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Posted by Liberty
April 17, 2017 2:54 pm

Of course!  But I do wonder if the fact that Peter has admitted to filming it, and that it's shown in the trailer is meant to confuse us and it's not actually going to happen after all!

Some bits that I liked:

Looking forward to next week!

Last edited by Liberty (April 17, 2017 2:54 pm)

Posted by besleybean
April 17, 2017 3:01 pm

Yes, I really think you can spot Seven's writing in the bits where he tackles cliches and grammar etc!
I had completely missed Pearl's character was called Bill!
I am looking forward to not being disturbed next week: this week I was settling down to enjoy, in fact I had just expressed my admiration for the opening set- when the phone rang!
I ran to answer it in case it was my son, when in fact it was Amazon, for my husband as there was a problem with his account.  He then sat with his lap top on and spent about 15 mins on the phone, before he got it all sorted.
He kept looking at the TV(cos we normally mute by default, when one of us is on a call!), but I don't think he dared ask me to tun it down!

Posted by Liberty
May 8, 2017 4:03 pm

It's quiet here!  How are we liking the new series?  I've enjoyed all the episodes so far.  Saturday's was great, and it made me think of TFP with all the horror references!  David Suchet was perfect, and had me in tears at the end!  What a brilliant actor!  Peter is my favourite Doctor by far (and he's up against some stiff competition!).   And I'm intrigued by the ending!

It's a Jamie Mathieson episode next, so I'm really looking forward to that!  (I think his previous episodes have been very good). 

We know that

is coming back at some point, so I might rewatch

to get me in the mood! 

Posted by besleybean
May 8, 2017 4:06 pm

I really liked the frost fair one.
A lot of this week's I couldn't watch, as I just don't do bugs!
I know another member of the forum struggled as well, but I don't know if for the same reason!

Last edited by besleybean (June 25, 2017 7:39 am)

Posted by Liberty
June 25, 2017 6:36 am

Only one more episode to go!  And it looks like Steven's going out with a bang rather than a whimper!   Last night's episode was fantastic!  It still doesn't top my favourite episode (Heaven Sent - same Moffat/Talalay/Capaldi combo!), but it was the best of this series, and this has been a very good series.   It might even be my favourite series because I think Nardole and Bill

are such great companions!   Anyway, I loved the mix of comedy/sci-fi/horror/tragedy, and I got so absorbed that I forgot about the spoilers we've had and didn't pick up on the heavily hinted "surprises" until just before they were revealed, so they really were surprises for me!  I'm really looking forward to next week, but with some sadness.   We've had Sherlock feeling like an ending and now the end of an era of Doctor Who all within a few months! 

At least we now know the Doctor's real name.  Just as I suspected!

Posted by besleybean
June 25, 2017 7:44 am

Yes the name thing had me puzzled until I realised I hadn't actually missed anything!
Yes well I knew about erm...I don't really do spoiler boxes, but actually nobody else seems to be reading this thread anyway, so I tempted just to say!
Anyhow it was funny, because I kept looking at his character and thinking:  I know that guy.  What really got me was that he both looked an sounded a bit like Mark,, but I just knew he was far too short!
On the monster thing, well, to me it was so obvious what they were, they even looked like I thought the Doctor was a bit slow there.
So are we to see the exit of both main actors next week?

Posted by Liberty
June 25, 2017 8:17 am

Yes, it seems to be just us this season, and I suppose anyone else who looks in will already have seen the latest episode, so maybe we don't need to bother about spoilers!

I was almost as slow as the Doctor!  What with knowing that the Mondasian cybermen were back but didn't cotton on to what the patients were until they showed Bill the head attachment, and knowing that John Simm was back ... well, I had been waiting for him to appear, but for some reason just didn't suspect who he was until he met Missy, even though there was clearly something up with the character.   Actually in retrospect, I think my slowness might have been due to the fact that I watched it after three glasses of wine, having done my Saturday night out earlier in the day!  

Yes, I'm still wondering if Peter is really going to go next week, and not stay for the Christmas special.   I suppose we don't actually need to see who he regenerates into next week, but it could wait for Christmas day?   And I wonder which Master is going to make it through to the Chris Chibnall era?   I'm sad about Bill and Nardole going.    It's going to feel very, very new. 

Posted by besleybean
June 25, 2017 8:21 am

I'm sad about them all going, Steven in particular as he is my fave...
I did get a little lump in my throat when I saw it was Rachel and Steven together...hey and 2 Sherlockian actors in the episode!
The nurse, wasn't she the lady(who Martin was at drama school with) who flat shares with the journo who was murdered in TBB? Oh no it's not's TGG and it's the star gazer...
Plus the Smurf was Mary's ex!...David?

Posted by Liberty
June 25, 2017 8:37 am

I missed both the nurse and the Smurf being Sherlock actors!   I suppose the blue make-up helped to disguise the actor, or maybe it was just the effect of the wine!  I must watch the episode again.   Well spotted, BB!

I do really hope Steven returns as a writer, because he has written some real crackers of episodes.  I got the impression that he's gone for good, though.   Mark may be back but I don't enjoy his episodes as much as Steven's (although the last one was fun). 

Posted by besleybean
June 25, 2017 10:43 am

Well I think I spotted the nurse, Alison the actress is and it was just a case of me thinking I knew the Smurf and somebody on Twitter said who he was!

Posted by Liberty
June 25, 2017 11:15 am

I know it doesn't make sense, but I've been thinking about Missy being the new Doctor.  Obviously the current Doctor couldn't just become her.   But I wonder if he could look just like her and take on some of her characteristics - in fact he already copied his looks from the character Peter played in The Fires of Pompeii (not to mention looking a lot like Frobisher in Torchwood)!    And at the moment, we're stuck with two Masters, so likely one is going to go.  There's been the whole storyline with the Doctor turning Missy into a good person, and her pretending to be the Doctor and calling herself Doctor Who. It all feels like foreshadowing.   Plus no announcement of the new Doctor being cast, despite the current one apparently being about to regenerate.  

I suspect not, as it looks like Chris Chibnall is going to start with a clean slate, and Missy is very much a Moffat creation.  But it's a fun idea! 

Posted by besleybean
June 25, 2017 12:00 pm

I also had that thought about Missy and I could live with it.

Posted by JP
June 25, 2017 12:12 pm

Not really knowing what you are talking about story-wise, because I only watch DW occasionally. But I did watch the last ep and also had a little Sherlock deja vu: do you recognize the location?

Posted by besleybean
June 25, 2017 12:14 pm

The corridor where John is running looking for Sherlock.
I forgot to mention noticing this!

Posted by JP
June 25, 2017 7:52 pm

I also had a weird feeling the kitchen was the same as the one they used in that Twitter Sherlock Live thingy, but it surely isn't. Also this line, which rang a bell, is probably quite common:

Funny I also thought MG is among the cast, someone did sound like him for a split second.

Posted by besleybean
June 25, 2017 7:54 pm

Yes on both counts, but ....SPOILER ALERT!

Having just seen the trailer for the next episode:
I am now convinced of 2 things..
Firstly, thankfully, looks like Bill may make it.
Secondly, I do think Missy is the new Doctor.

Posted by JP
June 25, 2017 8:43 pm

besleybean wrote:

The corridor where John is running looking for Sherlock.
I forgot to mention noticing this!

And also Sherlock's MP in HLV!

Posted by besleybean
June 25, 2017 8:44 pm

Of course.

Posted by Liberty
June 25, 2017 8:56 pm

Well, I hope we haven't spoiled ourselves over Missy!  I was wondering if it could be John Simm too - if they'd deliberately told us he was back because they're hiding why he's back?   Either would be good, although Missy/Michelle would make more sense to people newer to the show. 

Anyway, I'm a bit confused about the timey-wimey stuff.  If the Master is Missy's previous incarnation, then surely she would remember the whole thing, and that s/he was in disguise, etc?  She does seem surprised when the Master is revealed.  Or is she just having us on and she has been planning this all along?  She seems to have a thing for Cybermen, after all.   Or is the Master a future incarnation, who looks the same?   I was even toying with the idea of him being the Doctor's future incarnation coming back and meeting himself, but he seems too obviously evil, whereas Missy is more ambiguous 

Posted by besleybean
June 25, 2017 8:58 pm

I think the latter, too.


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