Just watching The Hollow Crown Henry V with Tom Hiddlestone. Shakespeare at its best! The BBC is wonderful at producing such fantastic productions.
Oh my god! If you EVER get the chance to see this do so. Utterly brilliant, traumatic, sad and wonderful. I cannot recommend this production more highly.
Thanks for the hint, Davina, I loved Kenneth Branagh's Henry V, must have a look at this one.
Some piccies:
I must say how they kept his grey (i.e. white) horse looking so clean was very impressive too. Look carefully at the gloves he is wearing as well.
Fabulous and I'm a huge Hiddleston fan.
Don't know as we've gotten The Hollow Crown in the US, yet anyway. Anyone know?
Kenneth Brannaugh's Hamlet -- one of my favorite movies. Liked his Henry, too.
I like his Henry very much, even more than Hamlet. And when my daughter read Much Ado at school we watched the film together.
This is coming out on DVD according to Tom on his Twitter (yes he is on Twitter and yes it really is him). Keep your eyes peeled folks. His performance is!
He really is so very, very pretty, isn't he? Hmm
I follow him on Twitter, he has a song of the day, but not every day, and also spouts poetry.
Last edited by hepzibah (October 7, 2012 6:35 pm)
I follow and love him
Is he tweeting again?
He suddenly seemed to go quiet.
Maybe just busy.
Huge Tom fan!
I liked the performances but I'm not a big Shakespeare fan. Just watched it for Tom.
veecee - The DVDs are coming out in the UK but if you can't watch on your player, download. I torrented mine...
I follow him on twitter too, Yes, he's so poetic isn't he? I've downloaded many of his songs of the day
I think he's gone mostly quiet because he's filming Thor 2 right now.
I thought about watching it because I see it all over my tumblr... and because Tom is in it.
Never knew if it was any good, though. But that sounds very nice!
So I will add it to my "to watch"-list but it might take some time until I'll get to it. ;)
This is the Hollow Crown thread referred to in Thor:The Dark World. Seriously, if you have not watched this fantastic piece of Shakespeare you should. You really, really should. Even if you are not really into Shakespeare.
They're all good, but I doubt you'll ever see a performance to match Ben Whishaw's Richard II.
I will borrow the DVD set from a friend who was totally enthusiastic about Richard II but less so about the other films. Looking forward to it very much.
Both Jeremy Irons and Tom Hiddleston are also great and indeed Rory Kinnear and also whatever his name is! Oh Simon Russell Beale, is it?!
We watched Henry V yesterday - and I know, that's not watching it in the right order, but my boyfriend's English isn't all that good and he knows Henry V by heart, so he agreed to watch it with me.
I'll watch Richard II and Henry IV in the next few days, I guess.. I loved Tom's King and I can't wait to see him in Henry IV when he's still wild and untamed. I already saw a scene when he's slapped in the face by his father (Jeremy Irons)... wow. Just wow.
And I wish one of the German TV stations would buy this, because it's just brilliant (like so many BBC productions...), even if your not such a huge fan of Shakespeare.
*silent sobbing*
I need this. It's definitely going to be on my wish list for christmas.
Ask for a nice box of tissues to go with it!
Just ordered my DVD.
I just love Tom, Benedict and he are just such brilliant actors.
So I persume it is wise to buy a few tissues to go along with it?
Just can't wait