Please Like Me

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Posted by Yitzock
September 20, 2015 8:04 pm

Anybody else who enjoys this quirky little Australian show?

Canada's public broadcaster picked up the first two seasons this summer and this week was the finale of season 2.  Season 3 is coming to its network in Australia this October and I'm hoping CBC picks it up to broadcast at some point.  I contacted them and they appreciated my feedback but had not actually acquired yet, but they said they would forward my feedback so that people know it's something someone's asking for (my words, not theirs but you get the gist).

The show part comedy and part drama, and while I didn't love every minute of it I did find it fun to watch.  I found that each season began a little slow but was good by the middle and end.  Also a fair number of "aw" moments from me, especially in season 2.
I don't think this is a show everyone would enjoy, but I think it's enjoyable even though it may not be the best show.  It's sometimes funny, sometimes not, sometimes funny just because of the awkward situations.  But there are parts that are quite endearing too (one of my favourite episodes is from season 2, and the whole episode is just Josh and his mum on a camping trip and it's both funny and sweet.  I won't get into the ending of the season 2 finale, I'll just say it was also very sweet).
And even with all that aside, it has a really catchy theme song, and the intro sequence is different every time, which is always fun to watch.

Clueing for looks.
Posted by ukaunz
September 21, 2015 7:42 am

I'm embarrassed to say I'd never heard of it, and had to look it up. It sounds good so I thought I'd borrow it from the library, but then discovered they've only got series 2 for some reason. So I've requested the library purchase series 1, and will wait and see if they get it. Then, coincidentally, I was checking my DVR recording of the new Doctor Who episode and saw an ad for Please Like Me. Funny. Anyway, thanks for drawing it to my attention 


Posted by Yitzock
September 21, 2015 1:32 pm

You're welcome! Be sure to report back once you get the chance to watch it.  Just so you know, you shouldn't watch it around the kids, probably...there's no nudity or anything but some of the jokes are kind of innapropriate and there is some sex (although the most explicit scene, if you can call it that, is in series 2 if memory serves).
But the best parts, where it counts if you ask me, are the touching moments.  There are characters with mental illness but it's not portrayed in a way that puts them down or makes them less human.
I don't want to give anything away, though.
It's a bit off-beat, but it's different and I still like it.

Clueing for looks.
Posted by ukaunz
September 21, 2015 8:52 pm

Thanks for the warning I made the mistake of letting my kids watch Outnumbered once, and there were a couple of colourful moments I regretted them seeing!


Posted by besleybean
October 11, 2015 9:48 pm

Ooh, I didn't see those ones.
I also never saw the one that Olivia is in.

Posted by Yitzock
October 24, 2015 1:31 am

besleybean wrote:

Ooh, I didn't see those ones.
I also never saw the one that Olivia is in.

I know I'm late seeing this (it was just by chance), but did you post  this in the wrong topic by mistake?

Clueing for looks.
Posted by besleybean
October 24, 2015 7:20 am

No, cos I'm replying to ukaunz about '; Outnumbered.'

Posted by ukaunz
October 24, 2015 8:59 am

Oh, I didn't realise that you were replying to me Sorry besley! I haven't watched all that many eps of Outnumbered, but did notice a few sexual references and "rude words" that I thought were a bit much for my kids at the time. By Olivia, I guessed you meant Olivia Poulet? I checked IMDB and sure enough she was in one episode, but I haven't seen it either. Looked like quite a good show, I just didn't get into the habit of watching it.

As for Please Like Me, my library has ordered s1 and I'm just waiting for it to arrive.


Posted by ukaunz
November 18, 2015 1:32 am

Okay, I just finished watching season 1 of Please Like Me (I always hear Sherlock saying Do people "like" me when I think of this title!). I laughed out loud quite a bit, and I loved most of the characters (even Aunty Peg by the end). I really felt for their situations, although some scenes were so cringe-inducing (but quirky awkwardness is one of my things). That last scene of the final episode was really moving. I agree that the pacing improved as the series went on, overall it was satisfying and I look forward to watching season 2.


Posted by Yitzock
November 18, 2015 2:05 am

Yay! I'm glad to hear you liked it.  I would agree, there is some awkwardness as well as laugh-out-loud moments and moving moments.  It's an interesting mix, but it works most of the time.  

Peg is one of those characters who, as you see more of her, becomes more likeable.  I like what she says in the church scene.  It is a bit unexpected from her, but it was nice.
Another quote from the season 1 finale that I liked is from Josh's eulogy.  I don't remember the exact wording, but it really resonated with me.  It's something my own grandmother could use learning of, but it's something that is good to remind myself of too.

Since you're actually Australian, I'd like to ask you about what you think of Josh's accent.  To me, it seemed unusual, and sort of like Australian with a bit of either Irish or Scottish (or maybe both) in some of his pronunciations of words (like the way he says "jerk" more like "jark").  Is it a regional accent or is it truly unique?  I saw a clip on YouTube of some TV show where someone joked about it, but obviously I'm not exposed to many Australian accents as much as someone who actually lives there.

Last edited by Yitzock (November 18, 2015 2:07 am)

Clueing for looks.
Posted by ukaunz
November 18, 2015 3:35 am

Oh, I was actually going to say something about his accent in my post but I forgot. When I started watching the first episode I found it so distracting that I had to google it. Apparently he has Irish parentage, if what I read is true. It's a very weird, inconsistent accent but I eventually got used to it.

Here's Peg's eulogy that I found on a transcript website:
"I've been going to church every Sunday for my entire life. For the first 60 years it was because I believed in heaven. I was terrified of dying, of becoming nothing. I don't think I believe in heaven anymore, but after 60 years of Sunday mornings, I thought I may as well commit and hedge my bets. Also, I quite enjoyed the morning tea. I have requested to be buried because I want my body to be given to nature. I want it to be snacked on by plants and animals the way I have snacked on plants and animals throughout my life. My family, Rose and Josh, aren't ideal. Rose has pretty much been a kook her whole life and Josh has decided to become a homosexual, but they're all I've got. The two of them have taught me the most important lesson of my life and that is that you don't love the people you love because they do what you want, but because of who they are. If you're hearing this sorry little speech it's because I'm dead, and the terrible thing about that is that I won't be sharing my life with the two people I love most in the world, my almost-daughter Rose and my almost-grandson Josh. Don't make too much fuss over my death. I finished all the good parts of my life a couple of decades ago. I'm looking forward to joining my husband, Walter, whether it be in heaven or hell or in the bellies of maggots."
I'm guessing it was the italicised bit you were talking about?


Posted by Yitzock
November 18, 2015 2:56 pm

Yes, that italicized bit is what I was thinking of.

So there probably is Irish influence to Josh's accent, then? I remember when I googled about his accent I couldn't find much, except a reference to a speech impediment he had when he was younger.  I also remember reading someone else's writing saying that he puts it on for the character.  While I can believe that he exaggerates it during public appearances, and accent like that would be too difficult to fake without forgetting which ways to say certain words, if you ask me, and he talks that way outside of his TV show and comedy routines - in interviews and other TV shows.

Last edited by Yitzock (November 18, 2015 2:57 pm)

Clueing for looks.
Posted by ukaunz
April 3, 2016 4:21 am

I'm on to the second season of Please Like Me. It's really good. Just watched the episode where Josh and his mum go on a hike in the Tasmanian wilderness. What an amazing episode! Very moving but funny too.


Posted by Yitzock
April 12, 2016 10:22 pm

Sorry I missed this post before in the whirlwind of things happening.
I love that episode (Scroggin' is the title if I remember correctly) where they're camping! Probably one of my favourites. Very different from all the other episodes but in a good way.

Clueing for looks.
Posted by ukaunz
April 12, 2016 11:39 pm

Yes, Scroggin was the title of that one. I have to admit I don't really notice the titles, I just pop the disc in and select "Play all". Anyway, I've finished watching series 2 and have passed it onto my dad, who is now enjoying it 


Posted by Yitzock
April 13, 2016 12:36 am

I think that's one of the few titles I remember, I just remember all the episode titles are foods.
Cool to hear your dad is watching it too, now. I guess you have deemed it something that won't be too uncomfortable?

I am hoping our broadcaster of the show that broadcast the first two series last summer will pick up the next one, but they have not announced it yet. Here's hoping. If I have a choice I much prefer that to scavenger hunting online. But we'll see. I am hoping Josh and Arnold stay together, but Josh is also good at messing things up.

Clueing for looks.
Posted by ukaunz
April 13, 2016 12:52 am

Not uncomfortable if I don't watch it with him 

I think Josh and Arnold would make a good couple if Josh could manage not to ruin it again. I can't believe that awful scene with the possum 


Posted by Yitzock
April 13, 2016 12:58 am

Yeah, that was pretty sad about the possum.

But the scene on the beach kind of made up for things, in a way. Josh showed that even though he's not perfect he does care.
And I also liked the last scene of the last episode. I actually got a bit teary when I first watched it.

Clueing for looks.
Posted by Yitzock
December 14, 2016 6:54 pm

Found out a couple days ago that Canadian Netflix now has all 3 seasons! Now I'm already almost done season 3. I've been watching a few episodes at a time!

Clueing for looks.
Posted by ukaunz
December 14, 2016 8:17 pm

They just finished screening season 4 on TV here, but I've only watched the first three. I don't really watch much on the TV lately. I'll get the next one on DVD from the library when it's available. Hope you enjoy it



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