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Introductions Please... » Hello! :D » June 24, 2013 4:37 pm |
Hey! I'm fan of Sherlock half year ago aproximatly and I love it! The show is fantastic, one of the best I've never seen. I spend my day fangirling haha I hope to know a lot of more fans and having fun here
Series Three News » Place where third episode will be filming » June 24, 2013 4:31 pm |
Hello! I'm new here and my English is bad, so I'm sorry if I say any nonsense.
I don't know exactly if this is the place of the forum to answer my question but I'm going to try it: Do you know when and where the last episode of the 3 season will be filming? I'm not from England but I'd die if I could to see them filming even if it is 5 minutes!
Anyways I suposse that it's difficult to know it and the team don't say anything, so thank you very much for your help or your opinion
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