Game of Thrones

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Posted by Lola Red
June 10, 2015 1:07 pm

For some reason Dany's storyline has failed to capture my interest ever since her and Kahl Drogo's way so sadly parted. I loved her development in the 1st season but since then for some reason it just did not really work for me (even if she is surrounded by some fine-looking gentlemen). But then again I might be one of three viewer who is actually interested in Bran's storyline and not just for hearing Hodor say "hodor". I am a real fan of Osha (where are you?), and the Reeds. I actually missed them this season, but I get that they are a bit low on the action front and hard to fit in with the more plot driven storylines. 

We balance probabilities and choose the most likely. It is the scientific use of the imagination.    
Posted by tonnaree
June 10, 2015 3:40 pm

Stannis has damned himself to the Seven Hells.

Proud President and Founder of the OSAJ.  
Honorary German  
"Anyone who takes himself too seriously always runs the risk of looking ridiculous; anyone who can consistently laugh at himself does not".
 -Vaclav Havel 
"Life is full of wonder, Love is never wrong."   Melissa Ethridge

I ship it harder than Mrs. Hudson.
Posted by Davina
June 12, 2015 6:27 pm

Stannis (and hopefully THAT woman) deserve a terrible retribution/punishment of some kind. I am waiting for a fiery sword! Bran et al will be back next season. Meanwhile...we have to survive the season finale! Eek!    I cannot wait and worried all the same. 

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.
Posted by tonnaree
June 13, 2015 1:44 am

I am not emotionally prepared.

Proud President and Founder of the OSAJ.  
Honorary German  
"Anyone who takes himself too seriously always runs the risk of looking ridiculous; anyone who can consistently laugh at himself does not".
 -Vaclav Havel 
"Life is full of wonder, Love is never wrong."   Melissa Ethridge

I ship it harder than Mrs. Hudson.
Posted by Davina
June 17, 2015 11:20 am

Oh....       And now...the LONG wait begins. Sniff...

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.
Posted by Davina
February 16, 2016 11:30 pm


Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.
Posted by ukaunz
February 16, 2016 11:33 pm

I just watched the new trailer. They're not giving much away!


Posted by besleybean
February 17, 2016 6:39 am

I still need to get the dvd for last series and then I probably wont watch more.
Mark was the highlight for me!

Posted by Davina
February 22, 2016 11:23 pm

Very much looking forward to the new series starting. So many threads hanging...Arya, Jon, Danaerys, Cersei, Sansa and obviously we will get more of the Bran storyline this season. Not forgetting Ser Jorah, Jaime and the gloriously potty-mouthed Bronn!

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.
Posted by Liberty
April 24, 2019 11:00 am

I have got a temporary sub which has allowed me to catch up on Game of Thrones - yes, all 69 episodes so far!  It has been quite a project, but I'm really glad to have been able to do it band watch the final series as it airs. 

I haven't read the books, but I believe the series has now gone beyond the books with guidance from GRRM and some changes have been made, so it's purely a TV show at the moment.  Mark's character is good fun, and I'm hoping he'll be back  - I can certainly see a reason why he might be.  I do have a couple of favourite characters that I'm rooting for, and kind of dreading the next episode as some story arcs seem to be finished and I can imagine a few people dying off, although I suspect my favourite is going to hang on a bit longer! 

Posted by besleybean
April 24, 2019 3:44 pm

Yeah, I really only watch for Mark.

Posted by Liberty
April 24, 2019 8:27 pm

That's quite a lot of hours, just for Mark! 

Posted by besleybean
April 24, 2019 8:29 pm

Well as I've mentioned previously, I am behind and I usually just have it on while I am on here and just perk up at Mark's appearances!
I have also previously mentioned that I can't watch two thirds of it, as I don't do either sex or violence...the dragons are cool, though.
I only read the first book and for me, the sexual violence was worse in that.



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