Called it!

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Posted by nakahara
January 12, 2017 2:45 pm

What if "Sherrinford" is the name of Holmes family residence - the way "Skyfall" was the name of Bond family residence in the movie Skyfall?


I cannot live without brainwork. What else is there to live for? Stand at the window there. Was there ever such a dreary, dismal, unprofitable world? See how the yellow fog swirls down the street and drifts across the dun-coloured houses. What could be more hopelessly prosaic and material? What is the use of having powers, Doctor, when one has no field upon which to exert them?

Posted by besleybean
January 12, 2017 5:56 pm

I am smiling at the thought of the Holmes family in a Bond style hideout...

Last edited by besleybean (January 12, 2017 5:56 pm)

Posted by JP
January 12, 2017 6:08 pm

I'm thinking of the island. :D

Posted by besleybean
January 12, 2017 6:09 pm

Sounds nice!

Posted by Liberty
January 12, 2017 6:12 pm

Yes, family names can be estate names too.  I've been wondering about that too (and also whether it's the island castle!).   Whatever it is, it's active and people are there, "put me through to Sherrinford". 

Posted by besleybean
January 12, 2017 6:15 pm

Oh I see, you mean the castle we've seen...not sure on that one.

Posted by Yitzock
January 13, 2017 12:47 am

Liberty wrote:

Liberty wrote:

I'm going to bite the bullet and post my TLD predictions, now there are only hours to go! 

I have had a feeling that TST is Sherlock/Mary, TLD is Sherlock/John and TFP is Sherlock/Mycroft, and I'm sticking to that for now, despite us recently being told that Culverton is targeting Mycroft.  Most of these are because of clues from setlock/interviews/photos (actually I have forgotten a lot of setlock!  I should review it before the episode.  Or maybe wait for it to be a surprise).

TST really happened.  Rosie is John and Mary's, Mary really died, etc.
TLD will feature bus stop woman as Culverton's daughter (as she seems to be the same actress), but must be in disguise. John has been targeted by her/Culverton for some reasons - this is not an accident.
Culverton is a Jimmy Saville type of character - much-loved, avuncular, public figure, with a similar dark secret.
Culverton will play mind games with Sherlock.
TLD will focus on John and Sherlock's relationship.  But no Johnlock!
Culverton is a businessman on a Dragon's Den/Britain's Got Talent TV show, called Business Killer.  
Mind palace/drug scenes agogo
Toby Jones will be brilliant!
Possibly, those missing five minutes are going to be about them doing something clever with TV (something they will show us after the episode appears to be finished).  I'm still going with something along these lines for the "making TV history" thing.

Mycroft - I think his focus will be in TFP, but I think he deliberately mislead Sherlock with the Black Pearl, and we're building up to him as antagonist.  Possibly he is the one playing a very long game.  But that's probably for my TFP predictions, if I'm still thinking along those lines after TLD!


Well, I was wrong about Culverton's TV show, and about those five minutes at the end (although I'm still holding out hope for TFP!).  Right about the disguise, but I thought Lady in Red really was Culverton's daughter. 

She was disguised as his daughter, so you were half right!

Clueing for looks.
Posted by Liberty
January 13, 2017 7:59 am

Yes, I was sure she was in disguise as E, and actually thought she had to be in disguise as Culverton's daughter too (because she didn't need to walk with stick as E).   Then was completely thrown when Sian was the therapist at the beginning, AND when Culverton's daughter didn't look like Sian!  So even spotting the actress, and guessing about disguise, didn't get me anywhere near the reveal at the end! 

Oh, I've just realised that Culverton didn't target Mycroft at all!  So I'm glad I stuck to my original guess! 

Posted by Lis
January 14, 2017 2:25 pm

Liberty wrote:

Oh, I've just realised that Culverton didn't target Mycroft at all!  So I'm glad I stuck to my original guess! 

Yeah, wasn't it said in one of the previews that Mycroft was going to be involved with the case, odd way of putting it as he wasn't directly connected, he was just watching over (sometimes literally haha) Sherlock. I'm glad he wasn't targeted.


All lives end. All hearts are broken. Caring is not an advantage.

Posted by besleybean
January 14, 2017 3:22 pm

Unless he unleashed Euros on him...

Posted by Liberty
January 14, 2017 3:26 pm

But not in that episode, that we know of, so either the preview had advance information, or they got it wrong. 

I don't think Culverton is going to feature in TFP (although, as ever, I could be wrong!).

Posted by besleybean
January 14, 2017 3:27 pm

No I don't think so either.

Posted by Yitzock
January 14, 2017 5:36 pm

Yes, it seems they're done with him.  He's confessed to his crime (crimes?), so I don't think there's anything left for him to do (unless he escapes from prison and has something to do with Moriarty or something else that is coming up later).

Clueing for looks.
Posted by besleybean
January 14, 2017 8:43 pm

I don't know if this really is going to happen.
But if we really are talking 'end game'.
A possible prediction for TFP is Greg saying to Sherlock:  you have always been a great man and now you are finally a good one.
As long as he doesn't say it in the past tense, of course!

Last edited by besleybean (January 14, 2017 8:44 pm)

Posted by Liberty
January 14, 2017 8:48 pm

That would make sense.

Posted by besleybean
January 14, 2017 8:52 pm

Posted by ewige
January 15, 2017 6:57 am

Based on the Kermit tweet and an old one of Arwel's (I think he said smth about a bathtub?) I predict that we are going to see a Holmes in a bathroom. Remember, Mark sort of promised a shower scene for Mycroft?
*taps foot impatiently*

"The posh boy loves the dominatrix." Context matters.
Posted by Schmiezi
January 15, 2017 7:39 am

Okay, here is what I am sure of:

- Sherrinford is a place related to Eurus  (her secret operation base, her prison, whatever)

- 221b gets destroyed (just look at the promo pics)

- Eurus is the criminal mastermind behind Moriarty, he is a small fish compared to her (because that would be something new)

- Rosie will survive S4 (she played basically no part in TLD, no need to kill her to continue telling the stories)

Only a few hours left ...

I still believe that love conquers all!


"Quick, man, if you love me."
Posted by besleybean
January 15, 2017 8:43 am

I suspect you could be right.

Posted by Liberty
January 15, 2017 9:00 am

I think so too.  I was surprised how inconsequential Rosie turned out to be in TLD.


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