Milkomeda, I love, "Oh No!" too. It's so great. I also love KatrinDepp's videos. Everything about them is flawless: coloring, song choice, clip choice, advanced effect use. It's staggering how good she(?) is.
A few other videos that have made their way into my favorites list. Have you all ever seen any of these?
I Crashed to Earth. This is the video that made me seek out and watch this show. I had never even heard of the show before: I was just searching for any fan video set to "The President" by Snow Patrol, and I came across this back in January, and I was just like, "what kind of amazing show is this that I am not watching, and how do I rectify this terrible oversight?" (And yes, I saw Sherlock commit "suicide" before ever seeing ASiP.) This remains one of my favorite fanvids.
007 Is Also Gonna Die || SHERLOCK. Love it beginning to end--just great execution.
Sassy Gay Sherlock. This uses the audio from one of the "Sassy Gay Friend" videos posted by The Second City Network (idea: Juliet from Romeo & Juliet would not have committed suicide if she had had a Sassy Gay Friend to talk her out of it) and video clips from Sherlock. It's pretty funny, although the language is pretty raw, for anyone who may be sensitive to that.