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Posted by Ozma
January 12, 2014 10:49 pm

They were trolling like crazy. With everything

Posted by Punch me in the face
January 12, 2014 11:01 pm

tonnaree wrote:

Perhaps someone close to Moriarty that Sherlock missed?  Now seeking revenge?

Yeah, that was my first thought too! A recorded film used by Moriarty's right arm who Sherlock has missed (though it sounds quite not plausible, yet, Moriarty's alive didn't sound plausible to me either until tonight, so why not?). Anyway, TBH, I wouldn't mind having Andrew back


Just like old times...

Posted by Ozma
January 12, 2014 11:02 pm

that's the thing. What they did at the end leaves everything open for them to explore...

Posted by silverblaze
January 12, 2014 11:05 pm

I hope it's Moriarty's brother and not the guy on the roof. Faking suicide at each other is still kinda ridiculous. 

Posted by Punch me in the face
January 12, 2014 11:06 pm

Yeah. But still, if Moriarty's really survived, I hope we'll get a real explanation as to how he faked his death, just not like Sherlock's fall which I am still sceptical about...  

Sherlock may be even more twisted than I thought and he helped Moriarty to survive just for the sake to have an enemy who can measure up to him. What would his life be without a good villain? BORING. And he hates being bored. Moriarty and him are very much alike when it comes to this.

Last edited by Punch me in the face (January 12, 2014 11:07 pm)

Just like old times...

Posted by silverblaze
January 12, 2014 11:13 pm

But then Moftiss wil have to contrive something. That can't be good. Clearly they didn't anticipate bringing Moriarty back, while they did plan the fall. So whatever they'd come up with will never be very good. I really hope they don't do that. 

Posted by Ozma
January 12, 2014 11:24 pm

They have a lot of options...could be his twin brother, could be just a recording from someone else, could be Sherlock himself, having conjured it up to save his own arse (though don't think so!!!! ) Could be that Moriarty just faked it.

Oh God. The wait is just too painful.

Posted by silverblaze
January 12, 2014 11:26 pm

Haha, WE have a lot of options too. As we come up with new scenarios. 

Posted by tonnaree
January 12, 2014 11:38 pm

silverblaze wrote:

I hope it's Moriarty's brother and not the guy on the roof. Faking suicide at each other is still kinda ridiculous. 

My feelings also.    They have my attention but I think, even for this show, that it is too far fetched for Moriartry to really still be alive.

Last edited by tonnaree (January 12, 2014 11:39 pm)

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I ship it harder than Mrs. Hudson.
Posted by DavidM1337
January 12, 2014 11:38 pm

As for Moriarty's death, you don't see his brain out, as it is worded all the time.
Of course it could  just be a fake gun and random red sauce.

I've also been wondering why Moriarty's body was never mentioned and probably was never found (otherwise  the opening scene of S03E01 wouldn't be a valid option for Anderson; think about it).
But if it wasn't found, why isn't it mentioned?
And how did anyone know about Moriarty being on the roof anyway?

Posted by Sherlock Holmes
January 12, 2014 11:44 pm

I think Moffat and Gatiss are having the last laugh here (as always) because they've been telling us all along that Moriarty was dead and to a certain extent they were trolling us a little. The reason I'm saying "to a certain extent" is because I still believe that Jim Moriarty, the one who broke into the Crown Jewels and played that game with Sherlock, blew his head off on top of St Bart's hospital. The man we see on the videos is most likely his brother.

This isn't a far fetched scenario. In the canon, Moriarty had two brothers, one of whom was evil and attempted to discredit Holmes' reputation in revenge for his brother's death.

I think it'd be a really cool idea if he was a twin brother though, as it might go some way to explaining the Richard Brook theory. And also the fact that Andrew Scott could still play him.

It always seemed a little strange to me that Andrew Scott kept attending all these Sherlock related events, Q & A's etc if he's no longer to be part of the cast...

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Posted by Mattlocked
January 12, 2014 11:47 pm

DavidM1337 wrote:

As for Moriarty's death, you don't see his brain out, as it is worded all the time.

It has been also explained all the time. It would have been simply too disgusting.

I'm hoping for a twin, too. Or no Moriarty at all. As silver said: Double fake would be ridiculous.

Last edited by Mattlocked (January 12, 2014 11:49 pm)


"After all this time?" "Always."
Good bye, Lord Rickman of the Alan
Posted by Ozma
January 12, 2014 11:48 pm

haha, I know.

At the screening on Wednesday he wasn't there at the beginning, he snuck in after the screening had started, and then Moffat told us he was there during the Q&A.

I went to speak to him and tell him he's amazing and I'm so glad to see he's possibly back, and took a picture with him and he made me promise not to show it to anyone until Sunday.

Posted by Caroll
January 13, 2014 12:35 am

Could that be someone helping Sherlock scape? That was my first thought after "F*cking alive, what?"

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"Why's it always the hat photograph?"The Reichenbach Fall
Posted by Wholocked
January 13, 2014 2:33 am

Sherlock Holmes wrote:

 In the canon, Moriarty had two brothers, one of whom was evil and attempted to discredit Holmes' reputation in revenge for his brother's death..

I agree. It's a brother or his father. His father also featured in the canon iirc. Also, that video is a poor animation of his lower jaw. It could be someone else entirely using old images.

I don't believe that Jim Moriarty of season 2 is alive; it's someone else using the threat of his visage. Be interesting to see what they do with it.

I dislike being outnumbered. It makes for too much stupid in the room

Posted by Sherli Bakerst
January 13, 2014 2:33 am

Swanpride wrote:

No...I didn't miss Moriarty. I really liked their version, but I also felt that his story was done. I didn't need more.

Therefore I hope (and am conviced) that he really is dead and this is only a scheme to fetch Sherlock back...after all, we are talking about a picture on a screen, nothing more. It's not hard to do this. There is enough "fake TV Show" DVD material after all. I bet in one of them Moriarty starts his fairy tale round with "did you miss me?"

Agree with you completely on this.  Very easy to get hold of clips of Moriarty and edit them together.  Either Mycroft did it to save Sherlock, or it's an evil twin of Moriarty's.

Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.  -- Helen Keller
Posted by Mrs. Watson
January 13, 2014 4:26 am

Someone in Tumblr posted a theory saying that maybe Mary met John because  she was assigned/hired to kill him but fell in love with him instead. Following this theory I theorized that she could be the "Moran" of this verse and if she was I'm sure she would know the right people to "bring back" Moriarty and keep Sherlock in England.

Posted by ChrisHale
January 13, 2014 4:40 am

Sherli Bakerst wrote:

Very easy to get hold of clips of Moriarty and edit them together.  Either Mycroft did it to save Sherlock, or it's an evil twin of Moriarty's.

Makes sense. I'm hoping it isn't an evil twin, though; even though it's canon, can they really get away with that in a contemporary adaptation? On any other TV show it'd be an enormous cop-out.

Posted by MissMe?
January 13, 2014 8:37 am

Here's how I see it.

A) Moriarty is in fact dead. Then I would assume that they either carefully examined the body or (if Moriarty's people took it) would not rest until they'd made absolutely, 100 percent sure that they'd finished him for good.
In this scenario we can assume some impostor/his twin brother/new villain is using footage of Moriarty. I'm really struggling to understand why someone else would go to those lengths though. To what end? Revenge? Simply using Moriarty's reputation for yet unknown purposes? Hmm... The drama-queen-esque video message broadcast on every screen in the country does however hint at someone of Moriarty's caliber.

B) Scenario 2: Moriarty is still alive. If that is true then shame on the Holmes brothers for doing a sloppy job.
It would just seem too out of character for them to simply ASSUME he's dead if, for example, his body had mysteriously dissappeared from that roof. I just don't believe that after all their effort they'd let him slip away and got on with their lives.

Their reactions are quite interesting (I'm basing this on memories as I have yet to rewatch it). Their surprise shows me that they know he is dead. If they thought Moriarty were still out there they'd expect him to show up sooner or later.
Also they would probably keep tabs on him. Sherlock & Mycroft are simply too smart to be messed with like that.


  "I just wanted to be a regular fan. I didn't choose this!"


Posted by Ozma
January 13, 2014 8:41 am

I wouldn't be surprised to see series 4 start with Sherlock excitedly putting his coat on to go after Moriarty, and Mycroft chirping 'Where are you going? I made that video you dumbass'


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