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November 26, 2013 8:06 pm  #1781

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread

Neptune Centari wrote:

gently69 wrote:

SolarSystem wrote:

Well, no, not all of us... but some of us...

Your second to last post seemed to go in this direction. That's why I asked. I love to see Sherlock and John having a very deep friendship but not any further. Well partly it' s the own fault of the creators with their "gay" hints.
But nevertheless it's absolutely not my cup of tea.

Keen on it? KEEN? That's the understatement of the year! I ship Johnlock harder than Mrs. Hudson! They are my OTP. I have never, ever shipped a pairing the way I ship these two! I will go down with this ship!

I'm with you on this ship ....and I don't even fear iceberg on it

Enjoy the silence
"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats." - Albert Schweitzer

November 26, 2013 8:19 pm  #1782

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread

Well, this look could give me ideas...

John: "Have you spoken to Mycroft, Molly, uh, anyone?"
Mrs Hudson: "They don’t matter. You do."


     Thread Starter

November 26, 2013 8:22 pm  #1783

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread

Lots of ideas... just step a little closer, John... or Sherlock... or both...

"Am I the current King of England?

"I see no shame in having an unhealthy obsession with something." - David Tennant
"We did observe." - David Tennant in "Richard II"


November 26, 2013 8:24 pm  #1784

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread

It just GAVE me ideas.

I still believe that love conquers all!


"Quick, man, if you love me."

November 26, 2013 10:20 pm  #1785

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread

I don't even ship Johnlock and all I can think from that picture is...


November 26, 2013 10:53 pm  #1786

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread

Michele wrote:

I don't even ship Johnlock and all I can think from that picture is...

ROFL! I can not tell you how many times I have inwardly screamed at them to kiss!

You're on the canon ground, I'm up in crack ship space
Let's start a shipping war, don't care if I get hate.
Don't like my pairings, well, then you can hit the bricks.
This is my OTP, I'll go down with this ship!

November 27, 2013 2:03 am  #1787

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread

Neptune Centari wrote:

Keen on it? KEEN? That's the understatement of the year! I ship Johnlock harder than Mrs. Hudson! They are my OTP. I have never, ever shipped a pairing the way I ship these two! I will go down with this ship!

Heh. I knew I liked you.
OTP indeed. These two epitomize the idea of OTP.


November 27, 2013 2:05 am  #1788

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread

Michele wrote:

I don't even ship Johnlock and all I can think from that picture is...

That's why a lot of slash fans turn to writing their own fan fic. We know we'll NEVER see them kiss in canon, so we write our own stories and scenarios and manipulate them like paper dolls, lol--  great fun!


November 27, 2013 2:10 am  #1789

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread

ancientsgate wrote:

Neptune Centari wrote:

Keen on it? KEEN? That's the understatement of the year! I ship Johnlock harder than Mrs. Hudson! They are my OTP. I have never, ever shipped a pairing the way I ship these two! I will go down with this ship!

Heh. I knew I liked you.
OTP indeed. These two epitomize the idea of OTP.

I am liked! WooHoo!

Johnlockians Unite!

You're on the canon ground, I'm up in crack ship space
Let's start a shipping war, don't care if I get hate.
Don't like my pairings, well, then you can hit the bricks.
This is my OTP, I'll go down with this ship!

November 27, 2013 6:42 am  #1790

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread

Can I just say how much I hate those horrible cartoons.


November 27, 2013 1:26 pm  #1791

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread

tobeornot221b wrote:

Well, this look could give me ideas...

John looks longing for ...........


November 27, 2013 1:35 pm  #1792

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread

I have never seen a show with as much Eye Sex in it as Sherlock has.

Proud President and Founder of the OSAJ.  
Honorary German  
"Anyone who takes himself too seriously always runs the risk of looking ridiculous; anyone who can consistently laugh at himself does not".
 -Vaclav Havel 
"Life is full of wonder, Love is never wrong."   Melissa Ethridge

I ship it harder than Mrs. Hudson.

November 27, 2013 1:41 pm  #1793

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread

besleybean wrote:

Can I just say how much I hate those horrible cartoons.

Me too. And I can't stand the ones where S/J look like demented kids, either. *shiver*  Too weird for me. But that's the nature of art-- to each his own, both creatively and in appreciation, or lack thereof.


November 27, 2013 1:47 pm  #1794

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread

tonnaree wrote:

I have never seen a show with as much Eye Sex in it as Sherlock has.

You don't watch Hawaii 5-0? And the best thing about 5-0 is, there've been like 50+ episodes already with loads more coming. Not like Sherlock, where we've been mooning over the same 4.5 hours of film for 3 years now. Yeah, I know-- we're all more than ready for some NEW SHERLOCK!


November 27, 2013 1:50 pm  #1795

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread

tonnaree wrote:

I have never seen a show with as much Eye Sex in it as Sherlock has.

This is killing me... before I joined this forum I didn't even know the real meaning of eye sex...! Everything here is so educational..! 

"Am I the current King of England?

"I see no shame in having an unhealthy obsession with something." - David Tennant
"We did observe." - David Tennant in "Richard II"


November 27, 2013 3:48 pm  #1796

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread


November 27, 2013 3:50 pm  #1797

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread

SolarSystem wrote:

tonnaree wrote:

I have never seen a show with as much Eye Sex in it as Sherlock has.

This is killing me... before I joined this forum I didn't even know the real meaning of eye sex...! Everything here is so educational..! 

It's good to learn new things. 

And no, never have watched 5-0.  Well, I watched the original when I was a kid! 

Proud President and Founder of the OSAJ.  
Honorary German  
"Anyone who takes himself too seriously always runs the risk of looking ridiculous; anyone who can consistently laugh at himself does not".
 -Vaclav Havel 
"Life is full of wonder, Love is never wrong."   Melissa Ethridge

I ship it harder than Mrs. Hudson.

November 27, 2013 8:05 pm  #1798

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread

Our boys ^^


Dean - "I'm not happy about it. But I got to move on. So I'm gonna keep doing what we do...while I still can. And I'd like you to be there with me."

Sam - "I'm your brother, Dean, if you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you got someone right here next to you."


November 27, 2013 8:43 pm  #1799

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread

tonnaree wrote:

I have never seen a show with as much Eye Sex in it as Sherlock has.

Isn't it great?! I honestly don't know how John doesnt manage to melt under Sherlock's gaze. I would turn into a puddle of goo if he looked at me the way he looks at John. *swoons*

You're on the canon ground, I'm up in crack ship space
Let's start a shipping war, don't care if I get hate.
Don't like my pairings, well, then you can hit the bricks.
This is my OTP, I'll go down with this ship!

November 27, 2013 8:45 pm  #1800

Re: Finally: The Sherlock/John picture thread

I assure you it's all in your heads.
Not in  the scripts or the perfomances.


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