Posted by kittykat ![]() February 6, 2014 5:59 pm | #1 |
There, I said it. Got your attention there, didn't I?
It's something that I recently decided. I love my nieces and nephews, but I've never really been good with kids. And the idea of mess and sticky fingers doesn't appeal to me at all. Fair play to those who are prepared to do that; I know I couldn't.
I used to think that I'd have a career in my 20s and then have a family when I hit 30. But lately I've been thinking...who says I have to do that if I really don't want to? Nobody. I'm open to getting married one day if I meet the right guy, I just don't want kids. And of course I would make this clear to anyone I start seeing.
And I really want a good career, which I would probably have to give up if I had kids. Plus, I'd like to see other parts of the world (depending on money). It's just not for me.
And no, I haven't discovered that I'm infertile or anything like that (I actually don't know either way). I'm just not interested in being a mother, and I'm sorry if that makes me a bad person.
Now, I've done some research. Some narrow-minded people think that if a woman doesn't have kids, she's not a real woman or is selfish or something. That's neither here nor there - how can you be selfish by not having kids? Who are you doing wrong? The women who have kids and don't want them - they're selfish.
My dad knows about this and he's supportive. He says I should do what makes me happy. Besides, my brothers and sister have kids, so there's no shortage of grandchildren. And I don't know why I'm telling you guys, but I guess I just don't want people asking me when I'm having kids. I figure it's the right time to make this clear.
So there you have it. No doubt someone will think I'm selfish or immature (and won't have the guts to tell me, of course). But I've said above that this decision isn't selfish. As for maturity...I think that knowing this and deciding this for myself is a very mature thing to do.
Hugs and kisses
Posted by Tinks ![]() February 6, 2014 6:13 pm | #2 |
I don't know why you seem so angry about this?
I know plenty of women who've chosen not to marry and have Kids and plenty that have - and it's no one else's business but theirs, and I can't say I give much thought to it either way - live and let live, I say.
I really don't think people are that strung up on what choices others make as you seem to think - living one's own life can be hard enough sometimes, without worrying about how others live theirs.
Good luck to you in your career.
Posted by kittykat ![]() February 6, 2014 6:23 pm | #3 |
I'm not angry about anything. I'm just putting this out there because I want my friends to be aware (I'd like to point out that we don't know each other).
And if you do some research, you'll find that there are many people who ostracise those who make this decision.
Posted by CaseyB ![]() February 6, 2014 6:26 pm | #4 |
You aren't alone - my husband and I aren't planning on having children either. My friend recently admitted her lack of desire for children to me this weekend and we bonded all over again.
I don't really think its a new phenomenom - its just that its slowly becoming more socially acceptable to vocalize. TIME did an excellent feature (at least in the US edition) about the Child-Free Life this summer.
I don't think everyone should be a parent - there are definitely people unsuited, but also those that just don't want to be. If there ever was a surprise pregnancy in our family, I'm sure DH and I would do a good job raising the child. But I think at least on his part, there would be some resentment. Having children changes your life and requires sacrifice. While we could do it if called upon, given the choice I don't plan to. Call me selfish - that's how I describe it. I think to properly raise a child, you need to be selfless and put the child first. But I want other things out of my life, like travel, a career, and my pursuit of my own interests. I think it is a disservice to the child when parents have children only because they feel obligated to do so (either because they feel its the next step that they're expected to take, or peer pressured by our baby-bump-watching culture that insists that a baby is the most amazing accessory). Children are a 20+ year committment - you don't get to change your mind when things get tough after two years. Children deserve to be brought into an environment that wants them, not one that felt obligated and is resentful.
I completely agree with the maturity thing - recognizing what you want in life (and what paths will help or hinder your achieving those goals) is a sign of maturity.
Posted by SusiGo ![]() February 6, 2014 6:28 pm | #5 |
Of course it is your choice. You are free to lead the life you want. Just one thing: I have children, a career and have seen many places and intend to see some more. The one does not exclude the other. And I know for sure that I would not want to miss my children for any career in the world (and believe me, I really love my work.)
I do not like the idea that women still have to choose. There are individual choices which are fine but I do not agree that you can only have one or the other.
Posted by kittykat ![]() February 6, 2014 6:33 pm | #6 |
Thanks, Casey
Susi...I know it sucks that it has to be a choice. But I genuinely don't want them regardless of work. I just don't have that maternal instinct or whatever it is. And it's impossible to get me to change my mind
Posted by Mattlocked ![]() February 6, 2014 6:34 pm | #7 |
Why should anybody try to change your mind? ^^
Posted by Tinks ![]() February 6, 2014 6:36 pm | #8 |
kittykat wrote:
I'm not angry about anything. I'm just putting this out there because I want my friends to be aware (I'd like to point out that we don't know each other).
And if you do some research, you'll find that there are many people who ostracise those who make this decision.
In which case I apologise - I read it as being a general forum post and not aimed just at your friends on the forum.
I would just say though that if I make a choice as to what I want to do in my life I honestly wouldn't research what others may think of that choice, as it would be no one's business but mine
Posted by kittykat ![]() February 6, 2014 6:37 pm | #9 |
Mattlocked - Well, people can try ^^ They can go on about how kids are the best thing ever but it doesn't work on me ^^
But I can be very stubborn once I've made up my mind about something! Maybe it's because I'm a Scorpio, I don't know...
And don't get me wrong - I like kids. Just other people's and not for very long XD
Last edited by kittykat (February 6, 2014 6:40 pm)
Posted by kittykat ![]() February 6, 2014 6:39 pm | #10 |
Tinks wrote:
kittykat wrote:
I'm not angry about anything. I'm just putting this out there because I want my friends to be aware (I'd like to point out that we don't know each other).
And if you do some research, you'll find that there are many people who ostracise those who make this decision.
In which case I apologise - I read it as being a general forum post and not aimed just at your friends on the forum.
I would just say though that if I make a choice as to what I want to do in my life I honestly wouldn't research what others may think of that choice, as it would be no one's business but mine
It's not aimed at just my friends, I'm just saying that we don't know each other. You are of course free to respond know.
Posted by SusiGo ![]() February 6, 2014 6:40 pm | #11 |
The moment you post anything in a thread it becomes public. I would not choose this way only to tell my friends about such a decision. When you open a thread, the subject may be discussed freely.
And I do not think that one has to choose. And if one has to, there is something wrong in society and should be changed. And I do not want to change your mind at all, I just wanted to stress that you can have both if you wish to.
Just one thing - I really do not like children being reduced to mess and sticky fingers. This is quite a sad thing IMO.
Posted by Mattlocked ![]() February 6, 2014 6:40 pm | #12 |
But... by opening this thread you provoke exactly that discussion, right?
Posted by Ormond Sacker ![]() February 6, 2014 6:43 pm | #13 |
Kitty you are not alone. I'm in my thirties and don't have kids, and I never wanted them. For me it's nothing to do with career, I'm sure I could manage it if I wanted to, but I have never had the desire to.
The funny thing is that I'm really good with kids and love babysitting for my friends, but that's only because I can hand them back again .
As for being selfish and childish. How can being mature enough to realise that you don't really want to be a mother, and thus probably wouldn't be a very good one, be either?
@Tinks. You'd be surprised how many people there is that if faced with a woman who says "I don't want children", immediately go "Of course you do", "Is there something wrong with you?" (that is, you can't have them), or "You'll regret that when you're 50".
Finally I've lost count on the number of times I've been asked "when are you going to have children?", having long since passed 30, with the implied note that all women want them. Apparently a woman's children, or lack of them, are everyone's business.
Posted by kittykat ![]() February 6, 2014 6:45 pm | #14 |
Ormond Sacker wrote:
Kitty you are not alone. I'm in my thirties and don't have kids, and I never wanted them. For me it's nothing to do with career, I'm sure I could manage it if I wanted to, but I have never had the desire to.
The funny thing is that I'm really good with kids and love babysitting for my friends, but that's only because I can hand them back again.
As for being selfish and childish. How can being mature enough to realise that you don't really want to be a mother, and thus probably wouldn't be a very good one, be either?
@Tinks. You'd be surprised how many people there is that if faced with a woman who says "I don't want children", immediately go "Of course you do", "Is there something wrong with you?" (that is, you can't have them), or "You'll regret that when you're 50".
Finally I've lost count on the number of times I've been asked "when are you going to have children?", having long since passed 30, with the implied note that all women want them. Apparently a woman's children, or lack of them, are everyone's business.
I read about a couple who moved to a place that turned out to be family-oriented, and they were treated like freaks because they didn't want kids.
Posted by Mattlocked ![]() February 6, 2014 6:48 pm | #15 |
I don't have kids but I don't see where the problem is. And nobody ever treated us like freaks.
IMO people with kids suffer from intolerance, not those without.
Last edited by Mattlocked (February 6, 2014 6:48 pm)
Posted by This Is The Phantom Lady ![]() February 6, 2014 6:49 pm | #16 |
I can completely understand women who do not want to have kids! And why would that ever make you less of a woman? Why have kids if you don't want them, my mother didn't want kids and well... let's not go into that; but if you don't want kids you shouldn't have them!
Personally my big dream is to be a mother someday; I feel I have a lot of love to give and maybe selfishly I want to be loved unconditionally by a little baby.
I was told by a doctor that I might have trouble having kids in the future. She never told me why. But no matter what I do want them someway!
Posted by kittykat ![]() February 6, 2014 6:52 pm | #17 |
I think it's great that women are able to make this choice these days, instead of doing it just because it's what you're "supposed" to do
Phantom, it's great that you know what you want so clearly. It's all about knowing yourself and what you really want in life. Big hugs ^^
Posted by kittykat ![]() February 6, 2014 6:55 pm | #18 |
Susi, I'm very sorry if what I said offended you. It was just a general thing and I do know that there are great things about having kids. I've watched my nieces and nephews growing up; the eldest of the girls turns 14 soon. It's been fascinating to watch them from birth.
We cool?
Posted by SusiGo ![]() February 6, 2014 7:13 pm | #19 |
Of course, Kitty, it's all fine.
Posted by CaseyB ![]() February 6, 2014 7:18 pm | #20 |
Phantom, You're exactly the sort of person who should be having children. Someone who has that love and wants to give it. It is great that you know what you want in life.
I think kitty's frustrations stem more from the attitude she and Ormund described above where others assume that everyone wants children and that there is something wrong or selfish with someone when they do not want them.Those are at least mine.