How will Sherlock clear his name?

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Posted by nicbooful
July 6, 2013 6:25 am

The best way to prove his innocence is to get the media on his side as they are very effective in swaying public opinions. If someone is villified in the press then the public usually follow. The same goes for someone loved by the press. As long as they report Sherlock as innocent and give evidence to back it up then the public will side with Sherlock.

Moriarty threatened his legal team into mounting no defence and threatened all of the juror's families. If this was reported it would show how evil he was and Sherlock faking his death, and taking out Moriarty's network, could show that he has protected these people, and their families, too. Sherlock will be the hero.

And lets not forget Mycroft. He will do something to ensure everything is okay for Sherlock.

He does love to be dramatic.
Well, thank god you're above all that!
Posted by the_dancing_woman
July 6, 2013 7:52 am

nicbooful wrote:

The best way to prove his innocence is to get the media on his side as they are very effective in swaying public opinions. If someone is villified in the press then the public usually follow. The same goes for someone loved by the press. As long as they report Sherlock as innocent and give evidence to back it up then the public will side with Sherlock.

Moriarty threatened his legal team into mounting no defence and threatened all of the juror's families. If this was reported it would show how evil he was and Sherlock faking his death, and taking out Moriarty's network, could show that he has protected these people, and their families, too. Sherlock will be the hero.

And lets not forget Mycroft. He will do something to ensure everything is okay for Sherlock.

Sounds good to me, and as we know Sherlock he certainly is to be counted on having an ace up his sleeve when it comes to uncovering Moriarty's true nature (maybe his cast aside mobile will figure in this in some way).

True is that basically Sherlock doesn't need a public image to operate as a private detective, but him being famous is such an integral part of having all those peculiar and interesting cases brought forward to him (at least in the canon and also in episodes 4-6), so I think he will have to come to terms with the public media rather early on.

So excited about the new cases - and I am looking forward to the deductions! Also can't wait to see if the new episodes are as beautifully shot as the last ones were, but I assume they will just outdo themselves once more
Wonderful feeling to know that whatever we will get, it will be of outstanding quality!


"When you walk with Sherlock Holmes, you see the battlefield" M.H.

"My brother has the brain of scientist or a philosopher, and yet he elects to be a detective...what might we deduce about his heart?" M.H.

"Home is now behind you, the world is ahead."
Posted by Deilenn
July 8, 2013 11:10 am

That's quite interesting what way he's going to prove he's innocent.. It's likely he will not even want it at first, as we know he doesn't care what people think about him. He is happy as long as he gets another and another cases and can deduce and use his brain to solve them :]

But surely he'll long to prove Moriarty was real and there was no Richard Brook, so he's going to focus on this case - which may also result in clearing Sherlock's name. Or he'll get a case of so great importance (national or even international) and by solving it people will pay tribute to him again. 


The Road goes ever on and on...
Posted by Chiblits
July 10, 2013 4:11 am

Since everyone thinks he's dead won't they simply forget about him (not entirely of course)?  I mean once someone dies all the hype about them, in this case Sherlock, disappears with him.  My thoughts at first was that people will put him on the back burner (as we say) and now really Sherlock can go about his business once again in private.  John was saying how he should find a smaller less popular case to attract little attention and now he can do that because everyone believes he is dead.

Also since Mycroft is practically the British Government as Sherlock has said countless times, I'm sure they can come up with something.  Even if people now think that Sherlock is a phony, it could take one big important case to change his name around as people seemed to worship him one second then hate him the next (like that reporter woman, even though she worshipped in hopes of getting her big scoop for the paper) that sense people may hate him one second then love him the next....

Ahhhhh I suppose we truly have to wait for it all to come together >_< This weekend I plan to rewatch the whole series.

Posted by Davina
July 10, 2013 6:19 am

Agree with much you say here EXCEPT when someone dies the hype surrounding them does not necessarily disappear with them.

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.
Posted by kittykat
July 10, 2013 10:02 pm

The scene in Hounds at the Hollow, when Henry finds out the truth and attacks Frankland, he asks why Frankland didn't just kill him. Sherlock says, "Because dead men get listened to."

Any thoughts?


Dean - "I'm not happy about it. But I got to move on. So I'm gonna keep doing what we do...while I still can. And I'd like you to be there with me."

Sam - "I'm your brother, Dean, if you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you got someone right here next to you."

Posted by Russell
July 11, 2013 3:38 am

kittykat wrote:

The scene in Hounds at the Hollow, when Henry finds out the truth and attacks Frankland, he asks why Frankland didn't just kill him. Sherlock says, "Because dead men get listened to."

Any thoughts?

Huh...  nice comment on the similarity!  I liked.  Comparison that came to my mind is, though, say one person tries to raise a stink about something indefinite they think is wrong, do so for a while, and no one believes them.  Like Henry.  People start chalking them off.  Unless, of course, that person gets oddly killed, then yes, they start to wonder/listen to the dead man, if it seemed suspicious. 
Another person may speak up to a couple others about the thing that's wrong, but don't raise a big stink about it, or don't do it for a very long time.  Like Sherlock.  So, many people believe the rumors are true, and when he 'dies', instead of thinking anything is suspicious, they probably went 'oh, what a shame, it was true and he killed himself because of it'.  Which just makes it trickier to prove he was 'framed' and what they heard was a lie.  ;P


We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants.  I wouldn't hold out too much hope!

Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay!

I'm working my way up the greasy pole.  It's… very greasy.  And…  pole-shaped.
Posted by kittykat
July 11, 2013 4:25 pm

Did Moriarty die in the canon? I hear rumours that he returns in Series the hell did he survive? 

And I am not impressed with Mycroft's behaviour, selling his brother out like that


Dean - "I'm not happy about it. But I got to move on. So I'm gonna keep doing what we do...while I still can. And I'd like you to be there with me."

Sam - "I'm your brother, Dean, if you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you got someone right here next to you."

Posted by Davina
July 11, 2013 9:05 pm

Yes Moriarty died at The Reichenbach Falls. The rumours have been pretty much quashed by Moftiss. Who says Mycroft sold his brother out?

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.
Posted by Mary Me
July 11, 2013 9:12 pm

There are therories out there which suggest that Sherlock might have recorded the conversation with Moriarty with his smartphone. And he leaves his phone on the roof. So it would be pretty obvious how he planned to clear his name. I like to entertain the thought. Dead men get listen to. 
I love how sometimes everything fits in the picture.


"Falling is just like flying, except there’s a more permanent destination."

"Sherlock Holmes is a great man, and I think one day—if we’re very very lucky—he might even be a good one."

"Would you like to-"
"-have dinner?"
"-solve crimes?"

Posted by tonnaree
July 11, 2013 9:29 pm

kittykat wrote:

Did Moriarty die in the canon? I hear rumours that he returns in Series the hell did he survive? 

And I am not impressed with Mycroft's behaviour, selling his brother out like that

If he's seen in Series 3 I think it will be a flashback or dream.

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I ship it harder than Mrs. Hudson.
Posted by Sherlock Holmes
July 12, 2013 6:55 pm

Yup, he's definitely dead.

I like the idea of Sherlock recording the phone call too. That's why he dumped his phone on top of St Barts. I'm not sure that's true though, I don't think they'll actually use that, idea.

Eventually everyone will support Johnlock.

Independent OSAJ Affiliate

Posted by HL0000
October 6, 2013 10:28 am

The phone theory is really good! Though I still don't get why Sherlock had to tell John that he's a fake. Did he not trust him to keep his secret or he just wanted to keep John from looking for him and fall into dangers?? Either way, if he indeed was recording his conversation with Moriarty, do you think he also recorded his conversation with John???? And for what purpose???

Posted by sirlockofthesher
November 19, 2013 8:42 pm

Dead Men do get listened to.I think the phone is meant for Mycroft. Sherlock was sent after Moriarty to retrieve the "code" by Mycroft-and he did.

I also think that Moriarty plans were short term leading to the death of Sherlock and allowing with deeper investigation and the realization that Rich Brook was the real person and Moriarty was the created person to pull of the criminal activities.

During the police investigation into the kidnapping-Moriarty/Rich Brook involvement will become known through the Father's Involvement (the ambassador to the US)  There are political shiftings read by John to Sherlock when they are trying to find a case-I think this will play in here somehow.

Sherlock will get back into the press' good graces by returning back to work with the police and solving another big crime with the backstory stating that Sherlock was set-up through the kidnapping investigation. 
That's what I think will happen. Is January here yet? Can't I just skip the holidays and fastfoward to what I really want for Christmas?

Sherlock Holmes, "Perfectly sound analysis but I was hoping you'd go deeper."


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