hello My name's Nikki, I'm from Bournemouth University and I'm doing my final year dissertation on Sherlock and the creation of fans. I was wondering if anyone on here would be willing to take part in an interview with me (should only last an hour). I am aiming to put people on a fan scale and I am looking for anyone who has made any Sherlock related fan fiction or fan videos. If that applies to anyone and you would be willing to take part or if you want to know more please let me know. Thanks
Posted by This Is The Phantom Lady April 2, 2014 1:41 pm
The interview would just be over skype, I will be recording it to analyse and quote when writing up my findings in my dissertation, but your name will be confidential and changed when I write it up.
Posted by This Is The Phantom Lady April 2, 2014 1:47 pm