dartmoordoggers wrote:
Whilst not posh; or upper class, they do look middle class or upper middle class. Certainly the clothes they wear say middle class or retired professional.
As for the 'coach', many older/retired people enjoy the midweek/long weekend breaks by coach. Many are quite expensive; particularly London, and are based around stays in 4 or 5 star hotels. They are also in their 70s so driving any distance would be a chore.
And their eldest would certainly be on a large salary, with plenty of perks; including a 'grace and favour' mansion. I don't doubt that he takes care of any financial 'worries' they might have.
nope. disagree about the clothes. I don't think you can tell that much from a British person's clothes anyway.
If they were as rich as Sherlock and Mycroft act then they would NOT be going on a midweek coach break package hotel deal. They would probably either fly or train to London. The point of those midweek breaks is that they are cheap.
Yes, they might be rich but immensely frugal but...I don't get that impression. I don't think that's what the writers are trying to communicate, especially with John's line about them being ordinary. They are normal, ordinary, lower or middle class probably, and hence like the overwhelming majority of Britons.
I'd point out that they are almost certainly financially comfortable now anyway, given how wealthy Mycroft is. So their clothes etc will be "nice", that doesn't tell us much. But they do buy a lottery ticket and they do travel on the coach. To me,those are things of habit.
I guess you see what you want to see here. For me., I am seeing a real effort to stretch our assumptions about the Holmes brothers, to make them from an ordinary background, to make us wonder what exactly happened, and I think that's pretty amazing. Best bit of the show for me :-)
Re the "other children" comment. I wondered about that too, but them being rich or not doesn't make a whole lot of difference. Even rich British kids don't have governnesses these days ;-). The ONLY explaination I can think of is that this Mycroft is not seven years olfer than Sherlock. But i don't think this works generally not least that there looks to be seven years or more between the actors. And there's the "I'll be mother" comment which makes a lot less sense in the context of them having had a loving, present mother. Unless its another classy dig at his sexual preferences...