Wow, this is a case of Deja Vu, folks. I had a member on my own sciene fiction message board (All Sci-Fi) who was offended by some things a few members said to him in PMs, and he asked to have his membership deleted.
I posted a couteous reply expressing my sincere regrets for any offense caused by me or the other members, and then I honored his request by removing him from our members list.
I've regretted doing that it ever since.
What I should have done was simply neglect to mention his request to be removed from the members list and left him on the roll. If he was really leaving and not coming back to the board, he'd never know I hadn't deleted his membership! And more importantly, if he ever changed his mind, he could come easily.
I burned his bridges and made it impossible for him to return without rejoining the board as a new member and feeling even more self-conscious about the whole situation than he would have otherwise.
Why am I saying all this?
Because I noticed that the dissatisfied and outspoken Mr. Be is still on the users list. I urge you to leave him right there, along with all his posts -- which you couldn't possible delete because it would make a mess of all the threads he started or contributed to. I'm sure he thought of that and knew you couldn't actually grant that request anyway.
So, I think you've done everything possile to encourage Mr. Be to reconsider his displeasure with this fine board and the amazing TV series to which it's devoted. Frankly I couldn't make heads or tails of his reasons for objecting to the Sherlock series. It seemed to have something to do with . . . his feeling that . . .
Oh, hell, I give up.
Hopefully this dedicated fan of Sherlock Holmes will reconsider his need to severe ties with the board and come back soon.
As I said in an earlier posts, a good debate is like fencing practice. You don't have to win to get a good workout. (Hmmmm. I think I'll make that my new signature!
Last edited by Bruce Cook (January 10, 2014 12:14 am)