Who else is nervous/scared about His Last Vow?

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Posted by SilverMoonDragonB
January 6, 2014 10:30 pm

tonnaree wrote:

I fear for my very soul.   



Posted by Ozma
January 6, 2014 10:55 pm

I'm putting it out there now: by the end of His last vow, John will have moved back in to 221b Baker street.

Posted by besleybean
January 7, 2014 6:42 am

Or this may be implied or...
I dunno, I am nervous!

Posted by the_dancing_woman
January 7, 2014 8:44 am

I've already been playing out all possible scenarios in my head, or at least all those I can think of.
I am torn, part of me is really intrigued and excited about finally meeting CAM. I expect some amazing acting and a really suspenseful storyline, part of me is just scared as hell. I really loved the last two episodes, the candy floss, the emotional warmth!

I think Sherlock is the one who miscalculates something, maybe he was so smitten by Mary (whom I love so far) that he overlooked a few important indicators he most likely would have picked up if he hadn't been trying so hard to fit in with John's new life (like the word "liar" popping up in his deduction). I guess so...
Or he possibly had a hunch all along and kept it to himself waiting for how things will play out, with Sherlock one is never certain. I also thought he was a bit overwhelmed by Moriarty in the fall, and I was wrong. But then the infallible Sherlock Holmes screwing up big time when it comes to something really important because he is a bit blinded by his emotions (the very thing Mycroft warned him about) would be a great storyline, and I think this is what we will get. There is an undertone of that already to be felt in "the sign of three".

But I also don't think that Mary turns out to be a true villain, just think there is a rather unpleasant secret in her past, maybe she was supposed to spy on John for some reason and then ended up falling for him, just one possible idea...
I can't imagine the fourth series starting with another reunion between John and Sherlock. We just had that. Repeating themselves is not what Mofftiss tend to do.
My guess is Mary dies and somehow possibly redeems herself before dying - through sacrifice?
I really like Mary, but I can't see her be part of a fourth series. The show is about Sherlock Holmes and John Watson and their friendship and their cases in the end, it will never turn into the John, Sherlock and Mary show. I also think John somehow has to make his way back into 221B in the end.

Mycroft, well, I think people of Mycroft's position know about people like CAM and in a way also need to work with those people to a certain extent. One should not forget Mycroft isn't a selfemployed secret service, he more or less directly represents the British government and will always have to act in its interests. So I guess he is not pleased having his little brother fight the very man he is possibly trying to keep happy and in check...



"When you walk with Sherlock Holmes, you see the battlefield" M.H.

"My brother has the brain of scientist or a philosopher, and yet he elects to be a detective...what might we deduce about his heart?" M.H.

"Home is now behind you, the world is ahead."
Posted by Ozma
January 7, 2014 10:33 am

the_dancing_woman wrote:

But I also don't think that Mary turns out to be a true villain, just think there is a rather unpleasant secret in her past, maybe she was supposed to spy on John for some reason and then ended up falling for him, just one possible idea...
I can't imagine the fourth series starting with another reunion between John and Sherlock. We just had that. Repeating themselves is not what Mofftiss tend to do.
My guess is Mary dies and somehow possibly redeems herself before dying - through sacrifice?
I really like Mary, but I can't see her be part of a fourth series. The show is about Sherlock Holmes and John Watson and their friendship and their cases in the end, it will never turn into the John, Sherlock and Mary show. I also think John somehow has to make his way back into 221B in the end.


This, right here. At the moment, it's the Sherlock, John and Mary show. So many times she doesn't even let them go and sort out stuff on their own - I mean I know this is to show she is a strong woman and not just a damsel in distress, and in another universe I would have given credit to the writers for that, but here...this is not what I have signed up for when I started watching and liking the show.

If they really decided to keep Mary for the foreseeable future, like some people are hoping, I am honest, I would lose some interest. Every time she is there, I feel like there is something bugging me - that's not what I want to see.

Also, I agree, there won't be another reunion... and yes, I am not 100% sure Mary is evil, but I tend to think there must be something very wrong about her, because otherwise when her storyline in the show ends John will be shattered - Moftiss need to give him a reason to believe her leaving (in whatever way) is for the best.
He does need to be back at 221b for the original dynamic to work well. Imagine Sherlock having to call him and arrange to meet him everytime he is given a case? Imagine Sherlock at home by himself the rest of the time, Sherlock, who doesn't even realise he needs to make his own tea if he wants tea (thank God for Mrs Hudson, but that was indeed heartbreaking )

No. No. Just no.

Posted by SusiGo
January 7, 2014 10:37 am

I am sure this is not going to happen. In all really important points they usually stay true to Canon and there John returns to Baker Street after Sherlock's return/Mary's death. Of course she is much more present than in Canon because we are meant to like her. And to understand what John loves about her. But I do not think that she will be part of the series for long. 

"To fake the death of one sibling may be regarded as a misfortune; to fake the death of both looks like carelessness." Oscar Wilde about Mycroft Holmes

"It is what it is says love." (Erich Fried)

“Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame. I’m also a great believer in treating others as you would like to be treated.” (Benedict Cumberbatch)

Posted by Ozma
January 7, 2014 10:46 am

Amanda has RT a tweet someone sent about wanting the BBC to confirm a 4th season - as I'm sure you've seen.

I don't know how to read this - of course she would want it to be reconfirmed even if she wasn't there, but I can't help but wonder if this means she will be in it.

I am inclined not to think so, because if yes, that means something really terrible is going to happen to either John or Sherlock. I don't think we'll have another (fake) death from either of the 2.

Maybe they will go ahead with Mrs Hudson's 'prediction' that they will drift apart... but again that would mean a reunion, and that is also not going to happen again...

Oh lord, I'm going crazy.

Posted by besleybean
January 7, 2014 5:00 pm

Well, we haven't long to wait!

Posted by Mary Me
January 7, 2014 6:19 pm

SilverMoonDragonB wrote:

tonnaree wrote:

I fear for my very soul.   




"Falling is just like flying, except there’s a more permanent destination."

"Sherlock Holmes is a great man, and I think one day—if we’re very very lucky—he might even be a good one."

"Would you like to-"
"-have dinner?"
"-solve crimes?"

Posted by besleybean
January 7, 2014 6:23 pm

I don't have one, but I am nervous!

Posted by silverblaze
January 7, 2014 7:30 pm

I'd like to have Mary survive, that'd mean that the Moftiss have thought of something original. 

Posted by lil
January 7, 2014 8:39 pm

Maybe everything will be ok'ish at the end..so we all spend 2 years or so speculating on the Mary/Baby thing... but then in S04E01 has the boys together again at Baker St. and it takes all 3 episodes to discover what happened to her/them and even then its a maybe .......... sounds like Mofftisssssss .

Last edited by lil (January 7, 2014 8:44 pm)

Posted by besleybean
January 7, 2014 8:43 pm

Amanda's just tweeted ' and boy what an episode'...whatever that means.

Posted by Wholocked
January 7, 2014 11:25 pm

Ozma wrote:

Amanda has RT a tweet someone sent about wanting the BBC to confirm a 4th season - as I'm sure you've seen.

I don't know how to read this - of course she would want it to be reconfirmed even if she wasn't there, but I can't help but wonder if this means she will be in it.

Amanda has been a part of Sherlock since the very beginning. She's adopted the fandom on Martin's behalf and we love her. Her role in Mary is not the central reasoning for that, it's Martin's role in it that is central to it.

So her tweet about confirming season 4 is more likely about Martin's continuation in the show than her own. She's very supportive of the show and the fans and always has been.

I dislike being outnumbered. It makes for too much stupid in the room

Posted by Ozma
January 7, 2014 11:34 pm

Thanks. I didn't really know much about her before her role as Mary.

On a different subject - I am terrified Sherlock will be seriously hurt in HLV. I really wouldn't be able to handle him being beaten or anything similar, again.  Really hope this is not the case.

Posted by sj4iy
January 7, 2014 11:36 pm

Ozma wrote:

Thanks. I didn't really know much about her before her role as Mary.

On a different subject - I am terrified Sherlock will be seriously hurt in HLV. I really wouldn't be able to handle him being beaten or anything similar, again.  Really hope this is not the case.

I'm betting he gets shot.  I have scant evidence to support that, but that's what I think XD

__________________________________________________________________Bigby: Will you shut up?
Colin: Well, maybe if my throat wasn’t so parched, I wouldn’t have to keep talking.
Bigby: Wait, that doesn’t make se-
Coline: Just give me a drink, please.
Posted by Ozma
January 7, 2014 11:38 pm

sj4iy wrote:

Ozma wrote:

Thanks. I didn't really know much about her before her role as Mary.

On a different subject - I am terrified Sherlock will be seriously hurt in HLV. I really wouldn't be able to handle him being beaten or anything similar, again.  Really hope this is not the case.

I'm betting he gets shot.  I have scant evidence to support that, but that's what I think XD

Shot (not fatally, of course) I can handle. Beaten, no

Posted by dartmoordoggers
January 7, 2014 11:52 pm

Ozma wrote:

sj4iy wrote:

Ozma wrote:

Thanks. I didn't really know much about her before her role as Mary.

On a different subject - I am terrified Sherlock will be seriously hurt in HLV. I really wouldn't be able to handle him being beaten or anything similar, again.  Really hope this is not the case.

I'm betting he gets shot.  I have scant evidence to support that, but that's what I think XD

Shot (not fatally, of course) I can handle. Beaten, no

I think its going to be worse than that. I think he may take up with an 'old friend'.

Posted by Ozma
January 7, 2014 11:55 pm

dartmoordoggers wrote:

Ozma wrote:

sj4iy wrote:

I'm betting he gets shot.  I have scant evidence to support that, but that's what I think XD

Shot (not fatally, of course) I can handle. Beaten, no

I think its going to be worse than that. I think he may take up with an 'old friend'.

what do you mean?

Posted by sj4iy
January 7, 2014 11:58 pm

dartmoordoggers wrote:

Ozma wrote:

sj4iy wrote:

I'm betting he gets shot.  I have scant evidence to support that, but that's what I think XD

Shot (not fatally, of course) I can handle. Beaten, no

I think its going to be worse than that. I think he may take up with an 'old friend'.

Maybe, but I don't really think so.  He only turns to drugs out of boredom...as long as he has a case, he doesn't bother.  But the trailer seems to show a person on the operating table and a surgeon (only surgeons wear a mask and a hair cover), and the hand seems to belong to Sherlock.  That to me equals traumatic injury.  Hence why I think he may get shot.

Last edited by sj4iy (January 7, 2014 11:59 pm)

__________________________________________________________________Bigby: Will you shut up?
Colin: Well, maybe if my throat wasn’t so parched, I wouldn’t have to keep talking.
Bigby: Wait, that doesn’t make se-
Coline: Just give me a drink, please.

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