Amanda and Simon Pegg Twitter Conversation about Benedict

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Posted by mrshouse
October 21, 2014 6:17 am

I'll tell you what double standards is: If Amanda is not afraid here that one of those days her children might google her and find this!


Eventually everyone will support Johnlock.

"If you're not reading the subtext then hell mend you"  -  Steven Moffat
"Love conquers all" Benedict Cumberbatch on Sherlock's and John's relationship
"This is a show about a detective, his best friend, his wife, their baby and their dog" - Nobody. Ever.

Posted by besleybean
October 21, 2014 6:20 am

But that's her decision, making choices for her children...
It's quite a different matter. other people posting sexual pictures involving a facial image of their father.

Posted by mrshouse
October 21, 2014 6:24 am

And this is their mother posting naughty posts. About someone not even around. That's better?


Eventually everyone will support Johnlock.

"If you're not reading the subtext then hell mend you"  -  Steven Moffat
"Love conquers all" Benedict Cumberbatch on Sherlock's and John's relationship
"This is a show about a detective, his best friend, his wife, their baby and their dog" - Nobody. Ever.

Posted by besleybean
October 21, 2014 6:29 am

It's adult humour...whether or not it should be on this social media is really up to Twitter to decide.
I am certain Amanda and Simon are both close enough to Benedict to know he won't mind.

Posted by SolarSystem
October 21, 2014 6:32 am

besleybean wrote:

It's adult humour...whether or not it should be on this social media is really up to Twitter to decide.

Oh, so now Twitter is responsible for the stuff people are tweeting...? Great.

"Am I the current King of England?

"I see no shame in having an unhealthy obsession with something." - David Tennant
"We did observe." - David Tennant in "Richard II"

Posted by mrshouse
October 21, 2014 6:36 am

Huh? She should be close enough to Martin to know, that he didn't mind Johnlocky stuff, at least the more artificial stuff.
Amanda can have quite an explicit and dirty humour if it fits her purposes but not if it doesn't
Not only double but multiple standards if you ask me.


Eventually everyone will support Johnlock.

"If you're not reading the subtext then hell mend you"  -  Steven Moffat
"Love conquers all" Benedict Cumberbatch on Sherlock's and John's relationship
"This is a show about a detective, his best friend, his wife, their baby and their dog" - Nobody. Ever.

Posted by Tinks
October 21, 2014 6:47 am

Also, I'm not sure they are "close friends"?
Not the way Martin described their relationship; he put it more in terms of them being colleagues who got on well when working together but didn't "hang out" (which caused another Twitter outcry. If I remember correctly!)
My issue is that BC isn't on Twitter, so he's not in on the joke - it's only "banter" when the person on the receiving end of it is aware that it's happening, surely?
Ah well, maybe I'm just being grumpy..

"And in the end,
The Love you take
Is equal to the Love you make"
                                             The Beatles
Posted by mrshouse
October 21, 2014 7:09 am

Second, third and fourth this, Tinks. Am also grumpy and in this case proud of it.


Eventually everyone will support Johnlock.

"If you're not reading the subtext then hell mend you"  -  Steven Moffat
"Love conquers all" Benedict Cumberbatch on Sherlock's and John's relationship
"This is a show about a detective, his best friend, his wife, their baby and their dog" - Nobody. Ever.

Posted by SusiGo
October 21, 2014 7:31 am

As for the "close friends" - the funny thing is that those who really seem to be close friends with Benedict like Adam Ackland and James Rhodes usually do not engage in that kind of "fun". 

Last edited by SusiGo (October 21, 2014 7:45 am)

"To fake the death of one sibling may be regarded as a misfortune; to fake the death of both looks like carelessness." Oscar Wilde about Mycroft Holmes

"It is what it is says love." (Erich Fried)

“Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame. I’m also a great believer in treating others as you would like to be treated.” (Benedict Cumberbatch)

Posted by besleybean
October 21, 2014 3:50 pm

Well various friends behave differently...
Anyhow, I found the conversation amusing.
We don't know if anybody will have shown it to BC or if he found it funny.

Last edited by besleybean (October 21, 2014 3:50 pm)

Posted by Liberty
October 21, 2014 4:38 pm

Well, he laughed about "bismarking" in the interview with Tom Hardy (for Stuart:A Life Backwards) - if he was offended it didn't show.  But I suppose his friends know better than I do!  Hopefully, it won't bother him.

Last edited by Liberty (October 21, 2014 4:39 pm)

Posted by Snootiegirl99
October 21, 2014 6:45 pm

She's punning on the names of other Star Trek movies:

Insurrection (ep IX)
The Search for SPOCK (ep III)
The Final Frontier (ep VI)

It's hilarious! She's a smart cookie. And I'm sure those comments are right up Simon's alley too.

Posted by Snootiegirl99
October 21, 2014 6:48 pm

mrshouse wrote:

Huh? She should be close enough to Martin to know, that he didn't mind Johnlocky stuff, at least the more artificial stuff.
Amanda can have quite an explicit and dirty humour if it fits her purposes but not if it doesn't
Not only double but multiple standards if you ask me.

I would agree with you that filming three eps of Sherlock with Ben and Martin means that she probably has a pretty good handle on BC's sense of humor. I've seen loads of places where Martin has made comments that were 'dirty' or 'profane'. He likes to shoot the bird in photos too.

It was all in good fun.

Posted by mrshouse
October 22, 2014 6:17 am

Snootie,I'm perfectly aware that she refers to the said Star Trek Movies, but if it's good taste to do so on someone else's expenses, we will have to agree to disagree. And I stick with my opinion that I see double standards here when I consider her comments on johnlocky stuff. Bit not good. But I guess everything has been said in this thread.


Eventually everyone will support Johnlock.

"If you're not reading the subtext then hell mend you"  -  Steven Moffat
"Love conquers all" Benedict Cumberbatch on Sherlock's and John's relationship
"This is a show about a detective, his best friend, his wife, their baby and their dog" - Nobody. Ever.

Posted by besleybean
October 22, 2014 6:24 am

Possibly so.
There may also be a plethora of views on double standards,

Posted by Snootiegirl99
October 22, 2014 12:05 pm

mrshouse wrote:

Snootie,I'm perfectly aware that she refers to the said Star Trek Movies, but if it's good taste to do so on someone else's expenses, we will have to agree to disagree. And I stick with my opinion that I see double standards here when I consider her comments on johnlocky stuff. Bit not good. But I guess everything has been said in this thread.

I guess I thought you were referring to other board commenters here when referring to the double and multiple standards. That was my misinterpretation of your comment then.

Posted by mrshouse
October 22, 2014 8:39 pm

Snootiegirl99 wrote:

mrshouse wrote:

Snootie,I'm perfectly aware that she refers to the said Star Trek Movies, but if it's good taste to do so on someone else's expenses, we will have to agree to disagree. And I stick with my opinion that I see double standards here when I consider her comments on johnlocky stuff. Bit not good. But I guess everything has been said in this thread.

I guess I thought you were referring to other board commenters here when referring to the double and multiple standards. That was my misinterpretation of your comment then.

Thank you for clarifying, snootie. It was indeed Amanda's double standards I was referring to, considering earlier comments of hers in interviews. Don't like it.


Eventually everyone will support Johnlock.

"If you're not reading the subtext then hell mend you"  -  Steven Moffat
"Love conquers all" Benedict Cumberbatch on Sherlock's and John's relationship
"This is a show about a detective, his best friend, his wife, their baby and their dog" - Nobody. Ever.

Posted by besleybean
October 22, 2014 8:43 pm

Ok, so these are  2 friends joking about a mutual friend.
They know him better than any of us and may even share the joke with him...
Is this worse than people who don't know him at all, squeeing about him, or cretaing sexual art using his image?

Posted by mrshouse
October 22, 2014 9:00 pm

BB, I'm so sorry for being a pain at this, but where. is.the.difference?? She complained about the Johnlock fan art in respect to her children and I thought then " ok, I'm a mother myself, you might have a point there."
Considering the choice of words or the level of sexual harassment if you wish to call it like that is by no means less or better. I wouldn't want my children to google their mother and find posts like that as little as the explicit fan art using Martins face. But in this case she takes it for a good laugh.


Eventually everyone will support Johnlock.

"If you're not reading the subtext then hell mend you"  -  Steven Moffat
"Love conquers all" Benedict Cumberbatch on Sherlock's and John's relationship
"This is a show about a detective, his best friend, his wife, their baby and their dog" - Nobody. Ever.

Posted by SolarSystem
October 22, 2014 9:13 pm

mrshouse, I know exactly what you mean and I completely agree. Feel free to be a pain in the ass as often as necessary.

"Am I the current King of England?

"I see no shame in having an unhealthy obsession with something." - David Tennant
"We did observe." - David Tennant in "Richard II"


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