Well done.
The part you didn't get says: "at least writing". I know it sounds odd in English, but it is perfectly good Danish. In good English it would probably say something like: "or at least someone who can write it".
Co takhle trochu češtiny? Vy všichni jste úžasní a já jsem šťastná, že si s vámi můžu psát
FluteLocked wrote:
Spanisherlock: Ich habe kein leider kein wort verstanden. ...
(Sadly, I didn't understand anything ..)
Tolle Idee, dieser Thread! (Thread...gibt's ein deutsches Wort dafür? )
Ich finde es sehr interessant auszuprobieren wieviel ich von anderen Sprachen verstehe.
Und jetzt komme ich mit gerade sehr komisch vor, weil ich auf deutsch schreibe. .. ;)
Lustig, dass du Saumagen erwähnt hast!
(Ein paar Seiten vorher)
Helmut Kohl bestellte ihn immer bei dem Metzger in dem Dorf (eigentlich eine Stadt) in dem ich wohne!
Ich bin sehr fröhlich, weil ich jemand deutschen Wörter verstehen kann. I lerne gern Deustch aber die Grammatik ist sehr schwierig.
@ Spanisherlock:
Ich freue mich auch immer wenn ich andere Sprachen verstehen kann.
Und ich habe schon oft gedacht, dass deutsch sehr schwierig zu lernen sein muss...
Schön, dass es trotzdem Spaß macht!
( I'm also happy when I understand something in other languages.
And I've often thought that it must be very hard to learn german...
Great that it is fun nevertheless! )
FluteLocked wrote:
@ Spanisherlock:
Ich freue mich auch immer wenn ich andere Sprachen verstehen kann.
Und ich habe schon oft gedacht, dass deutsch sehr schwierig zu lernen sein muss...
Schön, dass es trotzdem Spaß macht!
( I'm also happy when I understand something in other languages.
And I've often thought that it must be very hard to learn german...
Great that it is fun nevertheless! )
Many Spanish people are very interested in learning German nowadays. You country has turned into a great powerful European, everybody starts learning the language. I attend German lessons twice a week and besides, I have a very good teacher, so I will be learning the language for a long time!!! Do German people learn Spanish? or are they interested in Romance languages such as Spanish or others?
Last edited by spanisherlock (October 26, 2013 3:25 pm)
In many German schools you can choose to learn Spanish or Italian, but usually only after Englisch and French or Latin.
Io parlo l'italiano, ma solo un po'.
Hätt eigentlich scho mal öpper uf Schwiizerdütsch gschriebe da? Wänn nöd, mach ich gern dä Afang, zwar gseht's eifach blöd us, wämmer Züridütsch usschriebt, aber jä nu, so isch es ebe. Für mich isch Dütsch, also Hochdütsch, vill logischer zum Schriebe, aber will's irgendwie doch Spass macht, Schwiizerdütsch uszschriebe, mach ich das jetzt doch, grad us Freud. :D (Swiss German)
Schmiezi wrote:
In many German schools you can choose to learn Spanish or Italian, but usually only after Englisch and French or Latin.
Io parlo l'italiano, ma solo un po'.
I think Greek is also possible?
I could choose between French or Latin (and had English of course), and until today I'm sad that I didn't choose French.
Thank you James, that was fun!
Very funny, James. Written dialect always looks strange to me.
Wenn isch dat Platt jeschrieve seh, dann is dat janz schön jelunge. (left Lower Rhine, north of Cologne)
James Norrington wrote:
Hätt eigentlich scho mal öpper uf Schwiizerdütsch gschriebe da? Wänn nöd, mach ich gern dä Afang, zwar gseht's eifach blöd us, wämmer Züridütsch usschriebt, aber jä nu, so isch es ebe. Für mich isch Dütsch, also Hochdütsch, vill logischer zum Schriebe, aber will's irgendwie doch Spass macht, Schwiizerdütsch uszschriebe, mach ich das jetzt doch, grad us Freud. :D (Swiss German)
Ich ha emol z'Züri gläbt - s'isch sär guet gsii da. Chasch emol luege...;-)
Lustig, mal wieder Züridütsch zu lesen. Ich konnte es mal ganz gut, aber das ist lange her. Grüezi, James!
Hey, das isch witzig! Ich find Dialekt au rächt luschtig und es isch ja au mal schön, wänn mer so cha schriebe, wie mer eigentlich redt. ;)
@tobeornot221b: Grüezi zrugg, wo häsch dänn du gläbt, wänni därf fröge? Ich wohne imene sehr chline Dorf im Kanton Züri.
@SusiGo: Platt is also very funny, I've started reading a book were one person sometimes starts to talk like that and it always takes me a while to find out what she's talking about. ;)
Was anderi Dialekt agaht hani aber ächt kei Ahnig, cha leider au fascht kei anderi Schwiizer Dialekt namache, obwohls e paar git, woni so gärn würd chöne.
@mattlocked. I think there is a handful of schools that also offer Ancient Greek. I've never heard of modern greek being offered, except maybe in clubs or as an optional subject in your free time.
Unfortunately my school does not offer spanish, italian or greek as subject.
But I imagine greek to be very difficult to learn.
Ich finde es ja richtig anstrengend, Dialekte zu lesen. Sprechen tu ich selber leider keine, aber lustig hört es sich auf jeden Fall an.
Mary Me wrote:
Unfortunately my school does not offer spanish, italian or greek as subject.
But I imagine greek to be very difficult to learn.
Ich finde es ja richtig anstrengend, Dialekte zu lesen. Sprechen tu ich selber leider keine, aber lustig hört es sich auf jeden Fall an.
Spanish is probably the most common foreign language available to students in the US (because of the number of Spanish-speaking immigrants in our country).
French, Spanish & to a lesser extent German are the three languages most commonly offered here in the UK in schools. I learnt French at school, started leading German at evenings classes about 20 odd years ago (funnily enough I could read and understand all of James's Swiss German). when I first visited Germany, having studied German for about 3 years i thought i was useless, until I realised folk were speaking Platt. I have taught myself reasonably good Italian and have a smattering (great word that) of Spanish and Dutch.
@ Spanisherlock :
Yes, in our school many students want to learn Spanish! Courses are usually so full that we have two different ones.
(I started learning it myself, but sadly only for half a year because Spanish lessons were additional and I had trouble getting along with other homework.)
I find it really great you have fun learning german.
Feel free to ask me if I can help you ;)
In our school we had problems finding spanish exchange students because german isn't so popular there. Maybe that will change now.
FluteLocked wrote:
@ Spanisherlock :
Yes, in our school many students want to learn Spanish! Courses are usually so full that we have two different ones.
(I started learning it myself, but sadly only for half a year because Spanish lessons were additional and I had trouble getting along with other homework.)
I find it really great you have fun learning german.
Feel free to ask me if I can help you ;)
In our school we had problems finding spanish exchange students because german isn't so popular there. Maybe that will change now.
To be honest, in my hometown, there is only 1 high school which offers students to study German. However, in Spain we have "EOI's" ( state Official language schools) and it is where I'm studying German. As you can see, I don't have enough level to express myself in that language yet, but I won't give up! Feel free to ask me anything related to the Spanish language as well.
Pav wrote:
Co takhle trochu češtiny? Vy všichni jste úžasní a já jsem šťastná, že si s vámi můžu psát
Hello neighour! I live close to the czech border. Dobry den!
Hmm, det er nu lidt sjovt at skrive på dansk... men hvad pokker!