Eurovision 2024 Malmö

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Posted by Yitzock
April 12, 2024 7:02 pm

That's cool that you got to see them live. I can't remember, did you go to one of these last year, too? Or did you just watch the pre-parties online?

Wiwibloggs posted the videos, so I've started taking a look at some of the ones you mentioned. "Doomsday Blue" isn't really my cup of tea, but she is an energetic performer.
"We Will Rave" kind of sounds to me like something from Dance Dance Revolution. Not really my favourite style. 
I think I will look up another version of "Ulveham" because I'm not sure the audio quality of this performance is the best, but the song went in a direction I wasn't expecting.
Not sure about "The Tower" as a song yet but I think her voice is not bad, but it does sound off at times in this performance, as you mentioned.
I listened to "Mon Amour" and I noticed it was partly in French, then he seemed to switch to English near the end (I had trouble making out the lyrics, though). I like it when he sings in the higher notes. I think I will look up another version of this one, too.
"Rim Tim Tagi Dim" is kind of fun. I can see how this could get an audience excited and having fun.

Clueing for looks.
Posted by Liberty
April 12, 2024 8:31 pm

I only watched online last year! So this is the first time I've been to one. I'm really glad I went but it was very expensive (by my standards) especially when paying for a central London hotel, train, etc. and there were train strikes. It seemed badly organised and ended up running about two hours late. They also ran out of water, so with queueing as well we were standing for about eight hours with no water (and no food or breaks). It was very hot and people were fainting. I think tickets were from about £100 to over £600! (I think the very expensive tickets did get food and a seat).

I've watched the wiwibloggs videos and they feel kind of odd as they don't seem to include the audience reactions. Or maybe it was just me being at the front, but there was a lot of singing along, for instance with Doomsday Blue (everyone singing "I, I, I know you're living a lie"). Or the cheering when Slimane came back to the mic after his acapella bit!  It's more obvious in this clip from a TV performance the other day:

I don't think I've mentioned Denmark, Moldova, Luxembourg. They didn't stand out for me, although all performed well. Albania, Spain and Serbia were supposed to be performing but couldn't make it which was a shame.

Posted by Yitzock
April 16, 2024 3:27 pm

That sounds like quite an odyssey to get there! That's too bad that there was a confluence of problems/challenges. I hope the people who fainted are OK now. That does sound kind of expensive, though I suppose some concerts go for a lot more than that.

Clueing for looks.
Posted by besleybean
May 7, 2024 5:59 pm

I saw Olly on Blue Peter...
God, wondered where I knew him from...
It's a Sin!
Not actually heard him sing, or at least I wasn't paying attention or whatever...
anyhow, wondered if anybody had any thoughts on the calls for boycotts?

Posted by Liberty
May 8, 2024 6:16 am

Some of the artists (including Olly) made a statement about it. Bambie Thug in particular did another statement as well, but the gist of it was that they thought it was better to be there. Bambie did have pro-Palestinian messages in their costume but had to change it before being allowed to perform.

The security is really high this year, so it's going to be difficult: I can't actually make the show now unfortunately but will see Eurovision village.  Of course there's another train strike so hoping I get there OK!

Posted by besleybean
May 8, 2024 4:21 pm

Wishing you all the best!

Posted by Yitzock
May 8, 2024 8:47 pm

I heard there was some criticism levelled at Bambie. I am also seeing a lot of criticism of other things, including the ban on Palestinian flags at the event. It reminds me of how in my own my own area, there has been a move to ban people from wearing keffiyeh in the Ontario legislative assembly, which I also think is a wrong move. Ulda from Gagnamagnið said she had to go through mutliple people to get perfmission to wave the pansexual flag in 2021, so she's not surprised by the unwillingness to let people wave other flags other than the official ones of hte participating countries.
I honestly don't know how I'm feeling about Eurovision in general this year. I understand why people are upset and want to boycott, but I don't know if it would make a difference. And I understand why artists would still want to perform, even if they have their own objections to the situation.
I haven't been following super-closely, for a variety of reasons, and I have refrained from interacting with anything about it on Tumblr, for or against, even though I have posted about it in previous years just because I don't want to get involved in a discussion I don't feel prepared to engage in. But I was curious how you were feeling about it as well.

Last edited by Yitzock (May 8, 2024 8:49 pm)

Clueing for looks.
Posted by Yitzock
May 10, 2024 5:50 pm

Just popping in to say that I saw something about Eric Saade performing with a keffiyeh and speaking out against the ban on the flag, and why it's important to him to be performing in the face of what's going on with Eurovision/the EBU.

Clueing for looks.
Posted by Liberty
May 15, 2024 8:10 am

I do have some thoughts on it, but probably too long for here! I think the artists probably did the right thing by not boycotting, although in the end attempts to speak out were thwarted. Iolanda (Portugal) did have nails with a keffiyah pattern, though. From what I read there was bullying backstage ... and it looks like it was not an easy time for some of the contestants.\

I'm delighted with the results though! I watched the second semi-final in a hostel in Copenhagen, and Switzerland was so good! I have seen some people aren't happy because Croatia won the public vote, but this happens all the time. I loved Croatia on first listen, but thought Switzerland was more interesting and an amazing voice and performance.  It's a shame that Norway were last: I loved them! I suppose they were most similar to Australia from last year, and Australia didn't get much televote either.  But nice to see Ireland doing so well with both the juries and the audience vote.\

In the end I didn't get to see either of the live performances I had tickets for (long story) but had a good time socialising, seeing Copenhagen (where I was staying), soaking up the Eurovision atmosphere, and of course, going to the Lord of the Lost concert (Germany's entry last year). The concert was incredible! They did a usual set but also did an acoustic set of Eurovision hits and it was just the most amazing experience. I'm already making provisional hotel bookings in Swiss cities for next year!

Last edited by Liberty (May 15, 2024 8:10 am)

Posted by Yitzock
May 15, 2024 7:00 pm

Sounds like you had a nice trip! I'm glad you had a good time even if not everything worked out exactly as planned.
I didn't watch the semifinals or the final this year because of other stuff going on with me and other things I had to do, but later on I watched Nemo's performance. I can't properly compare to the other performances and songs at this moment, but I thought their voice had quite a range and that the performance was visually interesting and exciting, so I think it's a deserving win. I read a bit about their press conference afterwards, too, talking a little bit about the situation in the world, which I appreciated.

Clueing for looks.


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