Last night I was on Youtube, watching reaction videos of the Hobbit trailer, the second one where we heard Smaug for the first time. Every single one of them was freaking out when they heard him ^^
Pfff, haven't been here in ages! Time is something I don't seem to really have these days.
Last edited by Sparrow (November 30, 2013 7:10 pm)
hey, Sparrow, welcome back! hand*
Long fingers! *_*
SusiGo wrote:
AG, rest assured this mod is a fangirl herself.
I know, and I love that about you, and all of you. *smooch* One thing I like about this thread is that there never seems to be "too much" fangirling. *smile*
You know on my last forum, my pal used to actually be crticised for being too much of a fan girl and told off if she used caps lock and exclamattion marks etc.
Thing is, she is the least of fan girls in real life!
Last edited by besleybean (November 30, 2013 7:37 pm)
Thanks Mrs. W! It's good to see you all again.
*still staring at the hand*
take your time :-)
I just love this:
SolarSystem wrote:
I'm just a little, mentally unstable fangirl.
I am too!.
Last edited by Neptune Centari (November 30, 2013 7:53 pm)
SilverMoonDragonB wrote:
SolarSystem wrote:
Oh yes, okay, very nice indeed...
*falls out of desk chair*
I don't like this picture of him. *shrug*
ancientsgate wrote:
SolarSystem wrote:
I'm just a little, mentally unstable fangirl.
We used to have a mod here on the forum who dismissed the lot of us as little flailing fangirls. *smile* I've never forgotten that. Gee, no one'd called me any kind of little girl for DECADES. I flail and am proud-- I think we all are, eh?
Fangirls unite!
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it
Neptune Centari wrote:
ancientsgate wrote:
SolarSystem wrote:
I'm just a little, mentally unstable fangirl.
We used to have a mod here on the forum who dismissed the lot of us as little flailing fangirls. *smile* I've never forgotten that. Gee, no one'd called me any kind of little girl for DECADES. I flail and am proud-- I think we all are, eh?
Fangirls unite!
I'm very proud to belong to this club and like Kitty I enjoy my insanity
We're all pretty normal I'd say. As normal as this guy carrying a harpoon in his flat.
Well, at least he is not covered in blood any longer. And that is as sane as we get.
Sherlock would say that normal is boring ^^
It is getting late all over Europe so here is a calm, soothing ... you know what I mean.
Yes, looking at this picture I nearly fell asleep...
You're all killing me with your "soothing" pics.
Tobe: Good. Normally I am blamed for posting such things.
QE: Sorry, but someone is always complaining.
Last edited by SusiGo (November 30, 2013 9:25 pm)