand Granade" and "Two Coffees One Black One With Sugar".
The one I wish I had never read is one where Sherlock dies in an accident when paasing the street with John, completely meaningless and out of the blue. Somehow, his scarf got caught by a passing car and breaks his neck. No archieve warning, nothing. I felt bad for days and still do when I think about it.
Did you message the author and ask them to put up a warning? Major character death is the one thing I won't read
I honsetly can't remember. I most likely did, but then I was relatively new to the whole fanfic stuff back then.