When did you realise the first theory was fake?

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Posted by Marta
May 31, 2014 7:26 pm

I was talking to a friend about The Empty Hearse and she told me she didn't realise the first explanation was fake until Sherlock kissed Molly - and even then she wasn't sure I was surprised because I thought everyone went suspicious right after Sherlock jumped and there was a rope - I watched The Reichenbach Fall ten/hundred/write your number times, do you really expect me to believe I didn't notice a gigantic rope? The music was also a clue So, when did you realise the first explanation was fake? 

Also, I completely forgot Moffat's words about "the teasing" we get in the episode and before Sherlock jumped, I really believed we get the explanation at the very beginning of the episode. I was so naive

Quidquid Latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
Posted by MartaSt
May 31, 2014 8:00 pm

Well, it's shame to admit but I was tricked to the end. I realised that it was false only after Lestrade said "Bollocks!" While watching first scene of TEH I thought: "Seriously, that's the solution? Moriarty's mask, bungee? Well it's a little bit far-fetched, but well who am I to complain about producers ideas. It's their vision, but not a good one though." But when I saw this scene with Lestrade and Anderson it was like: "O, that was fake. Ufff, thank God, this riddiculous theory wasn't real." I really honestly believed that first scene has to be explanation so not even tiny thought that something with this picture is wrong came to my mind. So, Marta, I think I'm the biggest naive person here xD

But my small defence is that at this time I knew nothing about Moffat and Gatiss and their "trolling", I found out that later, when I finished all series.


"Hey, chief, I might be wrong, but I think we're flying into a mountain. This makes me feel... scared of the mountain.
One thing we could do is pull up and fly over the mountain. How does that sound to...
Posted by SolarSystem
May 31, 2014 8:19 pm

I thought it looked all pretty convincing until I saw that bungee cord. That was the moment when I thought that something was definitely wrong. I mean, Mofftiss love to play all sorts of tricks on us all the time, but a bungee cord...? No way!

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Posted by Marta
May 31, 2014 8:58 pm

I actually liked the idea with a mask, it was a good mask Sometimes I think it's better idea than the one with Sherlock's look-alike. But I couldn't accept a bungee jump as a part of the solution. Ever.

Marta, you might made a good point about differences between reactions of viewers who were familiar with the fandom and those who weren't. Yes, I suppose you are much more cautious and sceptic when you know Steven and Mark Don't be ashamed, they are really good in their craft!

Quidquid Latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
Posted by Mattlocked
May 31, 2014 9:03 pm

I kind of believed it (well, I went like: "What? I mean: WHAT??? No!!! Come on!!") - until Sherlock kissed Molly. 


"After all this time?" "Always."
Good bye, Lord Rickman of the Alan
Posted by maryagrawatson
May 31, 2014 9:09 pm

When I saw the bungee cord, I was annoyed, thinking they were trying to pull a fast one on us and retconning a cord in TRBF. But as soon as we got the hair ruffle, I was sure it was a joke, and that was confirmed with the kiss. OMG, the kiss. (I'm a Sherlock/Molly shipper)


Last edited by maryagrawatson (May 31, 2014 9:09 pm)

John: That's clever. So you scratch their backs and...
Sherlock: Yes. And then disinfect myself.
Posted by Zatoichi
June 1, 2014 5:34 am

I was sceptical at first, thinking "honestly, a bungee cord? No way..".. Up to the hair ruffle. Then I was too distracted and spellbound to even care..  Next thing I remember is laughing out loud when they cut to Lestrade and Anderson.. Another one of his theories to continue their conversation in Many Happy Returns.. I didn't expect that. Hilarious..!!  I guess I only realized then what they did (didn't read about the teasing and trolling either..).

Last edited by Zatoichi (June 1, 2014 5:36 am)

Posted by Jasmine
June 1, 2014 6:13 am

Unfortunately (or tragically, if I want to be melodramatic) I'd accidentally read a spoiler of TEH and HLV, so I knew that the scene at the beginning is just Anderson's theory. It was completely ruined for me. *wistful sigh*

But I think I would've either been speechless with disbelief or realized immediately that something was up if I hadn't read that goddamn spoiler. Because we saw what was happening to Sherlock in TRF. We saw that nothing was attached to him, at least not something large enough for us to see. Most likely I would've been angry ("WHAT? NO! YOU CAN'T DO THAT! YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THIS TRIPE?") up until The Hair Ruffle (yes, with capital letters). That was far too dramatic to be real.

Something funny just occured to me. You know how the cast sit together and read the script for the first time, out loud and in charachter?
Well, in one of those "extra" videos from (I think) Uncovering Sherlock, we see them in one of those sessions for TEH, and Moffat is telling them, "This is the big reveal. Please, keep it to yourself. Don't even tell your loved ones." and they proceed to read. Later, when Rupert Graves says, "Bollocks!", everyone burst out laughing. I just wonder what were they thinking while reading the script up until that point. They didn't have the sexy soundtrack or the dramatic air of the whole thing to tip them off. 

"The game is never over, John. But there may be some new players now. That's OK; the East Wind takes us all in the end."
Posted by Sherlock Holmes
June 6, 2014 11:47 am

For me, it was the Derren Brown moment when I realised it wasn't the genuine explanation. I remember seeing those pics in the setlock spoilers and knowing that it would never be part of the real one. 

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Posted by anjaH_alias
June 6, 2014 11:58 am

Actually when he kissed Molly .

Posted by KeepersPrice
June 6, 2014 12:16 pm

When I saw the big bungee cord and smashing through the window - which was nowhere in evidence in TRF.

And I said "dangerous" and here you are.

You. It's always you. John Watson, you keep me right.

Posted by besleybean Online!
June 6, 2014 4:28 pm

I really can't remember...
But I certainly laughed out loud at the  ' Bollocks' comment!

Posted by Mattlocked
June 7, 2014 6:06 am

Right, me too. And then I called something like: Ha! I knew it was a fake! 


"After all this time?" "Always."
Good bye, Lord Rickman of the Alan
Posted by besleybean Online!
June 7, 2014 7:38 am

Possibly me too!

Posted by miriel68
June 12, 2014 9:36 am

I cannot remember clearly, but I was putt off by the music and was growing gradually suspicious. The mask made me feel uneasy and when I saw the rope it was kind of a relief, actually, because we exchanged glances with my (obviously sherlocked, too) friend and enjoyed the silliness of the rest of the scene.

Posted by tykobrian
September 8, 2014 5:21 pm

The heavy metal music game it away. It's completely opposite of the score they use in the show. And maybe that's exactly why they put it there.

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Posted by silverblaze
September 9, 2014 4:04 pm

Bungee cord. Definately. I just knew Moftiss would be better than that. How much better is of course up for debate. 


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