If you can't pick Sherlock or John, who would you say your favourite character was and why?
Mycroft. He's as interesting & complex as Sherlock but we will never see that much of him. He's a mystery to unravel on our own.
I think it is Anderson XD just for the fact that Sherlock hates him or maybe Lestrade... But "The Woman" is pretty cool to.... i cant chose
kazza474 wrote:
Mycroft. He's as interesting & complex as Sherlock but we will never see that much of him. He's a mystery to unravel on our own.
Yeah, and Mycroft is actually pretty intelligent too right?
And of course you gotta love Moriarty - what a great character!
Molly.She is intricate and sweet.She apparently loves Sherlock and is ready to do everything for him!
i love jim maurity. especially the bit where he's wearing the crown and seating in the throne in the last episode that made me laugh.
I like mycroft as he is like sherlock but more togather he is clever, funny and has flickers of sherlock about him I like lestrad as well
Like is possibly not the right word but... Jim Moriarty is a great character.
Lorein wrote:
Molly.She is intricate and sweet.She apparently loves Sherlock and is ready to do everything for him!
Do you think she 'loves' Sherlock?
Or is it more that she 'adores' him?
What I mean is, I think she knows she is not in his league/class and so wouldn't harbour any hopes of returned love from him. She does date other guys after all.
Not that it really matters to the main story but always interesting to see these characters and how they deal with things.
Her character isn't in the original, so there would have to be a certain amount of caution that her character doesn't over shadow the main themes.
I think most of the time she's happy just to have a one way appreciation/adoration of Sherlock without expecting anything in return...although I think if Sherlock suddenly decided he was interested, she would leap at the chance (although even she probably knows this is extremely unlikely). It's a lovely relationship they have though, and she's a very good fact, where would Sherlock be without her...dead, perhaps?
You mustn't forget about Mrs. Hudson. She plays quite a big part both in the original stories and in "Sherlock". Is it not true that she was one of the few, together with Mycroft, who knew the truth about Holmes still being alive after the original "The final problem"? I might be wrong though. Her patience with Holmes peculiarities, like keeping body parts in the fridge, is admirable to say the least. Also, the actress playing her in "Sherlock" is spot on I think.
If Mrs Hudson left Baker Street, England would fall!
I honestly can't choose my favourite character...they are all so wonderful in their own ways. ( Except Donovan and Anderson )
But, if i had to pick, It would be either Mrs Hudson or Lestrade
Last edited by ProudSherlockian121 (February 20, 2012 11:50 pm)
My favourite character begins with "M" - the name is "MycroftMoriartyMrsHudsonMolly"
Mycroft, hands down. He is absolutely marvellous, and I really like the relationship he has with Sherlock.
Mycroft has such a small part in the original stories, but I think it's great that he's explored in more detail here. He's become a very interesting character.
I always liked Mycroft from the original canon, largely because his appearances were so rare, and he maintained this "mystique" about him. I like him here, too, but he's getting a little too much airtime, I think. ('Course, when you write the stuff, guess you can insert yourself as much as you like...)
My favourite non-canon character is, of course, the guy that got whacked by the boomerang.
Uh, actually, MOLLY. I'd walk into St. Bart's right now and give her a big kiss on her too-small-mouth just to make her feel wanted.
Moriarty. I love him and he is perfect.
Yup - Mycroft gets my vote too. How can you not be intrigued by "the most dangerous man you'll ever meet" who also happens to be the British Government. I love the way MG plays the other Holmes boy - so smart, so upper class. To my mind it's perfection....
You can't really blame Mark for wanting to give himself plenty of airtime, lol. He is a shameless SH fanboy after all.