Agreed. But I would never ever make an elf joke, Harriet. What a strange idea.
Is it perhaps because you don't like elves?
I was just about to say the very same thing Susi... elf jokes...? Neverever would I dare...
I love his dry wit ^^
SusiGo wrote:
Agreed. But I would never ever make an elf joke, Harriet. What a strange idea.
So, you deliberately dispriviledge elves by not including them in your jokes? How racist of you!
Exactly what I'm saying, kete! Susi has to change her attitude!
And pronto - or she will have tumblrs dedicated to her elf hate. *nods*
And people having changed their sigs dedicated to the same issue. Right!
Fine, you asked for it (and to disprove that I am an elf-hater, elfo-phobe or whatever you call that):
Why did the elf push his bed into the fireplace?
Because he wanted to sleep like a log.
Why did Santa's helper see the doctor?
Because he had a low "elf" esteem!
Who is Santa's favorite singer?
Elf-is Presley!
What do Santa's little helpers learn at school?
The elf-abet!
LOL, you are absolved, Susi!
Susi, I have relatives and close friends who are elves. I am deeply offended on their behalf that you would mock them in such a heartless manner.
I just discovered this thread... and I'm shocked about this man. Can't believe that I watched the first Hobbit film in English on Blu-ray this afternoon and was excited about this man again. And now... everything falls apart because he's a racist... Oh... come on...what people want to believe...
Last edited by gently69 (December 29, 2013 6:12 pm)
Some people can't be happy unless they are offended at something.
Guess it's a bit late for me to try to explain myself (3 pages later) but thought I'd give it a go. I get that he's joking, I'm not pissed at the joke itself, I'm pissed at the context in which the joke was made. When Martin is asked about Martin/career/real world, he can give some very decent answers, but when he's asked about his latest job, he has a "I know you care more about my work than I do so I'll take the Mickey out of you" attitude toward the interviewer and their questions. They are a fun laugh until you consider the more than a hundred other people who have put just as much effort as Martin into the project but whose voices will never be heard coz they're just not as famous as him.
This is the reason why comedians can get away with the same or worse but Martin can't. Comedians usually run one-man-band type shows but actors are always part of an ensemble. I know he does it to stay sane and that it's healthy not to take your work too seriously but I sometimes wish that he could tone it down just a bit.
Personally, I hope he never tones it down too much. It's part of who he is and part of why I adore him.
kittykat wrote:
I love his dry wit ^^
Same here, and for those who don't get it, well, maybe just don't read his interviews if they upset you all the time.
I really don't think he is an idiot. He is protecting himself partly by making those jokes. I remember Amanda saying many times that Martin is freakishly private. I think it's his way of dealing with the media and their sometimes really annoying and nosy questions.
He was quite lovely with the people who met him on the Sherlock set and I admire that he does everything he can to stay grounded and have a normal life despite "Sherlock" and "The Hobbit" having turned him into sort of a mega-star.