In TRF on the roof Moriarty points out that Sherlock's weakness is that he wants everything to be clever.
Found this quote in The Sign of the Four. Watson wonders whether Holmes can be wrong:
Was it not possible that his nimble and speculative mind had built up this wild theory upon faulty premises? I had never known him to be wrong; and yet the keenest reasoner may occasionally be deceived. He was likely, I thought, to fall into error through the over-refinement of his logic,—his preference for a subtle and bizarre explanation when a plainer and more commonplace one lay ready to his hand. Yet, on the other hand, I had myself seen the evidence, and I had heard the reasons for his deductions. When I looked back on the long chain of curious circumstances, many of them trivial in themselves, but all tending in the same direction, I could not disguise from myself that even if Holmes's explanation were incorrect the true theory must be equally outre and startling.
John driving to the trial to Sherlock: Remember, don’t try to be clever. Just keep it simple and brief.
Sherlock to John after his appearance in court: I can’t turn it on and off like a tab.
Moriarty points out a problem that occurs when analyzing evidence. Especially if you are a person like Sherlock who can easily see through everything and everyone in seconds but who is also ignorant to some everyday knowledge, social behavior and sentiment. Being too clever can be a serious problem.
Sometimes a dead person is just that. People die. That’s what people do.
A dead man and a gun can mean: Murder, suicide, accident, murder disguised to look like suicide, suicide to look like murder to accuse somebody else.
The task of an investigator/profiler/detective is to find out what really happened to provide this exact kind of evidence. Footprints can be footprints of the murderer or footprints of an innocent person’s shoes made by the murderer. It’s a matter of the right perspective.
The Connie Prince case has an investigator who trys to be too clever (John). He thinks the poison was on the cat’s claws.
Sherlock: Too random and too clever for the brother.
Sherlock solves the Connie Prince case. No weakness there.
Last edited by Be (May 23, 2013 2:03 pm)