Mary's Death

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Posted by besleybean
May 3, 2016 5:43 am

Yes I'm a firm believer in programme makers being allowed to present their vision on TV, we're just fortunate if we share that that vision!
On the point of do Mary and baby have to die, well no of course they don't have to.

Posted by kgreen20
May 3, 2016 6:34 pm

RavenMorganLeigh wrote:

kgreen20 wrote:

RavenMorganLeigh wrote:

Question: what makes people so sure that Mary and the baby will die off the show at all? It's quite possible that they'll both stay on for the duration of the series.

Because that's what happened to Mary in canon, just as ACD Sherlock went through the hiatus in canon.  And while Moffat and Gatiss have not followed canon to the letter (for example, John and Mary meet long before Sherlock's hiatus in canon, not while he's supposedly dead), they have honored it so far.

They also contend that there's nothing in canon that says she actually dies.

If you mean that none of the stories come right out and say that she died, you're right.  But whose death could ACD have been alluding to in "The Empty House," if not Mary's?  And why would John sell his practice and move back to Baker Street if Mary were still alive?  We know he didn't divorce her; they loved each other to the end.  So, yes, it is canon, even though her death was never directly stated.


Posted by besleybean
May 3, 2016 6:35 pm

That's how I've always understood it.



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