I believe that when Martin leaves for the Hobbit(and Benedict leaves for Star Trek)... Sherlock BBC will come to and end. The hint for the last episode of season 3 is 'Bow'. The prediction by loads of fans is that it stands for the final bow(from the sherlock books), when the series ends. I will miss everything about this outstanding show. For me it has become more than just 'TV'. I am thankful for all the time and hard work put into this series. Not just by the actors, yet everyone who gave it their all to make this beautiful work shine<3 I will not stop fighting for this series to end until the very last second. I love it more than anything! xxx ~A
the3y've already BEEN filming. Star trek is done, and parts one and 2 of the hobbit are almost finished-- they're just doing editing and Post (which means editing after the actors have done filming). Benedict is in New Orleans now, filming 12 yrs a slave. They'll be back filming in jan 2013 for series 3 of Sherlock. I'm assuming you've heard the rumours that series 3 will be the last of Sherlock? welll...they're just rumours at this point. I'm hoping.
Yes, most of the filming has been done; they've been doing it between other projects. That's how the filming world works.
There's no REAL indication that the 3rd series will be the last ; in fact I take what the actors & creators say at face value & they have ALL said they want to do more for years to come.
Every now & then something gets printed that stirs up publicity regarding 'an end' ; Moftiss aren't silly enough to squash rumours, rumours are what keep the public's interest raging.
Consider this series like a fine wine; you enjoy some and leave some on the shelf to go to vintage and all the while you take your time making the next exciting batch.
Right -- beware of what you read on the internet, even if it's from a "real" newspaper or magazine. They increase their readership by getting people excited, often by taking things out of context.
So far, Moftiss have been filming three episodes of Sherlock every year and a half or so. That takes only four months out of eighteen, leaving the actors plenty of time to work in other things -- in addition to doing more Sherlock.
That's not to say that there will be new episodes forever -- but "indefinitely" looks like a pretty good bet!
Last edited by Carol the Dabbler (September 11, 2012 3:23 am)
Since they all are very fond of the show and each other, I'm sure they'll find the time for other seasons. Like it's been already said, It's not a daily or weekly show, so the only fear I have is that the gaps will be bigger.
Thanks guys! But the hint for the last episode of season 3 is 'Bow'. Doesn't that ring a bell?? Shelocks last bow?!
True. But also bear this in mind:
"We have three new words – which may be misleading, are not titles, are only teases or possibly clues, but might be deliberately designed to get you into a lather. Who knows?" said Moffat.
SherlockForeverAlways wrote:
Thanks guys! But the hint for the last episode of season 3 is 'Bow'. Doesn't that ring a bell?? Shelocks last bow?!
Maybe it's the last bow of someone else!
This Daily Express article seems to be the origin of the current hubbub, and this bit is the crux of the matter:
... with both Cumberbatch, 36, and Freeman, 41 today, now enjoying flourishing film careers, there are no plans for further episodes beyond [the third series], with insiders admitting that the forthcoming series is likely to be the actors’ final outing in the famous roles.
Of course there are no plans as yet for further episodes -- they're just now writing Series 3! Who are these nameless "insiders" and what do they mean by "likely"? According to the Wikipedia entry, the Daily Express is "a daily national middle market tabloid newspaper in the United Kingdom," and judging by the various front pages shown there, it's more or less on a par with American supermarket tabloids. They do sometimes print the truth, and of course this could be one of those times, but I'm not planning to lose any sleep over it.
Last edited by Carol the Dabbler (September 19, 2012 4:32 pm)
That article is being discussed in another thread here.
It sounds like a mish-mash of previously-said, and might-have-saids and out-of-context stuff just to stir things up.
Last edited by Wholocked (September 14, 2012 12:39 am)
Thanks for posting the link, Wholocked! That thread is well worth reading, especially Kazza's comments on (as you mentioned) the "mish-mash" nature of the article.
Carol the Dabbler wrote:
So far, Moftiss have been filming three episodes of Sherlock every year and a half or so. That takes only four months out of eighteen, leaving the actors plenty of time to work in other things -- in addition to doing more Sherlock.
A year has 18 months?
No. A year and a half does though.