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Posted by drummerchickSH
February 17, 2012 12:24 pm

Anybody ready jane erye its fantastic !

If you eliminate the impossible,
What every remains,
However improbable,...
Must be the truth !
Posted by Sherlock Holmes
February 18, 2012 11:22 pm

A long time ago, at school I think. Don't get much time for reading these days sadly...

Eventually everyone will support Johnlock.

Independent OSAJ Affiliate

Posted by drummerchickSH
February 18, 2012 11:34 pm

Awww that's a shame, I read to much .......

If you eliminate the impossible,
What every remains,
However improbable,...
Must be the truth !
Posted by Davina
February 28, 2012 10:42 pm

Jane Eyre is a fantastic book. If you enjoy it then for your next read I can suggest 'Rebecca' by Daphne Dumaurier. I am sure you will see similarities in the story.

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.
Posted by TooManyFandomsToFunction
March 15, 2012 6:58 pm

Anybody read 'Daphne' by Justine Picardi? It's about Daphne Dumaurier, and J. Alex Symington. J. Alex is actually my great-grandfather, which isn't really a thing to brag about. Read to book to know why!

Sometimes my head hurts with fandom input. Now allow me to deduce you by offering a jelly baby.
Posted by Davina
March 15, 2012 9:49 pm

You can NEVER read too much. I shall try to get Daphne and read it. I love Daphne Dumarier's stories they are so atmospheric, full of well painted characters and great plots. Jamaica Inn is another favourite of mine.

The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins is another exciting read.

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.
Posted by Irene Adler
March 20, 2012 11:34 am

I love both Rebecca and Jane Eyre.
Also, I've really enjoyed most of Jane Austen books, and one of my all time favourites is Wuthering Heights... so I think British literature is something I really like.
Now I'm reading Song of Ice and Fire, in fact I'm in the middle of the second book, A Clash of Kings, and I'm really enjoying them. Any fans over here?
I love reading, I think I can be considered a compulsive reader. Some of my favorites, let's see...

- William Shakespeare, though the original are a bit hard for me to read because of the ancient English. I specially love Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth and Midsummer night's dream.
- Henning Mankell, not only Wallander. I've read some other books by him and I love them.
- Tolkien, everything he wrote. I keep going back to LOTR now and then. Fantastic book. And I enjoy a lot The Silmarillion, though there is a lot of people who seem to dislike it
- Historic novels. Some of my favourites are Collen McCullough books about Rome (The first man in Rome, The grass crown, etc.)
- Harry Potter!! I was about 25 when I first read The philosopher's stone but anyway I've enjoyed them like a child (or more than a child).

Let's go, what are your all time favourites?

Waiting for a crazy man in a blue box to fall from the sky...

But the thing is, we've taken away all the things that can possibly have happened, so I suppose the only thing that's left, even though it seems really weird, must be the thing that did happen, in fact. (Miss Marple)

Posted by sherlocked
March 20, 2012 11:39 am

Irene, I discovered Harry Potter with my sons - and I was as crazy about them, as they were. It was such a pleasure to share the exitement with them! So many mother/son discussions, we had because of the books!
I can't exist without reading.

Last edited by sherlocked (March 20, 2012 11:40 am)

Posted by Irene Adler
March 20, 2012 12:00 pm

sherlocked wrote:

Irene, I discovered Harry Potter with my sons - and I was as crazy about them, as they were. It was such a pleasure to share the exitement with them! So many mother/son discussions, we had because of the books!
I can't exist without reading.

I love to read this. I think these books are absolutely awesome. I've had lots of discussions with my friends about them... I still remember the day Deathly Hallows was released here in Spain. The moment I had it in my hands I sat on my couch with a coffee and read for three hours until I had to go to work. And then, when I came back, I kept reading till my eyes couldn't go on anymore.
And also I really got angry with the ending of the fifth book and with some of the events in the ending of the seven. So angry I stopped reading them for days. And that has never happened to me with any book. I think you can imagine what events made me so angry and also so sad... I think I even cried with the fifth one. All of these characters are so adorable, so full of life, so special...

Waiting for a crazy man in a blue box to fall from the sky...

But the thing is, we've taken away all the things that can possibly have happened, so I suppose the only thing that's left, even though it seems really weird, must be the thing that did happen, in fact. (Miss Marple)

Posted by sherlocked
March 20, 2012 4:18 pm

My son and me, we ordered TWO copies of the last Harry Potter(I gave away one later). So we could read together. Like you, we started immediately and never stopped, lol!
I like your taste of literature by the way. I'm such a constant reader, that the invention of e-books (I have a kindle) is just great for me. When I travel, I never run out of reading material, and is the most wonderful source for classic literature. I have all the old Sherlock Holmes stories on my kindle by the way. Comes in handy now!

Posted by Shenanigans
March 20, 2012 10:52 pm

I'm a BIG fan of the Harry Potter books as well! :D My daughter loves them as well and I've found they're good for discussing different topics such as bullying , growing up, etc...

Moriarty: "How hard do you find it? Having to say 'I don't know' ?"
Sherlock: "I don't know."
Moriarty: "Oh that's clever, that's very clever, awfully clever."
Posted by Davina
March 21, 2012 4:48 pm

The Harry Potter books are great and for kids work really well when read at the same age as that of the characters, which is how JK Rowling intended it. The books become darker and more complex and upsetting as they progress as the young readers become more mature and able to cope with the subject matter.

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.
Posted by 42_and_221B
March 21, 2012 6:53 pm

I agree with Davina, one can never read too much! :D I haven't actually read any of the books you guys have mentioned (shame on me!) but I do have Jane Eyre and am planning to read it when I get through my OTHER pile of books. ;P

I actually just finished The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and really enjoyed it. It's definitely not in the same category of the books you guys have been reading, haha, it's more of a witty, comedic type story, but very enjoyable nonetheless. I was laughing throughout the whole thing -- it's one of my favorites now! ;D

@Irene Adler I like Shakespeare too, though I definitely prefer the movie versions of his plays. It's harder to understand when you read them -- after all, they were originally intended to be performed by actors on a stage. :D Othello is one of the best, though I can't decide whether I like it or Hamlet better!


"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." - A.C. Doyle
Posted by tobeornot221b
March 21, 2012 7:25 pm

Irene_Adler wrote:

I love both Rebecca and Jane Eyre.
Also, I've really enjoyed most of Jane Austen books, and one of my all time favourites is Wuthering Heights... so I think British literature is something I really like.

My all time favourite book is Wuthering Heights as well - I read it so many times!
And I love everything Oscar Wilde.

John: "Have you spoken to Mycroft, Molly, uh, anyone?"
Mrs Hudson: "They don’t matter. You do."


Posted by Irene Adler
March 21, 2012 11:01 pm

I'm happy to see we agree so much in this matter... By the way, I'd love to have suggestions from you. Sometimes, I'm stuck to read the books that are most known or published in Spain and I miss other things that are less famous here. I mean, maybe you can suggest some books that are not easy to find or know about in here... it's not a problem for me to read in English, so any suggestion will be great (and thank God for Amazon...) 

Waiting for a crazy man in a blue box to fall from the sky...

But the thing is, we've taken away all the things that can possibly have happened, so I suppose the only thing that's left, even though it seems really weird, must be the thing that did happen, in fact. (Miss Marple)

Posted by H6umy
April 7, 2012 7:18 pm

I love reading. Just finished The Da Vinci Code. Now I'm reading The Book With No Name.

"Lie to me," he said. "I love you," he replied.
Posted by hepzibah
April 15, 2012 4:25 am

If you love Jane Eyre, you have to read The Eyre Affair by Jasper fforde. It is set in an alternative universe where books are held is high esteem (imagine that) and Jane Eyre and Mr Rocherster, well, let's just say things have worked out a little differntly to the story as we know it. Every time I read it, which must be 5 or 6 times, I find something new in it. He had done several books with the character of Thursday Next, who would make a great character in Sherlock, and a few in the Nursery Crimes series, featuring Jack Spratt and Mary Mary. Highly, highly recommended.


I wish the real world would just stop hassling me - Rob Thomas

Did I mention that I have a Kindle?

Posted by Lisbeth
May 1, 2012 1:13 pm

I recently finished reading The Hunger Games trilogy and I really enjoyed it.

Posted by Milkomeda
May 1, 2012 11:15 pm

I finished The hobbit last week, I love it and now I am looking forward to the movie = ).
I really love reading, especially fantasy, science-fiction and dystopia.
1984 and Animal farm by Orwell have a special place in my heart : O. I really recommend them.
I also love Baudelaire's poetry : ).


"Wanted! Schrödinger's cat. Dead and alive."
Posted by Davina
May 3, 2012 11:24 am

Have you read Fahrenheit 451? By Ray Bradbury. His short stories are very good too, if a bit...unsettling. The Illustrated Man is one of my favourites.

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.

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