Posted by kazza474 May 26, 2012 11:37 pm | #1 |
Ok, I will catch up with what has exactly been happening with this, but just wanted to share this amusing moment with you:
I've not long woken up, turn on the computer & open Twitter.
There before me are all these tweets about Eurovision from 2 Queens (of sorts):
Mark Gatiss @Markgatiss
Norway have a camp Oliver Tobias in a hoodie. Not very Baltic.
Mark Gatiss @Markgatiss
Mark Gatiss @Markgatiss
Love me back. What about the rest of him?
Elizabeth Windsor @Queen_UK
Not sure what he's singing about. Something about regretting joining the Euro one should suspect. #eurovision
Elizabeth Windsor @Queen_UK
It's hard not to feel superior when watching the Eurovision Song Contest from this side of the channel. #eurovision
Followed soon afterwards by a couple of Princesses chatting eagerly away :
Robyn @foranotherday
Someone should remake Charlie's Angels with @amandaabbington, @louisebrealey, and @larapulver. I would watch the shit out of that.
Lara Pulver @larapulver
@foranotherday @amandaabbington @louisebrealey One word...Bananarama!
amanda abbington @amandaabbington
@larapulver @foranotherday @louisebrealey Ohhhh, I am still ALL OVER THAT! Believe me. I can't remember which one I am though...?
Lara Pulver @larapulver
@amandaabbington @foranotherday @louisebrealey Well...'I heard a rumour....'
amanda abbington @amandaabbington
@larapulver @foranotherday @louisebrealey CAN WE! CAN WE! CAN WE!
Lara Pulver @larapulver
@amandaabbington @foranotherday @louisebrealey Lets brainstorm tomorrow!!
Should get interesting soon, Lou Brealey just started Tweeting, lol.
Posted by JaneCo May 27, 2012 8:43 am | #2 |
Thanks for posting this Kazza