I'm excited about this and will be booking tickets to see it as soon as it comes out as I did with the others. I love it. But, but, but, but .... there are so many things I'm not really happy about and feel could have been done better. And I'm not even a keen Tolkien fan. A lot of it is down to me loving the book as a child (and an adult) and having my own idea of what it was like..
I can't explain it, but these films haven't captured what was in my head when I read the book. There are so many things that feel wrong, from the inadequacy of Thorin's beard to Tauriel's existence. And far too much CGI-looking CGI. I don't know why it bothers me. I grew up with Ray Harryhausen films, which are equally unrealistic. But somehow those models look unreal in a sinister, otherworldly way, whereas CGI sometimes just looks fake. (Maybe it's because I've only watched the films in 3D, at the cinema). Can you imagine if they could have translated Benedict's body acting for Smaug to a modern, electronic Harryhausen-type model? How amazing would that have been?
I won't list all gripes because it will sound petty, and I do really love the films. But just one more .... Mirkwood. I've tried to tell myself that they couldn't make it as dark as it was in the book, but still - did it have to be quite so bright? There needed to be a contrast between the sinister, deep darkness and the magical, all-dancing, all-singing, joyful, secret elf parties that they gate-crashed!
Oh, just one more. The first encounter with Beorn. I'm sure it makes better cinema, but I really missed Gandalf's respectful manipulation of Beorn - and the echo of the dwarfs (dwarrow? ) arriving at Bilbo's house.
Now, the actors are (almost) all brilliantly cast and are supremely fantastic and watchable, and the whole thing is done with obvious love and that means I know I will love this next film. But it's always going to niggle at me that it could have been better (for me, anyway. Although I don't know anyone at all who was pleased with the addition of Tauriel so I know I'm not alone on that one).