My name is Rob Kemppainen. I am 60, married and have three grown sons. I am a Lutheran Pastor in Central Minnesota. My wife is a Public Health Nurse and Lactation Specialist. Oldest son sells Macintosh Computers in Vancouver. Middle son is a project coordinator for BC Hydro, also in Vancouver. Youngest son is an aspiring author (ebooks) including The Fall of Haven, Exodus and Uprising and The Legend of Ivan (my favorite). I like to write music, including rock, country, bluegrass, choral, and barbershop. I got to this site because 1) I have read all the original Sherlock Holmes stories (I think), 2) I love the BBC treatment of the story lines, and 3) I wrote the Holmes/Watson camping joke into a song.
rob k
Welcome Rob. Yay! another canonphile!
Welcome, I'm wondering about the song!!
Hey Rob! Nice to meet you and yes, good to hear you are familiar with the really is amazing stuff...
Would love to hear your song based on the camping it on YouTube or anything?
Hi Rob Welcome
I'm Lutheran too and come originally from Wisconsin although I live in Pennsylvania now. Enjoy the community here
Pretty sure Martin Luther would have been a fan of Sherlock Holmes...
Welcome to the forum, and have fun! Oh, I love Minnesota. So beautiful.
Welcome Rob! The ninety-five Theses have a certain Sherlockian ring to them.
The Adventure of the Ninety-Five Theses
Hi Rob,
finally - a theologian! (I myself studied Lutheran theology ages ago.)
Your name sounds like Finnish ancestors...and you seem to be anything but boooooring ... Looking forward to your posts!
Hello Rob, you are sure to find plenty to enjoy here. Welcome
Molly Hooper wrote:
Welcome, I'm wondering about the song!!
I am checking with a moderator to see if it is permitted to post a link to the song, as it is monetized on You Tube.
rob k
Yeah, I think it is, everyone posts links to youtube, it's fine!
Welcome, rob k! I'm sure you'll have a great time here.
welcome, rob K!!! I am glad to know you. I hope you have as much fun here as we sherlockians have been having. I don't share personal info very much, but I am a female who is hearing impaired, who loves Sherlock and ACD canon stories as well.
Maybe you could post the lyrics to the song here? I'd love to "hear" it.
Hi Rob, just got home from now & found your message. I'm in consultation, won't be long!
Dear everyone,
I have received permission to post my song/video. I will be posting it in the General Discussion Area.
I monetized the song on You Tube because, why not? You will see a brief ad for something or other,
something I have no connection with. You are stuck watching some of the ad, a few seconds before they let you watch the video, but after a little bit it can be skipped. The ads so far have been for upcoming movies and one for Home Depot.
I hope you enjoy "Elementary!"
rob k
PS to sherlockskitty.
The lyrics to the song are included in the video.
rob k
Welcome ! = )